Schindler: Missa in Jazz. Version for quartet - CD, Choir Coach, multimedia | Carus-Verlag

Peter Schindler Missa in Jazz. Version for quartet


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The Missa in Jazz is based on the five parts of the Ordinary of Roman Catholic liturgy. These texts, which originated at the time of early Christianity, have served as inspiration for composers throughout the ages. Missa in Jazz continues this tradition and encounters the words and meanings of the Ordinary of the Mass through the elements of jazz - improvisation and pulsating rhythm - one of the musical languages possible in the present age.

Ecouter (21)
  • Kyrie
  • Christe
  • Kyrie
  • Gloria
  • Gratias
  • Suscipe
  • Qui tollis
  • Quoniam
  • Cum sancto
  • Credo
  • Et incarnatus
  • Et resurrexit
  • Et in spiritum
  • Et expecto
  • Amen
  • sanctus
  • Pleni
  • Osanna
  • Benedictus
  • Agnus
  • Dona
disque compact Carus 27.028/98 CD dans un écrin
19,90 € / pièce
Informations complémentaires sur l'œuvre
  • Composer, pianist and organist Peter Schindler writes and performs music for ballets and theatrical performances, films and dramatic recordings, instrumental and choral arrangements, chansons and sacred works. He is particularly passionate about his compositions for children and young adults, which has come to comprise hundreds of humourous children’s songs (Kinderhits mit Witz). His full-length musicals include Geisterstunde auf Schloss Eulenstein (Witching Hour at Eulenstein Castle), Max und die Käsebande (Max and the Cheese Gang), König Keks (Cookie King), Zirkus Furioso (Circus Allegro), and SCHOCKORANGE. These musicals are some of the most frequently played pieces of their kind by children’s and youth choirs in German-speaking theaters and schools. With his first English musical Circus Allegro, Peter’s hugely sucessful work for all kids under 100 is now also accessible to audiences around the world. Plus d'information sur la personne

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