Fauré: Requiem. Version for symphony orchestra - CD, Choir Coach, multimedia | Carus-Verlag

Gabriel Fauré Requiem. Version for symphony orchestra

op. 48, 1900

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Gabriel Fauré's Requiem is the key work among the sacred compositions by the French master. Already during the composer's lifetime, it proved very successful with the audiences, and this success remains undiminished all over the world to this day. In contrast to more "theatrically" conceived settings, it was Fauré's intention to evoke a peaceful and conciliatory mood with his work. Even though the choral parts are very suitable for most choir singers due to their melodic accessibility, many passages are harmonically extremely sophisticated and require careful preparation in rehearsal.

The Carus Choir Coach offers choir singers the unique opportunity to study and learn their own, individual choral parts within the context of the sound of the entire choir and orchestra. For every vocal range a separate Audio or MP3 containing each choir part is available. The Carus Choir Coach is based on recorded interpretations by renowned artists who have performed the work from carefully prepared Carus Urtext editions. Each choir part is presented in three different versions:

  • Original recording
  • Coach: each part is accompanied by the piano, with the original recording sounding in the background
  • Coach in slow mode: the tempo of the coach slows down to 70% of the original version – through this reduction passages can be learned more effectively.

Performers: Flemish Radio Choir, Brussels Philharmonic Soloists – Hervé Niquet 

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  • 1. Introït et Kyrie (Coro SATB) Grant them eternal rest, Lord,
    and may perpetual light shine on them.

    To you, God, hymns of praise are sung in Sion,
    and unto you shall vows be performed in Jerusalem:
    hear my prayer,
    to you shall come all flesh.

    Lord have mercy.
    Christ have mercy.

    2. Offertoire (Solo Bar, Coro) O Lord Jesus Christ,
    king of glory,
    free the departed souls
    from the pains of hell
    and from the deep pit.
    O Lord Jesus Christ,
    king of glory,
    free the departed souls
    from the jaws of the lion,
    let them not be swallowed up.


  • 1. Introït et Kyrie (Coro SATB) Herr, gib ihnen die ewige Ruhe,
    und das ewige Licht leuchte ihnen.

    Dir gebührt Lob, Herr, auf dem Zion,
    Dir erfüllt man Gelübde in Jerusalem.
    Erhöre mein Gebet;
    zu Dir kommt alles Fleisch.

    Herr, erbarme Dich.
    Christus, erbarme Dich.

    2. Offertoire (Solo Bar, Coro) Herr Jesus Christus, König der Herrlichkeit,
    bewahre die Seelen der Verstorbenen
    vor den Qualen der Hölle,
    vor den Tiefen der Unterwelt.
    Herr Jesus Christus, König der Herrlichkeit,
    bewahre die Seelen der Verstorbenen
    vor dem Rachen des Löwen,
    dass die Hölle sie nicht verschlinge.
    Herr Jesus Christus, König der Herrlichkeit,
    dass sie nicht hinabstürzen in die Finsternis.


  • 1. Introït et Kyrie (Coro SATB) Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine,
    et lux perpetua luceat eis.

    Te decet hymnus, Deus, in Sion,
    et tibi reddetur votum in Jerusalem:
    exaudi orationem meam,
    ad te omnis caro veniet.

    Kyrie eleison.
    Christe eleison.

    2. Offertoire (Solo Bar, Coro) O Domine Jesu Christe,
    Rex gloriae,
    libera animas defunctorum
    de poenis inferni,
    et de profundo lacu.
    O Domine Jesu Christe,
    Rex gloriae,
    libera animas defunctorum
    de ore leonis,
    ne absorbeat tartarus.


  • Abridged foreword of the Edition Carus 27.312

    Marc Rigaudière
    Translation: Charles Johnston

    It is a complicated task to trace the genesis of Fauré’s Requiem. Although a decisive portion of the composition can be dated to the years 1887–1888, its working-out extends over a much longer period.

    This complex genesis corresponds to a situation that is just as intricate where the available sources are concerned. In fact, a complete autograph manuscript – the only source that could constitute an indisputable basis for a critical edition – is lacking for the final version. This gap in our documentation is all the more damaging in that the first published edition (Hamelle, 1901), which thereby becomes the principal source, is marred by numerous errors or oversights. It is thus necessary to refer to complementary sources and try to “make them speak” through systematic cross-checking.

    The work’s history, complicated though it is, may be summed up as follows:

    1. Initial phase (1887–1888)
    We are dealing here with the “core” of the Requiem, characterized by a reduced number of movements and smaller forces. At


  • Gekürztes Vorwort der Ausgabe 27.312

    Marc Rigaudière
    Übersetzung: Hans Ryschawy

    Den Entstehungsprozess von Faurés Requiem nachzuvollziehen, stellt eine Herausforderung dar. Obwohl ein bedeutender Teil der Komposition in den Jahren 1887–1888 entstand, erstreckt sich doch die Genese des ganzen Werkes auf einen sehr viel längeren Zeitraum.

    Der komplexen Entstehungsgeschichte entspricht eine ebenso schwierige Quellensituation. So fehlt ein vollständiges Autograph für die endgültige Fassung als unerlässliche Primärquelle für die Editionsarbeit. Dieses Fehlen ist umso bedauerlicher, da der Erstdruck (Paris 1901, Hamelle), der deshalb notwendigerweise als Hauptquelle dienen muss, voller Fehler oder Nachlässigkeiten ist. Deshalb ist es notwendig, ergänzende Quellen heranzuziehen und zu versuchen, diese durch einen systematischen Vergleich gleichsam „zum Sprechen“ zu bringen.

    Die komplexe Entstehungsgeschichte kann in folgender Weise zusammengefasst werden:

    1. Anfangsstadium (1887–1888)
    Das Herzstück des Requiems wird von lediglich fünf Sätzen in kleiner Orchesterbesetzung gebildet:


Carus Choir Coach (audio only), mp3 CD, practice aids, voice part soprano Carus 27.312/91, EAN 4009350737013
16,00 € / copy
Carus Choir Coach (audio only), mp3 CD, practice aids, voice part alto Carus 27.312/92, EAN 4009350737020
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Carus Choir Coach (audio only), mp3 CD, practice aids, voice part tenore Carus 27.312/93, EAN 4009350737037
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Carus Choir Coach (audio only), mp3 CD, practice aids, voice part basso Carus 27.312/94, EAN 4009350737044
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Carus Choir Coach for download (audio only), zip file, mp3 file, practice aids, voice part soprano Carus 27.312/91-101-000
12,90 € / copy
Carus Choir Coach for download (audio only), zip file, mp3 file, practice aids, voice part alto Carus 27.312/92-102-000
12,90 € / copy
Carus Choir Coach for download (audio only), zip file, mp3 file, practice aids, voice part tenore Carus 27.312/93-103-000
12,90 € / copy
Carus Choir Coach for download (audio only), zip file, mp3 file, practice aids, voice part basso Carus 27.312/94-104-000
12,90 € / copy
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Ist der Carus Choir Coach auch für die arrangierte Fassung mit kleinem Orchester geeignet?

Nein. Wegen diverser Abweichungen im Chorsatz bei Notenwerte, Textsilben, Dynamiken und Artikulationszeichen ist der Carus Choir Coach nicht für die Fassung mit kleinem Orchester geeignet.
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