Practice aids for choir conducting

Practice aids for choir conducting

A clear conducting technique, the ability to lead lively rehearsals and a sound knowledge of vocal training are all essential attributes for any successful choral conductor. Carus offers the ideal toolkit for all aspiring choral conductors. Our practice aids for choir conducting include a handbook together with a practical manual written by conductors Anne Kohler, Jan Schumacher and Klaus Brecht, plus the world's very first conducting app. The practice aids enable students of choral conducting – in fact, any conductors, music teachers or interested amateur choral conductors – to develop their conducting techniques and working methods, resulting in confident performances in front of every choir!

  • Study practical conducting techniques
  • Learn how to lead lively rehearsals and encourage expressive music-making
  • Understand vocal physiology and how to apply your knowledge
  • Ideal for student choir conductors and those wishing to take their studies to another level

  • Dirigieren – Proben – Singen. Das Chorleitungsbuch

    Please note: This product is in German. An English version is in preparation.
  • Conductor's Coach. The App

    An English version of the app is in preparation.
  • Trailer

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  • Explained step by step

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  • Project funding

    Project funding
  • Project funding

    Project funding
  • Project funding

    Choral TIES offers Cross-border Training on International and European level for professionals in the field of Collective Singing. It promotes physical, hybrid and online training for choral conductors / vocal leaders and managers, as well as youth participation. The project's training will be adapted to different needs and possibilities and a new online training tool will be introduced. Choral TIES is coordinated by the European Choral Association and brings together the partners Carus-Verlag, the Croatian Cultural Association and the Estonian Choral Association. Choral TIES is co-funded by the EU.

  • A significant milestone

    In an unprecedented collaboration, three renowned authors - Anne Kohler, Jan Schumacher and Klaus Brecht - have combined their expertise to not only publish a comprehensive choral conducting book, but also to develop a practical volume with effective exercises. The introduction of the innovative conducting app Conductor's Coach also marks a milestone in expanding learning processes in the field of choral conducting. Isabelle Métrope, herself a singer and choir conductor, spoke to the three authors and summarized the importance of the project for the development of choral conducting skills in an article.