Basler Madrigalisten

Personal details

Founded by Fritz Näf, the Basler Madrigalisten (Basel Madrigalists) sing in the most diverse formations, as soloists and as a small vocal ensemble. Their large repertoire extends from the early Renaissance to the modern period. Their main emphasis is on the preparation and (first) performance of contemporary works and the revival of works from the 15th to 18th centuries. The Basler Madrigalisten have participated in the world’s leading music festivals. Concert tours have taken the choir to nearly every European country, to Russia, the USA, Lebanon and the Far East. Their recordings have received various awards. They have repeatedly gained the sponsor’s award of the Ernst von Siemens musical foundation, and in 1998 they were given the sponsor’s prize of the European Economy. The Basler Madrigalisten are supported by the cantons of the city and district of Basel, the Artephila Foundation and other foundations.


Bach: Magnificat

BR-CPEB E 4 (Wq 215)

CD, Choir Coach, multimedia

Homilius: St. Mark Passion

Die Geschichte des Leidens und Sterbens unseres Heilandes Jesu Christi nach der Beschreibung des Evanglisten Marcus

HoWV I.10

CD, Choir Coach, multimedia