Schindler: Zirkus Furioso - CD, Choir Coach, multimedia | Carus-Verlag

Peter Schindler Zirkus Furioso

Ein Zirkusmusical für alle Kinder unter 100

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Enjoy a very special musical-audio play: Everything seems to be going wrong at "Circus Allegro". Bruno the Bear refuses to appear on stage, his assistant, Bella Stella, has disappeared, and finally, even the tiger escapes! Circus director Ricardo Grande has to improvise constantly. Luckily, his new assistant, clumsy August the Clown, always has a brilliant idea just at the right time. And in the end Circus Director Pimpelmoser is very happy again. The children's choir of Radio Berlin and members of the German Big Band of the German Opera Berlin transport listeners to the furious world of the circus as musically portrayed by composer Peter Schindler. The colorful musical switches between music and the spoken text, which tells the exciting, amusing tale centered around Director Pimpelmoser and his merry troupe. Clear the ring for Circus Allegro!
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Ecouter (35)
  • Acheter l´œuvre sous forme de CD ou de fichier à télécharger.
  • Ouvertüre
  • Lied 1: Hereinspaziert!
  • Text 1: Willkommen ...
  • Lied 2: Das kleine Zirkuspferd
  • Text 2: Dankeschön ...
  • Lied 3: Fakir Fanfalo
  • Text 3: Nun komme eine Nummer ...
  • Lied 4: Glucker-di-gluck
  • Text 4: Meine Damen und Herren ...
  • Lied 5: Der Bär ist nackt
  • Text 5: Was soll das heißen?
  • Lied 6: Seiltänzerin Graziosa
  • Text 6: Danke, danke ...
  • Lied 7: O, du lieber Augustin
  • Text 7: Na also, geht doch! ...
  • Lied 8: Messerwerfer Jack
  • Text 8: Sie haben mich gerufen? ...
  • Lied 9: Signor Vulcano
  • Text 9: Das mit dem eiskalten Wasser ...
  • Lied 10: Seifenblase, riesengroß!
  • Text 10: Liebe Zirkusbesucher ...
  • Lied 11: Hokuspokus, Zaubertuch!
  • Text 11: Meine Damen und Herren! ...
  • Lied 12: Jingeling-Jing-Jong
  • Text 12: Der Bär ist da! ...
  • Lied 13: Hier tanzt der Bär
  • Text 13: Wo bloß der Direktor bleibt? ...
  • Lied 14: Harry Houdini
  • Text 14: Ah, der Herr Direktor Pimpelmoser ...
  • Lied 15: Chico, der Elefant
  • Text 15: Der Tiger ist weg ...
  • Lied 16: Wo ist der Tiger?
  • Text 16: Da ist ja der Tiger! ...
  • Lied 17: Hereinspaziert! (Reprise)
  • Finale
disque compact Carus 12.826/99, EAN 4009350128262 CD dans un écrin
14,90 € / pièce
Album audio à télécharger, fichier zip, fichier mp3 Carus 12.826/99-110-000
14,90 € / pièce
Informations complémentaires sur l'œuvre
  • Composer, pianist and organist Peter Schindler writes and performs music for ballets and theatrical performances, films and dramatic recordings, instrumental and choral arrangements, chansons and sacred works. He is particularly passionate about his compositions for children and young adults, which has come to comprise hundreds of humourous children’s songs (Kinderhits mit Witz). His full-length musicals include Geisterstunde auf Schloss Eulenstein (Witching Hour at Eulenstein Castle), Max und die Käsebande (Max and the Cheese Gang), König Keks (Cookie King), Zirkus Furioso (Circus Allegro), and SCHOCKORANGE. These musicals are some of the most frequently played pieces of their kind by children’s and youth choirs in German-speaking theaters and schools. With his first English musical Circus Allegro, Peter’s hugely sucessful work for all kids under 100 is now also accessible to audiences around the world. Plus d'information sur la personne
  • Composer, pianist and organist Peter Schindler writes and performs music for ballets and theatrical performances, films and dramatic recordings, instrumental and choral arrangements, chansons and sacred works. He is particularly passionate about his compositions for children and young adults, which has come to comprise hundreds of humourous children’s songs (Kinderhits mit Witz). His full-length musicals include Geisterstunde auf Schloss Eulenstein (Witching Hour at Eulenstein Castle), Max und die Käsebande (Max and the Cheese Gang), König Keks (Cookie King), Zirkus Furioso (Circus Allegro), and SCHOCKORANGE. These musicals are some of the most frequently played pieces of their kind by children’s and youth choirs in German-speaking theaters and schools. With his first English musical Circus Allegro, Peter’s hugely sucessful work for all kids under 100 is now also accessible to audiences around the world. Plus d'information sur la personne
  • Der Rundfunk-Kinderchor Berlin wurde 1955 im Auftrag des Rundfunks der DDR gegründet und entwickelte sich in den folgenden Jahrzehnten zu einem der führenden Kinderchöre. 2002 übernahm Carsten Schultze die Leitung des Chores. Der Chor pflegt alle Bereiche der Chormusik. Wichtige Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigten sich in den letzten Jahren u.?a. bei der Mitwirkung an Konzerten und Projekten der Berliner Philharmoniker, des Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchesters, des Deutschen Symphoniorchesters Berlin sowie des Rundfunkchores Berlin. Konzertreisen führten den Chor im letzten Jahrzehnt unter anderem nach Island, Estland, Lettland, ­Norwegen, Frankreich, Polen, Österreich, Israel und Italien. Plus d'information sur la personne
  • Composer, pianist and organist Peter Schindler writes and performs music for ballets and theatrical performances, films and dramatic recordings, instrumental and choral arrangements, chansons and sacred works. He is particularly passionate about his compositions for children and young adults, which has come to comprise hundreds of humourous children’s songs (Kinderhits mit Witz). His full-length musicals include Geisterstunde auf Schloss Eulenstein (Witching Hour at Eulenstein Castle), Max und die Käsebande (Max and the Cheese Gang), König Keks (Cookie King), Zirkus Furioso (Circus Allegro), and SCHOCKORANGE. These musicals are some of the most frequently played pieces of their kind by children’s and youth choirs in German-speaking theaters and schools. With his first English musical Circus Allegro, Peter’s hugely sucessful work for all kids under 100 is now also accessible to audiences around the world. Plus d'information sur la personne

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