Euch ist ein Kindlein heut geborn. Luthers Weihnachtslieder in Sätzen aus der Reformationszeit - CD, Choir Coach, multimedia | Carus-Verlag

Euch ist ein Kindlein heut geborn. Luthers Weihnachtslieder in Sätzen aus der Reformationszeit

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"Vom Himmel hoch" is one of the most famous songs by Martin Luther which is still sung today at Christmas. The ensemble Hamburger Ratsmusik under Simone Eckert has recorded this and four other Luther songs for Advent and Christmas in arrangements by composers from the Reformation era. The arrangements of Heinrich Finck and Lucas Osiander to Praetorius captivate through their diversity in different instrumental and vocal combinations. The ensemble is supported by the two sopranos Veronika Winter and Ina Siedlaczek and the tenor Jan Kobow.
Ecouter (12)
  • Veni redemptor gentium
  • Nun komm der Heyden Heyland
  • Nun komm der Heiden Heiland - Satz 2
  • Bicinium
  • Bransle double
  • Der Sohn des Vaters Gott von Art
  • Er ist auf Erden kommen arm
  • Die götlich gnad von hymel groß
  • Des hymels Chor sich frewen drob
  • Vom Himmel kam der Engel Schar
  • So merket nun das Zeichen recht / Des lasst uns alle fröhlich sein
  • Davon ich allzeit fröhlich sei / Lob, Ehr sei Gott
disque compact Carus 83.390/00, EAN 4009350833906 CD dans un écrin
4,95 € / pièce
  • The ensemble Hamburger Ratsmusik has had a long and close association with Johann Philipp Krieger. After all, his operas were performed by the original group during the composer’s lifetime at the Oper am Gänsemarkt in Hamburg. Over a decade ago, the ensemble revived Krieger’s cantatas from the Bokemeyer Collection, performed them at Schloss Gottorf, and recorded them on CD. This exploratory work led to creative collaborations and friendships, as with the Krieger scholar Dr. Klaus-Jürgen Gundlach. The performance of the Musicalischer Seelen- Frieden in the place for which it was written, the Weissenfels Schlosskirche, was one of the highlights in this regard. However, the greatest surprise came from another Herr Krieger, who spoke to the Hamburger Ratsmusik musicians after a concert in Altdorf in Franconia, and then showed them his ancestors’ charter of nobility from Emperor Leopold. This CD, which the ensemble recorded with Doro thee Mields, forms part of this living tradition. In recording these concert her indescribable and committed singing, always guaranteed a thrilling experience. After 21 years of working together as an ensemble, 25 CDs – almost all world premiere recordings – numerous concerts, two Echo-Klassik awards and a growing enthusiasm for the music of the Renaissance, Baroque, and classical periods, Hamburger Ratsmusik is looking forward to more discoveries and projects. Plus d'information sur la personne
  • When the 8-year-old Simone Eckert was asked what she wanted to become, she answered “a viola da gamba player.” She ignored all well-meaning exhortations to get a “real” job and now lives and works as a freelance musician close to Hamburg. Since she received her diploma in Early music in 1990 at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis, she has been active as viola da gamba player, as artistic director, agent and manager of her ensemble Hamburger Ratsmusik, as musicologist, editor of newly rediscovered music for viola da gamba and as a music pedagogue in and around Hamburg. Simone Eckert performs at all the important festivals in Germany and in many European countries. Plus d'information sur la personne
  • Soprano Veronika Winter studied in Erlangen, Nuremberg and Heidelberg/Mannheim among others with Norma Lerer and Eva-Maria Molnár. She is primarily interested in the interpretation of early music, and has collaborated with many renowned ensembles and conductors in the area. She is also a member of the Himlische Cantorey ensemble in Hamburg. In addition to the music of the 17th and 18th centuries, works from the Classical and Romantic periods are beginning to play a larger role in her repertoire. Veronika Winter is also regularly engaged to perform in concerts with contemporary music. She has participated in numerous radio and CD productions and performs regularly at international festivals. Plus d'information sur la personne
  • Ina Siedlaczek has attained an excellent reputation both as a solo artist in high demand and as as a member and guest of prominent ensembles. Her flexibility is documented by invitations to renowned festivals, and she has won over conductors such as Koopman, Katschner, and Otto, among others, with her "beautifully lyrical and natural voice" (MDR). In addition to vocal studies in Mannheim and master classes with Emma Kirkby and Barbara Schlick, Siedlaczek participated in the advanced course program "Barock vocal" in Mainz, gaining additional impulses from Andreas Scholl. Her artistic stature is documented by numerous CD and radio productions; the production La Couronne de Fleurs with the Boston Early Music Festival was awarded the Echo Prize as well as being a "GRAMMY Winner 2015." Plus d'information sur la personne


Im Lutherjahr schnell noch ein paar Luther-Weihnachtslieder hören? Gut möglich dank dieser CD, auf der hervorragende Sänger ... Renaissance- Bearbeitungen von jahreszeittypischen Liedern ... präsentieren.
taz nord, 25./26.11.2017

... it is an outstanding survey disc that features a number of quite obscure names that any fancier of Renaissance-era music will wish to add to his or her library.
Fanfare, James A. Altena, 06.02.2017

For the record, the choir is fine, the Staatskapelle Weimar is a magnificent orchestra, and the recording is admirably vivid.
Nigel Harris, MusicWeb International, 03.01.2017

Das alles wird sehr klangschön vorgetragen; wer sich für die Anfänge der evangelischen Kirchenmusik interessiert, der sollte sich diese CD unbedingt anhören.
ouverture, 28.12.2016

Entstanden ist eine inhaltlich, wie musikalisch besondere CD-Produktion, abwechslungsreich und spannend hinsichtlich der unterschiedlichen Umsetzung der bekannten Luther-Lieder[...].
Alexander Gosch, mdr Klassik, 24.12.2016

This is a beautiful collection of Luther’s music, presented through the arrangements of six generations of composers.
WTJU, Ralph Graves, 22.12.2016

Playing and singing are first-class and the performers have found the right approach to this repertoire.
musica Dei donum, Johan van Veen, 08.12.2016

Die CD ist eine Reise in eine längst versunkene Welt, auf die sich doch unser abendländisches Selbstverständnis gründet.
Hamburger Abendblatt, 08.12.2016

Luthers Melodieweisen verbinden diese Sätze ... mit dem Heute, denn sie haben sich ... im weihnachtlichen Liedgut gehalten. Diese CD weist auf ... sehr ansprechende Weise darauf hin.
Concerto. Das Magazin für Alte Musik, November/Dezember 2016

Ikkje berre programmeringa, men òg framføringa er framifrå. Særleg tiltalande er viola-da-gamba-spelet til [...] Eckert og den overtonerike, varme tenoren til [...] Kobow.
Nicht nur das Programm, sondern auch die Aufführung ist vorzüglich. Insbesondere ansprechend sind das Viola-da-Gamba-Spiel von [...] Eckert und der obertonreiche, warme Tenor von [...] Kobow.
Sjur Haga Bringeland, Dag og tid, 14.10.2016


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