Wolf: Verborgenheit - Sheet music | Carus-Verlag

Hugo Wolf Verborgenheit

aus Mörike-Lieder, Nr. 12, Arrangement von Denis Rouger

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Hugo Wolf composed over 250 songs to texts by the greatest poets of his day. One of the best-known of these is “Verborgenheit”. In Denis Rouger’s arrangement it reveals its own momentum which does not conflict with the original masterpiece, but presents new facets alongside it, inviting us to discover something new in the old.


This art song was originally composed not for chamber choir, but for solo voice and piano. Denis Rouger has carefully adapted it to suit the requirements and expressive possibilities offered by a larger ensemble, without losing the any of the qualities of the original in the process. Each part in the choir has a melodic line drawn from the harmonic and rhythmic framework. In the process, the variety and refinement of the choral language combines with an enormous flexibility in form and expression, as French melodies or German art song demand from a soloist and pianist.

The songs have been recorded by the figure humaine chamber choir on the CD "Kennst du das Land ..." (Carus 83.495).

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  • Verborgenheit
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  • Lass, o Welt, o lass mich sein!
    Locket nicht mit Liebesgaben,
    Lasst dies Herz alleine haben
    Seine Wonne, seine Pein!

    Was ich traure, weiß ich nicht,
    Es ist unbekanntes Wehe;
    Immerdar durch Tränen sehe
    Ich der Sonne liebes Licht.

    Oft bin ich mir kaum bewusst
    Und die helle Freude zücket
    Durch die Schwere so mich drücket,
    Wonniglich in meiner Brust.

    Eduard Mörike (1804–1875)


  • Laissez, ô monde, ô laissez-moi tranquille !
    Ne m’attirez pas avec les dons de l’amour,
    Laissez ce cœur avoir tout seul
    Sa félicité, sa détresse !

    Je ne sais pas ce qui m’attriste,
    C’est une douleur inconnue,
    Je vois toujours à travers les larmes
    La lumière aimable du soleil.

    Souvent je ne me rends presque pas compte
    Et la joie claire s’enflamme
    A travers la pesanteur qui presse
    Avec bonheur en ma poitrine.

    Eduard Mörike (1804–1875)
    Traduction: Christiane Rouger-Ortwein


full score Carus 9.245/00, ISMN 979-0-007-24440-8 8 pages, DIN A4, without cover Minimum order quantity: 20 copies
from 20 copies 5,50 € / copy
from 40 copies 4,95 € / copy
from 60 copies 4,40 € / copy
full score digital (download), pdf file Carus 9.245/00-010-000, ISMN 979-0-007-26245-7 8 pages, DIN A4 Minimum order quantity: 20 copies
from 20 copies 5,00 € / copy
from 30 copies 4,00 € / copy
from 50 copies 3,25 € / copy
from 100 copies 2,75 € / copy
text (without music) for download, html file, Singing text, French translation Carus 9.245/00-370-000
1,00 € / copy
text (without music) for download, html file, Singing text, original Carus 9.245/00-380-000
1,00 € / copy
Additional product information
  • Eduard Mörike, geb. 1804 in Ludwigsburg, gest. 1875 in Stuttgart. Studium der Theologie. Von 1834 bis 1843 Pfarrer in Cleversulzbach. 1855 Hofrat, 1856 Professor. Bedeutender Lyriker und Prosaist. Freundschaft mit Johann Strauß und Paul Heyse. Personal details
  • Denis Rouger grew up as the son of a family of musicians in Paris, where he learned trumpet, horn, piano and singing. He studied composition at the CNSM (Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique), obtaining first prizes in harmony, fugue and counterpoint. He studied choral conducting in France and Holland at the Kurt Thomas Academy and received the Certificat d’Aptitude for vocal ensembles from the Ministry of Culture.

    As “Professeur agrégé” at the University of Paris-Sorbonne he conducted the “Choeur de Paris-Sorbonne” and taught choral conducting for twenty years. From 1993 to 2003, he was choirmaster at Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral and from 2005 to 2006 at the Madeleine Church, where he received the title of “Honorary Music Director.”

    He has conducted numerous professional and amateur ensembles, among others in Germany – where he was invited as a guest conductor by the Landesjugendchor Baden-Württemberg and the Balthasar Neumann Chor, as well as by radio choirs in Hamburg (NDR) and Stuttgart (SWR) –, Italy, Holland, Canada, the United Arab Emirates and Switzerland (Lucerne Festival). He has also collaborated in several world premieres of contemporary works by Klaus Huber, N’guyen Thien Dao, Philippe Mazé and Yves Castagnet, among others. Denis Rouger gives master classes in choral conducting in Sweden, Bulgaria, France, Germany and Switzerland.

    In April 2011, Denis Rouger was appointed Professor of Choral Conducting at the Staatliche Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Stuttgart. The Chamber Choir of the Musikhochschule, which he founded in autumn 2011, won first prize at the International Choir Competition in Mosbach (Germany) in 2014. In collaboration with Carus the choral book French Choral Music has been published as well as the debut CD of the figure humaine kammerchor, founded in 2016 by Denis Rouger.
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