Vivaldi: Gloria in D - Sheet music | Carus-Verlag

Antonio Vivaldi Gloria in D

Arranged for choir with one male voice (arr. C. Rosiny) RV 589

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The Gloria in D, RV 589, is one of Vivaldi’s best-known sacred works. This Carus edition – which was actually our first ever publication – has certainly made a major contribution to the now enormous popularity of this choral work, which, with its great inventiveness, is typical of the composer’s work (Carus 40.001/50).

Christiane Rosiny’s arrangement of this masterpiece for SSAB choir is aimed at mixed ensembles with a limited number of male voices as well as youth choirs. While soprano and bass remain practically unchanged, the middle voices are arranged for soprano and alto. There are sensible suggestions for cuts should the size of the work prove to be an obstacle. These will help shorten the rehearsal time while preserving the unique character of the individual sections. A vocal score and a choral score are available in addition to the full score. The orchestral parts are taken from the original version.

  • First volume of the new series SPLENDID SONORITY. Masterpieces arranged for Choir with one male voice
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  • 1. Gloria in excelsis (Coro

    Glory be to God on high

    2. Et in terra pax (Coro)

    and on earth peace to men of good will.

    3. Laudamus te (Duetto Soprano I.II)

    We praise Thee;
    we bless Thee;
    we adore Thee;
    we glorify Thee.

    4. Gratias agimus tibi (Coro)

    We give Thee thanks

    5. Propter magnam gloriam tuam (Coro)

    for Thy great glory.

    6. Domine Deus (Aria Soprano)

    Lord God, heavenly King, God the almighty Father.

    7. Domine Fili unigenite (Coro)

    O Lord, the only-begotten Son,


  • 1. Gloria in excelsis (Coro)

    Ehre sei Gott in der Höhe

    2. Et in terra pax (Coro)

    und Friede auf Erden den Menschen, die guten Willens sind.

    3. Laudamus te (Duetto Soprano I.II)

    Wir loben Dich,
    wir preisen Dich,
    wir beten Dich an,
    wir rühmen Dich.

    4. Gratias agimus tibi (Coro)

    Wir danken Dir,

    5. Propter magnam gloriam tuam (Coro)

    denn groß ist Deine Herrlichkeit.

    6. Domine Deus (Aria Soprano)

    Herr und Gott, König des Himmels, Gott, allmächtiger Vater.

    7. Domine Fili unigenite (Coro)

    Herr Jesus Christus,


  • 1. Gloria in excelsis Deo (Coro)

    Gloria in excelsis Deo.

    2. Et in terra pax (Coro)

    Et in terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatis.

    3. Laudamus te (Duetto Soprano I.II)

    Laudamus te, benedicimus te, adoramus te, glorificamus te.

    4. Gratias agimus tibi (Coro)

    Gratias agimus tibi

    5. Propter magnam gloriam tuam (Coro)

    propter magnam gloriam tuam.

    6. Domine Deus (Aria, Soprano)

    Domine Deus, Rex coelestis,
    Deus Pater omnipotens.

    7. Domine Fili unigenite (Coro)

    Domine Fili unigenite, Jesu Christe.

    8. Domine Deus, Agnus Dei (Alto e Coro)


  • Text from the CD Carus 83.325

    Karl Heller
    Translation (abridged): John Coombs

    The Gloria in D major has, more than any other work, established Vivaldi’s reputation as a composer of church music. In the compositional design of this work Vivaldi followed the same basic conception which is known from Bach’s B minor Mass: it is arranged in a large number of individual movements, some of which are for chorus, while others are solo arias or duets. This is the basis of the socalled “cantata” or “number” Mass, which enabled the composer to focus on central thoughts of the text. Thus the twelve movements profit from a great diversity of character, while at the same spanning a considerable stylistic range.

    The heart of the composition is the chorus “Et in terra pax.” Among the unusual features of this masterly piece is the fact that the musical events proceed on two levels which motivically are distinct from each other: the orchestra plays wide intervals,


  • Booklet-Text der CD Carus 83.325

    Karl Heller

    Die Wiederbelebung der Musik Antonio Vivaldis im 20. Jahrhundert ging einher mit der Neuentdeckung bisher völlig unbekannter Schaffensbereiche des Komponisten. Für die stärksten Überraschungen sorgte dabei ein großer Bestand an geistlicher Vokalmusik, dessen Repertoire von der groß angelegten Mess- und Vesperkomposition bis zum biblischen Oratorium und zur Solomotette reicht. Die ersten Wiederaufführungen solcher Werke, darunter das Gloria RV 589 und das Credo RV 591, während einer Vivaldi-Woche in Siena 1939 wurden geradezu als Sensation empfunden. Sie ließen deutlich werden, dass der Komponist gerade auf diesem Sektor Werke höchsten künstlerischen Ranges geschaffen hat.

    Wie kaum ein zweites Werk hat das Gloria D-Dur RV 589 dazu beigetragen, den Ruf Vivaldis als Kirchenkomponist zu begründen. Seit es 1941 als erstes der kirchenmusikalischen Werke des Komponisten durch Druck veröffentlicht wurde, erfreut es sich der besonderen Gunst der Musizierenden und der Hörer. Die Gründe dafür mögen vielfältiger Natur sein, liegen aber gewiss primär bei der Kraft und dem Reichtum der musikalischen Erfindung und Ausdrucksgebung.

    Vivaldi folgt in der kompositorischen


full score, Foreword in German and English Carus 14.401/00, ISMN 979-0-007-31248-0 68 pages, DIN A4 Provisionally available from 11/2024
vocal score Carus 14.401/03, ISMN 979-0-007-34084-1 52 pages Provisionally available from 11/2024
choral score Carus 14.401/05, ISMN 979-0-007-31250-3 20 pages, DIN A4 Provisionally available from 11/2024 Minimum order quantity: 20 copies
set of parts, complete orchestral parts Carus 14.401/19, ISMN 979-0-007-31265-7 Provisionally available from 11/2024
  • 1 x set of parts, harmony parts, oboe, trumpet (40.001/59)
    4 x individual part, violin 1 (40.001/61)
    4 x individual part, violin 2 (40.001/62)
    3 x individual part, viola (40.001/63)
    4 x individual part, basso continuo (40.001/64)
    1 x individual part, organ (40.001/99)
full score digital (download), pdf file Carus 14.401/00-010-000, ISMN 979-0-007-31249-7 Provisionally available from 11/2024
text (without music) for download, html file, Introductory text, German Carus 40.001/00-310-000
25,00 € / copy
text (without music) for download, html file, Introductory text, English Carus 40.001/00-320-000
25,00 € / copy
text (without music) for download, html file, Singing text, German translation Carus 40.001/00-350-000
5,00 € / copy
text (without music) for download, html file, Singing text, english translation Carus 40.001/00-360-000
5,00 € / copy
text (without music) for download, html file, Singing text, original Carus 40.001/00-380-000
3,00 € / copy
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Frequent questions about this work

Can I use my existing voice material from the original version?

Yes, there is no new material. The cuts are explained in the score for all parts.
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