Rheinberger: Abendlied - Partition | Carus-Verlag

Josef Gabriel Rheinberger Abendlied

de: Drei geistliche Gesänge; Arrangement du chœur de femmes op. 69, 3

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  • Bleib bei uns,
    denn es will Abend werden,
    und der Tag hat sich geneiget.
    Lukas 24,29


  • Abide with us:
    for it is toward evening,
    and the day is far spent.
    St. Luke 24:29


  • Texte du livret du CD Carus 83.113

    Florian Sauer
    Traduction: Christian Meyer

    Josef Gabriel Rheinberger est né le 17 mars 1839 à Vaduz, dans la Principauté du Liechtenstein. Son père était administrateur des comptes de la Principauté. Dès l’âge de sept ans il accompagnait à l’orgue les services religieux et composait de petites œuvres. Après deux ans d’études musicales à Feldkirch (Vorarlberg) il entra en 1851, sur recommandation, au Conservatoire de Munich et s’installa ainsi dans cette ville dont il choisit de faire sa patrie d’élection. Il résida à Munich jusqu’à sa mort survenue le 25 novembre 1901 et anima durant presque un demi-siècle la vie musicale de cette ville. Julius Joseph Maier fut l’un de ses professeurs de composition, qui transmettait, en tant qu’élève de Moritz Hauptmann, la tradition leipzigeoise issue de Bach. Plus tard, il suivit les cours de Franz Lachner qui faisait partie du cercle d’amis de Franz Schubert. Le professeur Karl Franz Emil von Schafhäutl fut un mentor désintéressé qui


  • Text from the CD Carus 83.113

    Florian Sauer
    Translation: John Coombs

    Josef Gabriel Rheinberger was born at Vaduz (Liechtenstein) on the 17th March 1839, the son of a treasurer to the Prince. When only seven he played the organ for church services and composed little pieces. After two years of musical instruction at Feldkirch (Vorarlberg) he was recommended to the Munich Conservatoire, and became a pupil there in 1851 when he was only twelve. He settled permanently in Munich, living there until his death on November 25th, 1901, and playing a major part in the city’s musical life for almost half a century. One of his composition teachers was Julius Joseph Maier, a pupil of Moritz Hauptmann and thus an inheritor of the Leipzig Bach tradition. Later he was taught by Franz Lachner, who had been a member of the circle of friends around Schubert. Rheinberger’s principal mentor was Karl Franz Emil von Schafhäutl, who


  • Booklet-Text der CD Carus 83.113

    Florian Sauer

    Die katholische Kirchenmusik des 19. Jahrhunderts in Deutschland geriet am Ende des Jahrhunderts in eine Sackgasse. Gefangen in ihrem Anspruch, in einer säkularisierten Welt wahres religiöses Empfinden zu vermitteln und zu unterstützen, hielt sie sich in Distanz zu „fortschrittlichen“ musikalischen Strömungen der Zeit, lehnte die kompositorischen Errungenschaften der Avantgarde um Liszt oder Wagner ab und erlag am Ende ihren restaurativen Tendenzen. Dies führte dazu, dass für uns die Mehrzahl der kirchenmusikalischen Werke jener Zeit im Schatten der Werke großer Komponisten wie Verdi oder Brahms steht – Werke, die den Horizont der kirchenmusikalischen Praxis in Liturgie und Andacht schon von ihrer Anlage her sprengten. Nur so wird verständlich, warum das reiche Schaffen Rheinbergers nahezu in Vergessenheit geraten ist.

    Die Aufklärung hatte der Vernunft die alleinige Führerrolle


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texte (pas de notes) & licence d'impression, fichier html, Paroles, traduction en anglais Carus 50.069/50-360-000
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texte (pas de notes) & licence d'impression, fichier html, Paroles, original Carus 50.069/50-380-000
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Informations complémentaires sur l'œuvre
  • During the second half of the 19th century Rheinberger, who was born in 1839 in Vaduz (Liechtenstein), was a major figure of European stature. In demand as a teacher of composition and esteemed as a composer, this professor at the Munich Conservatoire and Bavarian Court Kapellmeister made his mark on a whole generation of musicians. The fact that many of his compositions were no longer performed after his death in 1901, despite their high musical qualities, was largely a result of external circumstances. The change of aesthetic orientation which began about the turn of the century led to a radical move away from the conservative-classical ideals to which Rheinberger – like Brahms – had felt himself committed. It was also a fact that Rheinberger never publicized his own works vigorously. The Josef-Rheinberger-Archiv and Carus published a complete edition of works by Josef Gabriel Rheinberger for the first time. The edition, concluded in 2009, has contributed significantly to the fact that the music of this composition teacher and Bavarian Court Kapellmeister from Munich can once again be heard around the world today. Plus d'information sur la personne

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