Antonio Vivaldi Magnificat

RV 610 / RV 611

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The office as a priest and the long years as musical director of the Ospedale della Pietà (a large orphonage in Venice) both occasioned and inspired him to compose church music in large variety. The Magnificat RV 160 has come down to us in two versions. The first version is dominated by the choral concept, in the second version the texts of "Et exultavit, Quia respexit, Quia fecit, Esurientes", and "Sicut locutus est" are each given new and extended solo arias that – as the manuscripts reveals – were tailored to voices of girls from the Ospedale who are mentioned by name in the autograph.
Listen (9)
  • Magnificat (Coro)
  • Et exsultavit (Soli SAT, Coro)
  • Et misericordia (Coro)
  • Fecit potentiam (Coro)
  • Deposuit potentes (Coro)
  • Esurientes (Soli SS)
  • Suscepit Israel (Coro)
  • Sicut locutus est (Coro SAB)
  • Gloria patri (Coro)
  • carus music, the Choir Coach Üben mit carus music
    • Sicut locutus est (Coro SAB) (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Magnificat (Coro) (Choir Coach)
    • Magnificat (Coro) (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Et exsultavit (Soli SAT, Coro) (Choir Coach)
    • Et exsultavit (Soli SAT, Coro) (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Et misericordia (Coro) (Choir Coach)
    • Et misericordia (Coro) (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Fecit potentiam (Coro) (Choir Coach)
    • Fecit potentiam (Coro) (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Deposuit potentes (Coro) (Choir Coach)
    • Deposuit potentes (Coro) (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Suscepit Israel (Coro) (Choir Coach)
    • Suscepit Israel (Coro) (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Sicut locutus est (Coro SAB) (Choir Coach)
    • Gloria patri (Coro) (Choir Coach)
    • Gloria patri (Coro) (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Sicut locutus est (Coro SAB) (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Magnificat (Coro) (Choir Coach)
    • Magnificat (Coro) (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Et exsultavit (Soli SAT, Coro) (Choir Coach)
    • Et exsultavit (Soli SAT, Coro) (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Et misericordia (Coro) (Choir Coach)
    • Et misericordia (Coro) (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Fecit potentiam (Coro) (Choir Coach)
    • Fecit potentiam (Coro) (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Deposuit potentes (Coro) (Choir Coach)
    • Deposuit potentes (Coro) (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Suscepit Israel (Coro) (Choir Coach)
    • Suscepit Israel (Coro) (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Sicut locutus est (Coro SAB) (Choir Coach)
    • Gloria patri (Coro) (Choir Coach)
    • Gloria patri (Coro) (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Sicut locutus est (Coro SAB) (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Magnificat (Coro) (Choir Coach)
    • Magnificat (Coro) (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Et exsultavit (Soli SAT, Coro) (Choir Coach)
    • Et exsultavit (Soli SAT, Coro) (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Et misericordia (Coro) (Choir Coach)
    • Et misericordia (Coro) (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Fecit potentiam (Coro) (Choir Coach)
    • Fecit potentiam (Coro) (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Deposuit potentes (Coro) (Choir Coach)
    • Deposuit potentes (Coro) (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Suscepit Israel (Coro) (Choir Coach)
    • Suscepit Israel (Coro) (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Sicut locutus est (Coro SAB) (Choir Coach)
    • Gloria patri (Coro) (Choir Coach)
    • Gloria patri (Coro) (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Magnificat (Coro) (Choir Coach)
    • Magnificat (Coro) (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Et exsultavit (Soli SAT, Coro) (Choir Coach)
    • Et exsultavit (Soli SAT, Coro) (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Et misericordia (Coro) (Choir Coach)
    • Et misericordia (Coro) (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Fecit potentiam (Coro) (Choir Coach)
    • Fecit potentiam (Coro) (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Deposuit potentes (Coro) (Choir Coach)
    • Deposuit potentes (Coro) (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Suscepit Israel (Coro) (Choir Coach)
    • Suscepit Israel (Coro) (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Gloria patri (Coro) (Choir Coach)
    • Gloria patri (Coro) (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
Additional material
  • Purchase additional material as a download product.
  • 1. Magnificat (Tutti)

    My soul doth magnify
    the Lord.

    2. Et exultavit (Aria Soprano 1, Soprano 2, Tenore e Coro)

    And my spirit hath rejoiced
    in God my Saviour.
    For he hath regarded the low
    estate of his handmaiden: for,
    behold, from henceforth shall
    call me blessed all generations.
    For he that is mighty
    hath done great things;
    and holy is his name.

    3. Et misericordia eius (Tutti)

    And his mercy is on them
    that fear him
    from generation to generation.

    4. Fecit potentiam (Tutti)

    He hath showed strength
    with his arm;


  • 1. Magnificat (Tutti)

    Meine Seele erhebt
    den Herrn,

    2. (Et exultavit (Aria Soprano 1, Soprano 2, Tenore e Coro)

    und mein Geist freuet sich
    Gottes, meines Heilands.
    Denn er hat die Niedrigkeit
    seiner Magd angesehen.
    Siehe, von nun an werden mich
    selig preisen alle Kindeskinder.
    Denn er hat große Dinge an mir getan,
    der da mächtig ist
    und des Name heilig ist.

    3. Et misericordia eius (Tutti)

    Und seine Barmherzigkeit
    währet immer für und für
    bei denen, die ihn fürchten.

    4. Fecit potentiam (Tutti)

    Er übet Gewalt
    mit seinem Arm


  • 1. Magnificat (Tutti)

    Magnificat anima mea Dominum.

    2. Et exultavit (Aria Soprano 1, Soprano 2, Tenore e Coro)

    Et exsultavit spiritus meus
    in Deo salutari meo.
    Quia respexit humilitatem
    ancillae suae,
    ecce enim ex hoc beatam me
    dicent omnes generationes.
    Quia fecit mihi magna
    qui potens est,
    et sanctum nomen eius.

    3. Et misericordia eius (Tutti)

    Et misericordia
    a progenie in progenies
    timentibus eum.

    4. Fecit potentiam (Tutti)

    Fecit potentiam
    in bracchio suo,


  • Text from the CD Carus 83.325

    Karl Heller
    Translation (abridged): John Coombs

    The Magnificat in G minor belongs liturgically in the service of Vespers. Vivaldi set this song of praise to Mary only once. The first version was written for the Ospedale della Pietà between 1713 and 1717 (RV 610b), but the work was revised at least twice. The version RV 610, differs from the original version only in points of detail. The characteristic features of this work include a clear sense of compositional terseness. Despite the particular charm of such a piece as the duet “Esurientes,” it is generally agreed that the greatest effect is created by the choral movements. This is true of the opening “Magnificat” with its extravagant gestures, concise plasticity in the unisono of the “Deposuit potentes de sede,” and above all of the “Et misericordia,” which is distinguished by its close counterpoint and expressive harmonic tension. The words at that point are set to music whose


  • Booklet-Text der CD Carus 83.325

    Karl Heller

    Die Wiederbelebung der Musik Antonio Vivaldis im 20. Jahrhundert ging einher mit der Neuentdeckung bisher völlig unbekannter Schaffensbereiche des Komponisten. Für die stärksten Überraschungen sorgte dabei ein großer Bestand an geistlicher Vokalmusik, dessen Repertoire von der groß angelegten Mess- und Vesperkomposition bis zum biblischen Oratorium und zur Solomotette reicht. Die ersten Wiederaufführungen solcher Werke, darunter das Gloria RV 589 und das Credo RV 591, während einer Vivaldi-Woche in Siena 1939 wurden geradezu als Sensation empfunden. Sie ließen deutlich werden, dass der Komponist gerade auf diesem Sektor Werke höchsten künstlerischen Ranges geschaffen hat.

    Zu den Sätzen des Messordinariums tritt mit dem Magnificat g-Moll eine Komposition, die ihrer liturgischen Stellung nach dem Vespergottesdienst – als dessen Schlussstück – zugehört. Vivaldi hat diesen Lobgesang der Maria (Luk 1,46–55) nur ein einziges Mal vertont, die zwischen 1713 und 1717 entstandene Erstfassung (RV 610b) allerdings wenigstens zweimal umgearbeitet, das letzte Mal 1739 zu einer Fassung, die fünf neu komponierte Soloarien für Sängerinnen des Ospedale della Pietà


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1,00 € / copy
text (without music) for download, html file, Singing text, original Carus 40.002/00-380-000
1,00 € / copy


Magnificat RV 610

Diese Ausgabe ist wertvoll, weil hier in einer Ausgabe die Fassungen des Magnificats RV 610 und von RV 611 vereint werden. Die fünf feinen Arien im galanten Stil sind im Anhang präsentiert und erlauben dem Musiker; die Wahl zwischen der früheren und der späteren Fassung. Diese geniale editionstechnische Idee aus dem Jahr 1973 sollte auch bei anderen Werken Vivaldis Schule machen. Sehr zu empfehlen.  
Toccata 7/2003

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