Telemann: Ein feste Burg. Vocal- and instrumental music - CD, Choir Coach, multimedia | Carus-Verlag

Georg Philipp Telemann Ein feste Burg. Vocal- and instrumental music

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“... a really fine ensemble, and it’s well-led by Holger Speck, who keeps tempos flowing smoothly and articulation clear and crisp. All of the solo singers are expert, the choir is marvelous ... What else needs to be said, except ‘More Telemann!’” Classic Today (10/10)
Listen (26)
  • Ich danke dem Herrn
  • Groß sind die Werke des Herrn
  • Was er ordnet
  • Er hat ein Gedächtnis gestiftet
  • Er lässet verkünden
  • Die Werke seiner Hände
  • Er sendet eine Erlösung
  • Die Furcht des Herrn
  • Hold what thou hast
  • A mighty fortress is our God
  • 1. Choral "Nun lassest uns den Leib"
  • 2. Andante
  • 3. Andante
  • da capo: 2. Andante
  • 4. Triste
  • 5. Choral "Christus, der ist mein Leben"
  • Es segne uns Gott, unser Herr
  • Sonata
  • Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied
  • Singet dem Herrn und lobet seinen Namen
  • Erzählet unter den Heiden
  • Denn der Herr ist groß
  • Es stehet herrlich und prächtig
  • Ihr Völker, bringet her
  • Bringet her dem Herrn die Ehre
  • Betet an den Herrn
Compact Disc Carus 83.166/00, EAN 4009350831667 CD in jewel case
19,90 € / copy
  • Telemann's extremely rich compositional output, the fruits of three quarters of a century's work, encompasses almost all genres of music; in his vocal works it ranges from songs with basso continuo accompaniment to chamber and church cantatas, and to opera. In his own assessment, church music played a central role in his output; he alone probably composed over 1,600 church cantatas, as well as cantata-style funeral music settings (such as Du aber, Daniel, gehe hin), psalm settings (for example, Deus judicium tuum) and oratorios. Throughout his works Telemann showed himself to be a progressive composer, open to new trends and keen to experiment whilst exploring new directions; not without reason was he called a forerunner of classicism. However, his compositions constitute only a part of his importance to music history: as a music publisher, the author of publications for teaching, the director of middle-class music societies and initiator of public concerts, he made a considerable contribution to creating the preconditions for the support of the musically-educated middle classes in the ensuing era of music. Personal details
  • Alongside its dedication to a core repertoire of composers such as Monteverdi, Schütz, Bach, Mozart, Haydn, Schumann, and Brahms, the Vocalensemble Rastatt & Les Favorites frequently explore new terrain with premiere performances. On the heels of its successes in national and international choir competitions, the ensemble has taken part in numerous internationally acclaimed CD recordings as well as radio, and television productions for SWR, Radio France, Deutschlandradio Kultur, and Deutschlandfunk. The Vocalensemble Rastatt & Les Favorites have performed in the Festspielhaus Baden-Baden, the Musikfest Bremen, the Kölner Philharmonie, the SWR RheinVokal Festival, the Europäisches Musikfest Stuttgart, the Schwetzinger Festspiele, the Deutschlandradio Kultur Wartburgkonzerte, the Internationale Musiktage im Dom zu Speyer, the Philharmonie in Mulhouse, and the Centre de Musique “Les Dominicains” in Guebwiller, France, among other venues. The flexible choir does not shy away from excursions into the world of opera, having performed Donizetti’s Lucia di Lammermoor and Bellini’s Norma with Edita Gruberova, and Mozart’s Don Giovanni and Così fan tutte with Rolando Villazón. Together with Klaus Maria Brandauer and the Chamber Orchestra of Europe, the choir also performed Mendelssohn’s Sommernachtstraum at the Musikfest Bremen. The ensemble is sponsored by the German state of Baden-Württemberg in co-operation with its “Kunst 2020” program, as well as by its home city of Rastatt. Personal details
  • Alongside its dedication to a core repertoire of composers such as Monteverdi, Schütz, Bach, Mozart, Haydn, Schumann, and Brahms, the Vocalensemble Rastatt & Les Favorites frequently explore new terrain with premiere performances. On the heels of its successes in national and international choir competitions, the ensemble has taken part in numerous internationally acclaimed CD recordings as well as radio, and television productions for SWR, Radio France, Deutschlandradio Kultur, and Deutschlandfunk. The Vocalensemble Rastatt & Les Favorites have performed in the Festspielhaus Baden-Baden, the Musikfest Bremen, the Kölner Philharmonie, the SWR RheinVokal Festival, the Europäisches Musikfest Stuttgart, the Schwetzinger Festspiele, the Deutschlandradio Kultur Wartburgkonzerte, the Internationale Musiktage im Dom zu Speyer, the Philharmonie in Mulhouse, and the Centre de Musique “Les Dominicains” in Guebwiller, France, among other venues. The flexible choir does not shy away from excursions into the world of opera, having performed Donizetti’s Lucia di Lammermoor and Bellini’s Norma with Edita Gruberova, and Mozart’s Don Giovanni and Così fan tutte with Rolando Villazón. Together with Klaus Maria Brandauer and the Chamber Orchestra of Europe, the choir also performed Mendelssohn’s Sommernachtstraum at the Musikfest Bremen. The ensemble is sponsored by the German state of Baden-Württemberg in co-operation with its “Kunst 2020” program, as well as by its home city of Rastatt. Personal details
  • Holger Speck is founder and artistic director of the Vocalensemble Rastatt & Les Favorites. He has developed a distinguished international reputation as a charismatic musician who is capable of bringing to life the aesthetic details of the sound particular to different periods, while communicating emotive content to the listener. His keen sense of sound assures the unmistakable tonal quality of his ensembles. His compelling, lively, and profound interpretations are regularly praised in specialist publications. He has conducted at famous festivals and concert halls such as the Festspielhaus Baden-Baden, the Philharmonie Mulhouse, the Händelfestspiele Karlsruhe, the Europäische Musikfest Stuttgart, the Schwetzinger Festspiele, the Festival Europäische Kirchenmusik Schwäbisch Gmünd, and the SWR RheinVokal Festival. Holger Speck has won prizes at both national and international competitions with the Vocalensemble Rastatt. His CD recordings have met with international acclaim (Gramophone Magazine, American Record Guide, Fanfare, Fono Forum, L’Orfeo, Pizzicato, Diapason, Classicstoday etc.). He frequently collaborates with artists such as Anne Le Bozec (Piano), Reinhold Friedrich (Trumpet), Wolfgang Meyer (Clarinet), and Veronika Skuplik (Violin). Holger Speck is also in demand as a singer, as a guest conductor, and as a lecturer at seminars for conducting and interpretation. He teaches at the Hochschule für Musik in Karlsruhe. Personal details
  • Konstantin Wolff studied with Donald Litaker at the Hochschule für Musik in Karlsruhe. He won the Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Prize from the Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz, was awarded a scholarship by the German National Academic Foundation and made his opera debut in 2005 at the Opera National de Lyon under William Christie in Monteverdi’s L’incoronazione di Poppea. His concert repertoire ranges from the early baroque to the 20th century. He has performed with conductors including Gerd Albrecht, Alun Francis, Riccardo Chailly, Ton Koopman, René Jacobs, Claudio Abbado, Sir Simon Rattle and Nicholas McGegan. His first solo CD, a recording of Lieder to texts by Victor Hugo, has been enthusiastically received. Personal details


[...] Dass sich bei seinen Werken Quantität und Qualität nicht ausschließen, belegen die vom Vocalensemble Rastatt in perfekten Wohlklang verwandelten Psalmen und Motetten, die eine Stunde lang konzentrierte Andacht und ungetrübte Freude verbreiten. [...]
Matyas Kiss
Quelle: nmz 4/2006

[...] The disc’s title work is a substantial motet (10 and a half minutes) based on the famous Luther hymn--and, in a style reminiscent of many of Bach’s chorale treatments, the tune runs in ingeniously varied ways through each of the five verses. It’s the disc’s highlight, both in terms of the sophistication and continuously appealing musical details and for the full-bodied, vibrant choral singing (the sopranos resplendent and the choir perfectly balanced with the instruments). Telemann’s psalm setting Singet dem Herrn (a different psalm text from Bach’s similarly titled masterpiece for double chorus) is another extended work--nine movements employing solos, duets, and choruses--likely written relatively early in Telemann’s career, yet it shows skillful organization, nicely compact sections, interesting choral writing, and artful integration of orchestral instruments.
Perhaps the most pleasant surprise here is the group of instrumental selections--„movements from festive music Telemann composed for funerals of two Hamburg mayors”--that occupy the middle portion of the program. This is some of the most mellifluous, tuneful, and rhythmically fluent music you’ll hear outside of Handel--and Telemann’s particular use of trumpets, trombones, and winds brings an extraordinarily rich color (unlike anything you’ll find in Bach) to these grand yet reverent scores (the sound of the „muffled” timpani, whose purpose is explained in the notes, is just right).
The baroque orchestra Les Favorites, founded only a couple of years ago, is a really fine ensemble, and it’s well-led by Holger Speck, who keeps tempos flowing smoothly and articulation clear and crisp. All of the solo singers are expert, the choir is marvelous, and the sound, from a Karlsruhe church, complements voices and instruments with ample space,natural timbres, and careful balances. What else need be said, except „More Telemann!”
Artistic quality / Sound quality 10/10

David Vernier
Quelle: ClassicsToday, 6/8/2005

Das Vocalensemble Rastatt und das Ensemble Les Favourites unter der Leitung von Holger Speck stellen in ihrer jüngsten Einspielung eine Auswahl verschiedener geistlicher Vokalkompositionen Telemanns vor ... Neben den Psalmvertonungen und den Motetten steht eine Instrumentalkomposition Telemanns im Zentrum der CD. Les Favourites ist ein exquisites Ensemble, das zumeist projektgebunden arbeitet und mit der Konzertmeisterin Veronika Skuplik vor allem renommierte Bläsersolisten wie Reinhold Friedrich, Edward Tarr oder Martin Stadler einbinden konnte. ... Das Vocalensemble Rastatt und Les Favourites unter der Leitung von Holger Speck haben mit dieser Telemann-Einspielung ihre 4. CD bei Carus herausgebracht. Holger Speck gehört zu den erfolgreichen Nachwuchsdirigenten in der Chorszene und ist Dozent an der Staatlichen Musikhochschule in Karlsruhe. Seine Arbeit wurde geprägt durch seine 10-jährige Zugehörigkeit zum Stuttgarter Kammerchor unter Frieder Bernius. Preise bei Deutschen und Internationalen Chorwettbewerben bezeugen den Erfolg des Vocalensemble Rastatt, das sich durch einen außerordentlich homogenen Klang und perfekte Textdeklamation auszeichnet, wobei das Ideal des Wohlklanges vor der dramatischen Ausdeutung zu liegen scheint.

Christiane Lehnigk
Quelle: Die neue Platte, DeutschlandRadio, 15.5.2005

Vocalensemble Rastatt singt
Telemann, der Fleißige

(Stä) Nach einer schönen Buxtehude-CD unternehmen das Vocalensemble Rastatt und sein Leiter Holger Speck den zweiten diskografischen Schritt in Richtung Barockmusik. Die jüngste Produktion - erneut vom Stuttgarter Schatzgräber-Label Carus veröffentlicht - widmet sich dem Schaffen von Georg Philipp Telemann und enthält fünf geistliche Vokalwerke (sowie ein Instrumentalstück), die eine große Bandbreite in der Besetzung abdecken. Sie zeigen einerseits das meisterliche handwerkliche Niveau des Komponisten, lassen aber andererseits auch ein durchaus schwankendes Inspirationsniveau erkennen.
Während etwa die Motette „Halt, was du hast” zu einer beglückenden Mischung aus polyfoner Kunstfertigkeit und expressiver Schlichtheit findet, geht das titelgebende Werk „Ein feste Burg” mitunter doch etwas penetrant mit seinem Cantus firmus hausieren. Die Interpreten trifft dabei keine Schuld: Das vorzügliche Kammerorchester Les Favorites artikuliert ungemein lebendig und sprechend - also im besten Sinne historisch - und verschmilzt mit dem schlank singenden Chor zu einer homogenen Einheit, aus der nur gelegentlich die eine oder andere nicht ganz einheitliche Vokalfärbung herausfällt. Die überzeugende Solistenriege rundet die Aufnahme zu einer klangschönen Wiederbelebung des immer noch etwas stiefmütterlich geliebten Komponisten.

Quelle: Stuttgarter Zeitung Nr. 165, 20.6.05, S.26

With a composer as prolific as Telemann and with an oeuvre covering so many different styles and genres, it must be difficult to make a selection of his works for CD. For this latest disc in the Telemann series, German music publishers Carus have issued an attractive selection of Telemann’s motets and psalms based on Biblical texts.
The two substantial Psalm settings, Ich danke dem Herrn von ganzem Herzen, TVWV 7:14 (setting Psalm 111) and Singet dem Herr ein neues Lied TVWV 7:30 (setting Psalm 96) survive in manuscripts which give little clue to the works’ dates. The Psalm 111 setting is attractive, scored for choir and soloists with an accompanying ensemble of trumpet, oboes and strings. The result is imaginatively scored by Telemann and alternates solos for each of the soloists (soprano Ruth Ziesak, alto Arnon Zlotnik, tenor Jan Kobow and bass Konstantin Wolf) with choral movements. The Psalm 96 setting is probably an early work. Though the manuscript comes from a collection in Frankfurt-am-Main, the work probably pre-dates Telemann’s period as Musikdirektor in Frankfurt (1712 – 1721). Written for choir, soloists and string accompaniment, it opens with a short, lively instrumental sonata. Attractive duets for alto Arnon Zlotnik and tenor Michael Berner and for soprano Sonja Erwide, alternate with choruses and solos for alto Arnon Zlotnik and bass Konstantin Wolf.
The other substantial work here is the Hamburgischer Trauermusik. This dates from Telemann’s later, Hamburg period and consists of instrumental music which he wrote for the funerals of two Mayors of Hamburg. Part 1 was written for a funeral in 1723 and part 2 in 1739. Written for an ensemble consisting of 2 oboes, 3 trumpets, timpani and strings, the resulting suite displays some of the most sophisticated music on the disc. Telemann’s use of muted trumpets and muffled timpani imparts a muted, funereal air but the music is richly orchestrated, full of wonderful felicities and deep-toned orchestral colours.
The disc is completed by three motets from the library of Princess Anna Amalia, sister of Frederick the Great of Prussia. They are very traditional in style, with just continuo accompaniment. Halt, was du Hast, TVWV 8.9 follows the structure of the traditional 17th century Lutheran chorale motet with the chorale melody O du allersüsseste Freude used as a cantus firmus in the third section. Es segne uns Gott, TVWV 8:8, is a short piece; a late composition notable mainly for its use of German expression markings, something Telemann started doing after 1730. Ein feste Burg, TVWV 8:7 was written whilst he was musical director in Hamburg (1721 – 1767). Written for the celebrations in 1730 of the bicentenary of the Confession of Augsburg, it sets five verses of Luther’s well known hymn.
All these are given attractive performances by soli, choir and orchestral ensemble. The choir, Vocalensemble Rastatt (numbering around two dozen singers), makes an admirably crisp sound and their German diction seems to be good; something which is important in these works written in the vernacular for popular edification. They are accompanied by the instrumental ensemble, Les Favourites, who respond in an admirably crisp and flexible manner to Holger Speck’s direction. In the purely instrumental pieces they display real enjoyment of Telemann’s lovely orchestration.
The soloists are all admirable, singing with style and a fine sense of line. A particular mention must be made of the hard working alto, Arnon Zlotnik, and bass Konstantin Wolff, who both sing solo on four tracks a-piece whereas the other soloists perform on just one track each.
This is an attractive disc, with a well put together and varied programme played in fine style by performers who convey real enjoyment. It would make an admirable introduction to Telemann’s art.

Quelle: Robert Hugill, Musicweb, 5 July, 2005

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