Mozart: Missa brevis en ré majeur - Audio à télécharger | Carus-Verlag

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Missa brevis en ré majeur

KV 194, 1774

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Malgré sa durée totale relativement courte, la Missa brevis in D de Mozart est une oeuvre qui laisse une impression musicale durable, notamment à cause de la tendance marquée aux tonalités mineures, même dans les parties comme le « Quoniam » et « Et in Spiritum Sanctum », habituellement écrites en majeur. Le caractère filigrane des voix, qui ressort surtout dans le Kyrie subtil et émouvant, est aussi particulier. Les passages en contrepoint sont rares, ce qui a également contribué à la popularité de l’œuvre chez les petits chœurs.

Le Carus Choir Coach offre aux choristes une aide unique pour apprendre leur voix au sein de la sonorité du chœur et de l’orchestre. Pour chaque voix, un album à télécharger est disponible avec tous les mouvements chantés par le chœur. Le Carus Choir Coach se base sur un enregistrement d’interprètes prestigieux, qui ont pour celui-ci utilisé l’édition Urtext de Carus. Chaque mouvement est présenté en trois variantes :

  • Version originale
  • Coach : la voix sélectionnée est jouée au piano, avec l’enregistrement original en arrière-plan
  • Coach en mode ralenti : l'enregistrement comme le coach sont ralentis à environ 70 % du tempo initial, ainsi les passages difficiles peuvent être travaillés efficacement.

Interprètes : Maria Zedelius (soprano), Hilke Helling (alto), Klaus Schneider (tenore), Klaus Mertens (basso) – Kölner Kammerchor, Collegium classicum Köln – Peter Neumann

Ecouter (6)
  • Kyrie
  • Gloria
  • Credo
  • Sanctus
  • Benedictus
  • Agnus Dei
  • carus music, the Choir Coach Üben mit carus music
    • Kyrie (Choir Coach)
    • Kyrie (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Gloria (Choir Coach)
    • Gloria (Choir Coach)
    • Credo (Choir Coach)
    • Credo (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Sanctus (Choir Coach)
    • Sanctus (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Benedictus (Choir Coach)
    • Benedictus (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Agnus Dei (Choir Coach)
    • Agnus Dei (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Kyrie (Choir Coach)
    • Kyrie (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Gloria (Choir Coach)
    • Gloria (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Credo (Choir Coach)
    • Credo (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Sanctus (Choir Coach)
    • Sanctus (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Benedictus (Choir Coach)
    • Benedictus (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Agnus Dei (Choir Coach)
    • Agnus Dei (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Kyrie (Choir Coach)
    • Kyrie (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Gloria (Choir Coach)
    • Gloria (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Credo (Choir Coach)
    • Credo (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Sanctus (Choir Coach)
    • Sanctus (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Benedictus (Choir Coach)
    • Benedictus (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Agnus Dei (Choir Coach)
    • Agnus Dei (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Kyrie (Choir Coach)
    • Kyrie (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Gloria (Choir Coach)
    • Gloria (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Credo (Choir Coach)
    • Credo (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Sanctus (Choir Coach)
    • Sanctus (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Benedictus (Choir Coach)
    • Benedictus (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Agnus Dei (Choir Coach)
    • Agnus Dei (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
  • Acheter des compléments au format téléchargement.
  • Kyrie

    Kyrie eleison.
    Christe eleison.
    Kyrie eleison.


    Et in terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatis.
    Laudamus te. Benedicimus te. Adoramus te. Glorificamus te.
    Gratias agimus tibi propter magnam gloriam tuam.
    Domine Deus, Rex caelestis, Deus Pater omnipotens.
    Domine Fili unigenite, Jesu Christe.
    Domine Deus, Agnus Dei, Filius Patris.
    Qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis,
    Qui tollis peccata mundi,
    suscipe deprecationem nostram.
    Qui sedes ad dexteram Patris, miserere nobis.
    Quoniam tu solus Sanctus.
    Tu solus Dominus.

    Tu solus Altissimus, Jesu Christe.
    Cum Sancto Spiritu, in gloria Dei Patris.


  • Foreword of the edition Carus 40.625

    Jochen Reutter
    Translation: John Coombs

    During the summer of 1774 W. A. Mozart wrote two Masses within a few weeks: the Missa brevis in F major, K. 192 (186f), and the Missa brevis in D major, K. 194 (186h). A feature common to both compositions as well as to the Dixit et Magnificat K. 193 (186g), written at about the same time, and the "Trinitatis" Mass K. 167 of the previous year, is a more or less strongly evident tendency towards contrapuntal writing. However, while the Dixit et Magnificat and the "Trinitatis" Mass approach the late-baroque style, in these two brevis Masses Mozart sought to combine traditional polyphonic techniques with a more modern musical language.

    The Missa brevis in D major, K. 194 (186h), was written shortly after its sister-work in F major. Mozart's autograph score is dated the 8th August 1774. This work, like K. 192 (186f), was intended for Salzburg Cathedral. Corresponding to the restricted scale of a missa brevis, Mozart wrote the F major Mass, and also the present work, for a small ensemble of four voices (SATB), choral and solo, two violins, bass and organ, together with the three trombones


  • Vorwort der Ausgabe Carus 40.625

    Jochen Reutter

    Im Sommer 1774 schrieb W.A. Mozart in unmittelbarer zeit­licher Nachbarschaft zwei Messen, die Missa brevis in FKV 192 (186f) und die Missa brevis in D KV 194 (186h). Beiden Kompositionen eigen ist wie dem etwa gleichzeitig entstandenen Dixit et Magnificat KV 193 (186g) und der aus dem Vorjahr stammenden Trinitatismesse KV 167 eine jeweils mehr oder weniger stark ausgeprägte Neigung zur kontrapunktischen Schreibweise. Während sich jedoch Dixit et Magnificat und die Trinitatismesse dem spätbarocken Stil nähern, sucht Mozart in den beiden brevis-Messen die alt­hergebrachten polyphonen Techniken mit einer moderneren Tonsprache zu verbinden.

    Die Missa brevis in D KV 194 (186h) entstand nur wenige Wochen nach ihrer F-Dur-Schwester. Mozarts autographe Partitur ist auf den 8. August 1774 datiert. Das Werk war wie KV 192 (186f für den Salzburger Dom bestimmt. Dem äußeren Rahmen einer Missa brevis entspricht Mozart wie in der F-Dur-Messe durch eine sparsame Besetzung mit vier Singstimmen (SATB), chorisch und


Carus Choir Coach à télécharger (Audio uniquement), fichier zip, fichier mp3, aides à l'apprentissage innovantes, voix soprano Carus 40.625/91-101-000, EAN 4009350737372
7,90 € / pièce
Carus Choir Coach à télécharger (Audio uniquement), fichier zip, fichier mp3, aides à l'apprentissage innovantes, voix alto Carus 40.625/92-102-000, EAN 4009350737389
7,90 € / pièce
Carus Choir Coach à télécharger (Audio uniquement), fichier zip, fichier mp3, aides à l'apprentissage innovantes, voix tenore Carus 40.625/93-103-000, EAN 4009350737396
7,90 € / pièce
Carus Choir Coach à télécharger (Audio uniquement), fichier zip, fichier mp3, aides à l'apprentissage innovantes, voix basse Carus 40.625/94-104-000, EAN 4009350737402
7,90 € / pièce
Informations complémentaires sur l'œuvre
  • As the son of the deputy Kapellmeister to the Salzburg Prince-Archbishop, Mozart was constantly surrounded by church music in his youth. On his travels Mozart became familiar with Italian church music, and later in Vienna he studied the works of Bach and Handel. After moving to Vienna he was faced with the new challenges of composing opera and piano concertos, and significantly the “C Minor Mass” KV 427, the greatest sacred work of the first Vienna years, remained unfinished. The last period of his life again shows a change of direction to church music: Mozart successfully applied to succeed the terminally ill Leopold Hoffmann as Kapellmeister at St Stephen's Cathedral, but he was unable to take up the position as he died before Hoffmann. A gem such as the “Ave verum” KV 618 and the incomplete Requiem KV 626 give us an idea of what Mozart might have achieved as a composer of sacred music if he had taken up this important position. Plus d'information sur la personne
  • Paul Horn war ein deutscher Kirchenmusiker, Organist, Komponist und Musikwissenschaftler. Er studierte Kirchenmusik und Orgel an der Evangelischen Kirchenmusikschule Esslingen am Neckar bei Hans-Arnold Metzger und Musikwissenschaft, Theologie und Geschichte an der Universität Tübingen. Seine berufliche Laufbahn begann als Kantor an der Evangelischen Michaelskirche in Stuttgart-Degerloch. 1954 wurde er Kantor an der Evangelischen Stadtkirche Ravensburg, eine Position, die er bis zu seiner Pensionierung innehatte. Als Musikwissenschaftler arbeitete Horn bis ins hohe Alter eng mit Carus zusammen. So stammen zahlreiche Carus-Klavierauszüge aus seiner Feder. Plus d'information sur la personne
  • In recent years Peter Neumann, born in Karlsruhe, has made a name for himself particularly as a conductor of Handel’s music. This is demonstrated both by the concert series “250 Years Handel Oratorios” which he initiated – performing nine music dramas in accordance with Handel’s concert schedule of 1749–1752 – and by his numerous CD recordings. He has performed masterworks from vocal and orchestral music in the European musical capitals and at many renowned festivals, ranging from Monteverdi’s L’Orfeo and Vespers for the Blessed Virgin (Palais Garnier, Paris) through J. S. Bach’s passions (last in Moscow, Oslo and Versailles) and Mass in B minor (BBC Proms) to Debussy’s Le Martyre de Saint Sébastien at the MusikTriennale in Cologne. 2010, Peter Neumann and his ensembles Kolner Kammerchor and Collegium Cartusianum were guests at the Rheingau Music Festival with Schumann’s Das Paradies und die Peri and at the Schumann Festival in Dusseldorf as well as the Leipzig Bach Festival in 2011. In June 2012 he made his highly acclaimed debut at the Cologne Opera with Handel’s Alcina. As a guest conductor, Neumann has collaborated with, among others, ChorWerkRuhr, the Netherlands Chamber Choir, the SWR Vokalensemble Stuttgart, the NDR Choir, the Schola Cantorum Tokyo, the Concertgebouw Orchestra Amsterdam, the Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra, the Junge Deutsche Philharmonie and Concerto Koln. Highlights of his extensive discography include the complete recording of Mozart’s masses (Gramophone “Crown of Crowns”), Schutz’s Musical Vesper, Schumann’s Missa sacra (Diapason d’Or) and recordings of Bach’s St. John Passion and Handel’s Alexander’s Feast and Brockes Passion (Carus). Plus d'information sur la personne

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