Distler: The Christmas Story - CD, Choir Coach, multimedia | Carus-Verlag

Hugo Distler The Christmas Story

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“The Story of Christmas” op. 10 was one of the most popular religious works of the young Hugo Distler, and with its moving tenderness it is one of the most attractive oratorios which can be performed by any and all a cappella ensembles during Advent or Christmastime. The complete story is told by a narrator, which Hugo Distler employed after the manner of an early baroque model of a passion, is performed by an a cappella choral ensemble. On the present recording, the Athesinus Ensemble Berlin, which also provided the soloists in the oratorio, performed with convincing expressivity, warmth, flawless intonation and an extreme vocal flexibility.
Ecouter (25)
  • O Heiland, reiß die Himmel auf
  • Also hat Gott die Welt geliebet
  • Die Nacht wird licht
  • Der Stern
  • Einleitungschor: Das Volk, so im Finstern wandelt
  • Choral – Strophe 1: Es ist ein Ros entsprungen
  • Verkündigung
  • Choral – Strophe 2: Das Röslein, das ich meine
  • Marias Besuch bei Elisabeth
  • Magnificat/Choral – Strophe 3: Meine Seele erhebt/Wir bitten dich
  • Christi Geburt
  • Choral – Strophe 4: Das Blümelein, so kleine
  • Die Hirten und die Menge der himmlischen Heerscharen
  • Chor der Hirten
  • Choral – Strophe 5: Die Hirten zu der Stunde
  • Herodes und die Weisen I
  • Herodes und die Hohenpriester
  • Herodes und die Weisen II
  • Choral – Strophe 6: Lob, Ehr sei Gott, dem Vater
  • Jesus im Tempel bei Simeon
  • Choral – Strophe 7: So singen wir all Amen
  • Finale – Einleitungschor (Fassung 1937)
  • Heut ist uns ein Kindlein geborn
  • Lobt Gott, ihr Christen alle gleich
  • Singet frisch und wohlgemut
  • I. Introduction (Choir) The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light: they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined. For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end … from henceforth even for ever.
    Isaiah 9:1,5-6

    II. The Christmas Story Choral – Verse 1 Behold! a Rose is growing,
    of loveliest form and grace,
    as prophets sang, foreknowing;
    it springs from Jesse’s race,
    and comes a perfect flower,
    in midst of coldest winter,
    at deepest midnight hour. Trier 1587/88 Translation: Harriet Reynolds Spaeth (1845–1925)



  • I. Einleitungschor Das Volk, so im Finstern wandelt, siehet ein groß’ Licht, und über die, die da wohnen im finstern Lande, scheinet es helle. Denn uns ist ein Kind geboren, ein Sohn ist uns gegeben, welches Herrschaft ist auf seiner Schulter; und er heißt Wunderbar, Rat, Held, Kraft, Ewig-Vater, Friede-Fürst; auf dass seine Herrschaft groß werde und des Friedens kein Ende … von nun an bis in Ewigkeit.
    Jesaja 9,1.5–6

    II. Die Weihnachtsgeschichte Choral – Strophe 1 Es ist ein Ros entsprungen
    aus einer Wurzel zart.
    Als uns die Alten sungen,
    von Jesse kam die Art.
    Und hat ein Blümlein bracht
    mitten im kalten Winter,
    wohl zu der halben Nacht. Trier 1587/88



disque compact Carus 83.472/00, EAN 4009350834729 CD dans un écrin
4,95 € / pièce
  • Klaus-Martin Bresgott was born 1967 in Greifswald and initially studied Protestant theology, later German language and literature and art history (M. A.), parallel thereto choral conducting. Contracts as an ensemble singer led him to the most notable concert venues in Europe under conductors such as René Jacobs, Marcus Creed, Daniel Reuss, Hans-Christoph Rademann and Fabio Luisi, and directors such as Sasha Waltz, Luc Perceval, Barrie Kosky and others. His main focus is on ensemble work that spans epochs and interdisciplinary contexts. This has led to a regular co-operation with composers and poets of our time such as Thomas Jennefelt and Frank Schwemmer as well as Christa Wolf (†) and Christian Lehnert. As well as works on art history, including Ernst Barlach, he has edited several books of choral music, including Frau Musica spricht. Chorbuch Reformation (2011) and Chorbuch Leonhard Lechner (2014, Carus 4.022), Vier Weihnachtsmotetten (2015, Carus 7.389) and Hugo Distler’s Die Weihnachtsgeschichte op. 10 (2015, Carus 10.011). He was awarded the “Preis der Deutschen Schallplattenkritik” in 2008 for the first complete recording of the Geistliche Chormusik op. 12 by Hugo Distler, 2019 the french "Choc de Classica" for Samuel Scheidt: Cantiones Sacrae. Plus d'information sur la personne
  • The Athesinus Consort Berlin, named after the composer Leonhard Lechner Athesinus (ca. 1553–1606), was founded by Klaus-Martin Bresgott in 1992. He has been the conductor of the ensemble since then. The ensemble, which usually performs as a double quartet and – when enlarged – as a soloistic chamber choir, rehearses and performs both a cappella and continuo literature of the late Renaissance and Baroque as well as modern and contemporary works, which regularly result in world premieres. The ensemble members, all experienced concert singers who are also active in the Collegium Vocale Gent, the Chor des Bayerischen Rundfunks, the SWR Vokalensemble and the RIAS-Kammerchor, as well as on the stage of the Deutsches Theater Berlin, with Sasha Waltz & Guests and others, are united in their delight sounding out the verbal images of speech and suggestive arts. All of the ensemble members are active as soloists in addition to their activities in larger ensembles. The spectrum here ranges from Johann Sebastian Bach’s oratorios to experimental music of the 21st century. The latest successes of the ensemble include, among others, the world premiere of the music theatre piece Paulus. Das ängstliche Harren der Kreatur by Thomas Jennefelt in 2011, the world premiere of the tryptich Du bist mein Schlaf by Frank Schwemmer in 2012, the world premiere of Drei Gedichte von Rainer Maria Rilke by Jonathan Brell (*1987) in 2013, as well as the world premiere of Turbulent Days – fünf Spruchmotetten nach Martin Luther King und Martin Luther für 8–12-stimmiges Vokalensemble, Saxophon und Schlagwerk by Frank Schwemmer and Anyone can let you down – no one will let you down by Thomas Jennefelt in 2014. In addition to specific compositional focuses, the Athesinus Consort Berlin has committed itself to selected topics in which the texts are of definitive significance. One emphasis is on the innumerable forgotten strophes of the cornucopia of German folk song. Classical concert principles recede into the background and make way for a more individual form of expression. Exemplary thereof are the collaborations with songwriters, jazz musicians, drummers and percussionists as well as dancers and pantomimes. Since 2010 the Athesinus Consort Berlin has regularly released CDs, including O Heiland, reiß die Himmel auf … vergessene Strophen der Weihnacht (2010), Signale ( 2011) w ith w orks by Michael Praetorius and Thomas Jennefelt or Boten ( 2012) w ith w orks b y J ohann A dam Hiller, Max Bruch, Hugo Distler and others. In 2013 Leonhard Lechner: Mein süße Freud auf Erden. Sacred Choral Music was released (Carus 83.384; a tribute from the ensemble to the man who gave it its name – the works on this CD are also available complete as a music edition, Carus 4.022), followed by Frank Schwemmer: Perlmuttfalter. Contemporary Choral Music (Carus 83.464) in 2014. Plus d'information sur la personne
  • Klaus-Martin Bresgott was born 1967 in Greifswald and initially studied Protestant theology, later German language and literature and art history (M. A.), parallel thereto choral conducting. Contracts as an ensemble singer led him to the most notable concert venues in Europe under conductors such as René Jacobs, Marcus Creed, Daniel Reuss, Hans-Christoph Rademann and Fabio Luisi, and directors such as Sasha Waltz, Luc Perceval, Barrie Kosky and others. His main focus is on ensemble work that spans epochs and interdisciplinary contexts. This has led to a regular co-operation with composers and poets of our time such as Thomas Jennefelt and Frank Schwemmer as well as Christa Wolf (†) and Christian Lehnert. As well as works on art history, including Ernst Barlach, he has edited several books of choral music, including Frau Musica spricht. Chorbuch Reformation (2011) and Chorbuch Leonhard Lechner (2014, Carus 4.022), Vier Weihnachtsmotetten (2015, Carus 7.389) and Hugo Distler’s Die Weihnachtsgeschichte op. 10 (2015, Carus 10.011). He was awarded the “Preis der Deutschen Schallplattenkritik” in 2008 for the first complete recording of the Geistliche Chormusik op. 12 by Hugo Distler, 2019 the french "Choc de Classica" for Samuel Scheidt: Cantiones Sacrae. Plus d'information sur la personne


Hugo Distler: Weihnachtsgeschichte

For lovers of Distler or anyone looking for a beautiful Christmas album, this album is one to own.
Brad Pierson, Choral Journal, 8.11.2016

Seine verblüffende Reaktionsfähigkeit bei abrupten dynamischen Wechseln und eine blitzsaubere Intonation auch in den exponiertesten Lagen stellt der Chor schon in der Eingangsmotette unter Beweis.
Sven Hiemke, Musik und Kirche, September 2016

Bresgott's [...] attention to the craft of the piece is evident but never overshadows the music itself; his passion and enthusiasm for the music is evident [...].
Bresgotts Verständnis der Kunstfertigkeit des Stücks ist augenscheinlich, aber überlagert niemals die eigentliche Musik. Seine Leidenschaft und sein Enthusiasmus für die Musik ist offensichtlich [...]
Brad Pierson Toledo, Ohio, Choral Journal, Oktober 2016

Die Klangfülle des Berliner Athesinus Consorts raubt einem schier den Atem. Die Sänger richten dabei den Focus auf Schönklang und Musikalität ...
crescendo, Dezember 2015

Thomas Volle als Evangelist und das Vokalensemble Athesinus Consort Berlin unter Klaus-Martin Bresgott geben eine sehr klangvolle und intonationssichere... Interpretation.
Markus Schwering, Kölner Stadtanzeiger, 14.12.2015

Nur selten wird man die Weihnachtsgeschichte von Hugo Distler so mitreißend hören können.
Astrid Belschner, kulturradio.de, 01.12.2015



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