Rossini: Petite Messe solennelle - CD, Choir Coach, multimedia | Carus-Verlag

Gioachino Rossini Petite Messe solennelle


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On the surface, the Petite Messe solennelle is an occasional work, written for the dedication of the private chapel of a well-to-do Parisian nobleman. Rossini himself never published the work. The typically Rossinian rhythms and capricious drama, entirely in operatic style, offer a choir the chance to show off its full range of abilities – provided it has mastered the challenges.

The Carus Choir Coach offers choir singers the unique opportunity to study and learn their own, individual choral parts within the context of the sound of the entire choir and orchestra. For every vocal range a separate Audio CD or MP3 and download containing each choir part is available. The Carus Choir Coach is based on recorded interpretations by renowned artists who have performed the work from carefully prepared Carus Urtext editions. Each choir part is presented in three different versions: 

  • Original recording
  • Coach: each part is accompanied by the piano, with the original recording sounding in the background
  • Coach in slow mode: the tempo of the coach slows down to 70% of the original version – through this reduction passages can be learned more effectively.

Performers: Andrea Lauren Brown, Sarah Wegener (soprano), Ulrike Andersen, Ulrike Bartsch (alto), Michael Feyfar, Georg Poplutz (tenore), Jonathan de la Paz Zaens, Dominik Wörner (basso) – Kirchheimer Vokal-Consort, Simon Bucher (Klavier), Andreas Gräsle (Harmonium) – Tõnu Kaljuste 

Listen (16)
  • Purchase the work as a CD or download.
  • Gratias agimus tibi
  • Domine Deus
  • Qui tollis
  • Quoniam
  • Crucifixus
  • Offertorium (Prélude religieux)
  • O salutaris hostia
  • Kyrie
  • Gloria in excelsis Deo
  • Et in terra pax
  • Cum Sancto Spiritu
  • Credo in unum Deum
  • Et resurrexit
  • Et vitam venturi
  • Sanctus
  • Agnus Dei
  • carus music, the Choir Coach Üben mit carus music
    • Kyrie (Choir Coach)
    • Gloria in excelsis Deo (Choir Coach)
    • Et in terra pax (Choir Coach)
    • Cum Sancto Spiritu (Choir Coach)
    • Credo in unum Deum (Choir Coach)
    • Et resurrexit (Choir Coach)
    • Et vitam venturi (Choir Coach)
    • Sanctus (Choir Coach)
    • Agnus Dei (Choir Coach)
    • Kyrie (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Gloria in excelsis Deo (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Et in terra pax (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Cum Sancto Spiritu (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Credo in unum Deum (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Et resurrexit (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Et vitam venturi (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Sanctus (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Agnus Dei (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Kyrie (Choir Coach)
    • Gloria in excelsis Deo (Choir Coach)
    • Et in terra pax (Choir Coach)
    • Cum Sancto Spiritu (Choir Coach)
    • Credo in unum Deum (Choir Coach)
    • Et resurrexit (Choir Coach)
    • Et vitam venturi (Choir Coach)
    • Sanctus (Choir Coach)
    • Agnus Dei (Choir Coach)
    • Kyrie (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Gloria in excelsis Deo (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Et in terra pax (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Cum Sancto Spiritu (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Credo in unum Deum (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Et resurrexit (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Et vitam venturi (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Sanctus (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Agnus Dei (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Kyrie (Choir Coach)
    • Gloria in excelsis Deo (Choir Coach)
    • Et in terra pax (Choir Coach)
    • Cum Sancto Spiritu (Choir Coach)
    • Credo in unum Deum (Choir Coach)
    • Et resurrexit (Choir Coach)
    • Et vitam venturi (Choir Coach)
    • Sanctus (Choir Coach)
    • Agnus Dei (Choir Coach)
    • Agnus Dei (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Kyrie (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Gloria in excelsis Deo (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Et in terra pax (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Cum Sancto Spiritu (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Credo in unum Deum (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Et resurrexit (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Et vitam venturi (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Sanctus (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Kyrie (Choir Coach)
    • Kyrie (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Gloria in excelsis Deo (Choir Coach)
    • Gloria in excelsis Deo (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Et in terra pax (Choir Coach)
    • Et in terra pax (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Cum Sancto Spiritu (Choir Coach)
    • Cum Sancto Spiritu (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Credo in unum Deum (Choir Coach)
    • Credo in unum Deum (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Et resurrexit (Choir Coach)
    • Et resurrexit (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Et vitam venturi (Choir Coach)
    • Et vitam venturi (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Sanctus (Choir Coach)
    • Sanctus (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Agnus Dei (Choir Coach)
    • Agnus Dei (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
Additional material
  • Purchase additional material as a download product.
  • 1. Kyrie

    Lord, have mercy on us.
    Christ, have mercy on us.
    Lord, have mercy on us.

    2. Gloria

    Glory be to God on high.
    And on earth peace to men
    of good will.
    We praise thee;
    we bless thee;
    we adore thee;
    we glorify thee.
    We give thee thanks
    for thy great glory.
    Lord God,
    heavenly King,
    God the almighty Father.
    O Lord, the only begotten Son,
    Jesus Christ,
    O Lord God, Lamb of God,


  • 1. Kyrie

    Herr, erbarme dich unser.
    Christus, erbarme dich unser.
    Herr, erbarme dich unser.

    2. Gloria

    Ehre sei Gott in der Höhe.
    Und Friede auf Erden den Menschen,
    die guten Willens sind.
    Wir loben dich,
    wir preisen dich,
    wir beten dich an,
    wir rühmen dich.

    Wir danken dir, denn groß ist deine Herrlichkeit.

    Herr und Gott, König des Himmels,
    Gott, allmächtiger Vater.
    Herr Jesus Christus, eingeborener Sohn,
    Herr und Gott, Lamm Gottes, Sohn des Vaters.


  • 1. Kyrie

    Kyrie eleison.
    Christe eleison.
    Kyrie eleison.

    2. Gloria

    Gloria in excelsis Deo.
    Et in terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatis.
    Laudamus te, benedicimus te, adoramus te, glorificamus te.
    Gratias agimus tibi propter magnam gloriam tuam.
    Domine Deus, Rex coelestis,
    Deus Pater omnipotens.
    Domine Fili unigenite, Jesu Christe.
    Domine Deus, Agnus Dei, Filius Patris.
    Qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis.
    Qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis.
    Qui tollis peccata mundi, suscipe deprecationem nostram.
    Qui sedes ad dexteram Patris, miserere nobis.
    Quoniam tu solus Sanctus,
    tu solus Dominus, tu solus Altissimus, Jesu Christe.
    Cum Sancto Spiritu, in gloria Dei Patris.


  • Text from the CD Carus 83.406

    Michael Wersin
    Translation (abridged): Elizabeth Robinson

    Sacred music has evidently been entirely problematic ever since it first existed: the interconnection and intertwining of sublime texts representing the divine power of salvation, and charming melodies which directly transport the listener was already an ambivalent matter for St. Augustine throughout his life, although church music at that time was purely vocal and only in unison.

    Almost a millennium and a half later, in 1863, an Italian opera composer called Gioachino Rossini was to write a setting of the Latin ordinary of the mass. He called this his Petite Messe solennelle and in a manuscript note at the beginning of the autograph score he described it as “Hélas le dernier peché mortel de ma vieillesse” (“Alas, the last mortal sin of my old age”). The ironically-intended self-criticism of the old mocker and blasphemer was by no means made in isolation, but basically reflected exactly that age-old aesthetic conflict surrounding the appropriate use of music in the liturgy, which erupted violently again in the 19th century.

    Gioachino Rossini, who received a thoroughly conservative musical training at the Liceo in Bologna, and had


  • Booklet-Text der CD Carus 83.406

    Michael Wersin

    Geistliche Musik, insbesondere als Vertonung unmittelbar zur Liturgie gehöriger Texte, ist ganz offensichtlich ein „Problemfall“, seit es sie gibt: Das Mit- und Ineinander von erhabenen, das göttliche Heilswirken repräsentierenden Texten und reizvollen, den Zuhörer unmittelbar mitreißenden Melodien blieb schon für den heiligen Augustinus zeitlebens eine ambivalente Angelegenheit, obwohl Kirchenmusik damals nur einstimmig und rein vokal zu sein pflegte: „Ich schwanke […] zwischen der Gefahr des bloßen Vergnügens und der Feststellung einer heilsamen Wirkung […]. Wenn es mir jedoch zustößt, dass mich mehr der Gesang als die gesungene Sache bewegt, dann bekenne ich mich einer Sünde schuldig und würde den Sänger lieber nicht hören“, klagte er um 400 in seinen Confessiones.

    Fast eineinhalb Jahrtausende später, im Jahre 1863, sollte ein italienischer Opernkomponist namens Gioachino Rossini seine von ihm selbst Petite Messe solennelle genannte Vertonung des lateinischen Messordinariums in einem handschriftlichen Vermerk am Beginn des Autographs als „leider letzte Tod-Sünde meines Alters“ („Hélas le dernier peché mortel de ma vieillesse“) bezeichnen. Die


Carus Choir Coach (audio only), mp3 CD, practice aids, voice part soprano Carus 40.650/91, EAN 4009350736696 DIN A5, CD in jewel case
21,00 € / copy
Carus Choir Coach (audio only), mp3 CD, practice aids, voice part alto Carus 40.650/92, EAN 4009350736702 DIN A5, CD in jewel case
21,00 € / copy
Carus Choir Coach (audio only), mp3 CD, practice aids, voice part tenore Carus 40.650/93, EAN 4009350736719 DIN A5, CD in jewel case
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Carus Choir Coach (audio only), mp3 CD, practice aids, voice part basso Carus 40.650/94, EAN 4009350736726 DIN A5, CD in jewel case
21,00 € / copy
Carus Choir Coach for download (audio only), zip file, mp3 file, practice aids, voice part soprano Carus 40.650/91-101-000
12,90 € / copy
Carus Choir Coach for download (audio only), zip file, mp3 file, practice aids, voice part alto Carus 40.650/92-102-000
12,90 € / copy
Carus Choir Coach for download (audio only), zip file, mp3 file, practice aids, voice part tenore Carus 40.650/93-103-000
12,90 € / copy
Carus Choir Coach for download (audio only), zip file, mp3 file, practice aids, voice part basso Carus 40.650/94-104-000
12,90 € / copy
  • The Kirchheimer Vokal-Consort t akes i ts name from the idyllic wine village of Kirchheim an der Weinstrasse in Rhineland-Palatinate. At the invitation of Dominik Wörner, ten musicians came together at the 2010 “Kirchheimer Konzertwinter” Festival to perform the Petite messe solennelle by Gioachino Rossini. All members of the double quartet are prizewinning soloists (ARD International Music Competition in Munich, Leipzig Bach Competition, etc.) and enjoy international opera and concert careers. At the same time, they have extensive experience performing in leading ensembles (Collegium Vocale Gent, Bach Collegium Japan, Sette Voci, Cantus Cölln, RIAS Kammerchor). Drawing on this background, the KVC has acquired an enviable reputation within a very short time. Its distinctive unmistakable sound, combining the best of solo and ensemble singing, has been much praised. They are accompanied by two equally distinguished instrumentalists. From the beginning the high artistic potential has enthused Tõnu Kaljuste, the director. Following concerts under his direction, it was decided to make a CD of their interpretation. In the Noblessner Hall in the port of Tallinn, Estonia, designed by Ludvig Nobel in 1913 (the nephew of the founder of the Nobel Prize), the group found a fascinating place with an ideal acoustic in which to realize their project. During the Soviet period the building was used as a submarine factory. Pleading for peace, singing “Dona nobis pacem” in a former armaments production plant, has a strong symbolic power here. Personal details
  • For twenty years Tõnu Kaljuste (conductor) was artistic director and principal conductor of the Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir, which he founded in 1981, and the Tallinn Chamber Orchestra. Kaljuste has also been chief conductor of the Swedish Radio Choir and the Netherlands Chamber Choir. He has directed international choral seminars and workshops for several years and has worked as a guest conductor with leading orchestras and choirs throughout Europe, Australia and America. As well as immersing himself in the music of the great northern and eastern European moderns, such as Schnittke, Kurtag, Penderecki, Rautavaara and Kancheli, he has a deep affinity with the composers of his native Estonia, including Pärt, Tüür, Tormis and Eller. He has established an international reputation with his wide-ranging repertoire from opera, via the traditional symphonic repertoire to contemporary music. His numerous recordings have won many awards and have been nominated for Grammy awards. In 1999 he received the Cannes Classical Award in the category “Best 20th Century Choral Music” for his recording of Alfred Schnittke’s Psalms of Repentance. In 2004 he was awarded first prize by the Estonian State Foundation “Kultuurkapital.” The same year he became artistic director of the Nargen Festival, an annual, three-month long musical event on the coast of Estonia. He is a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Music. Personal details
  • Whether Baroque or contemporary music, Lieder or opera, the soprano Andrea Lauren Brown is equally convincing through the brilliant lightness of her interpretations. She made her operatic debut at the age of seventeen in Libby Larsen’s A Wrinkle in Time. This was followed by studies at West Chester University, Pennsylvania, Westminster Choir College in Princeton, New Jersey and at the Mozarteum in Salzburg. Winner of numerous prizes, in Europe she has given guest performances at the Theater an der Wien, the Festspielhaus Baden-Baden, at the Schwetzingen and Ludwigsburg Festivals, Spoleto Festival and Schumann Festival in Düsseldorf. Personal details
  • Michael Feyfar received his first singing training in the Knabenkantorei Basel. He studied in Bern, Karls ruhe (D. Litaker) and at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis (G. Türk). Michael Feyfar’s repertoire encompasses music from early baroque to contemporary and includes Lieder, oratorio and opera. Thus, he recently performed the Winterreise as well as Janacek’s Zápisníník zmizelého (The Diary of one who disappeared), recorded by the SWR. He is in great demand as Evangelist in Bach’s passions and regularly performs in free opera productions, such as Orphée in Gluck’s Orphée et Euridice (Baroque Opera Schloss Waldegg), in G. F. Haas’s chamber opera Das Schwarz (Lucerne Festival) as well as in other roles, e. g., as ?ekalinskij in Pique Dame at the Basel Theater. Personal details
  • Simon Bucher (piano) was b orn in Switzerland, and is much in demand as a soloist, song accompanist, chamber musician, improviser and teacher. After studying at the Hochschule der Künste Bern with Erika Radermacher and Tomasz Herbut, he took his teaching and performance diplomas and attended masterclasses in lieder interpretation with Irwin Gage at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater in Zürich with distinction. He was also much influenced by Dalton Baldwin and Ruben Lifschitz. Bucher is a prizewinner of the Swiss Musicians Association and the 10th International Johannes Brahms Competition Pörtschach, Austria, in 2003. He has given guest performances at leading festivals including the Ruhr Piano Festival and RheinVokal. Numerous CD recordings illustrate this versatile artist’s achievements. He is artistic director of the “Liederstunden Bern” series. Personal details
  • Andreas Gräsle (harmonium) studied church music in Stuttgart (organ: Jon Laukvik) and took his concert diploma in organ with Daniel Roth in Saarbrücken, followed by early music studies with Andrea Marcon. He was a scholarship holder of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), and a prizewinner at the International Johann Pachelbel Competition in Nuremberg in 1991. From 1996 to 2003 he was choirmaster and organist at the Augustinuskirche in Schwäbisch Gmünd, and in April 2003 he became district choirmaster in Ditzingen. In addition, he is much in demand as chamber music partner, organist and harpsichordist. He has made several CDs of organ and chamber music, and his own improvisations and arrangements of children’s songs round off his musical activities. He has taught score reading at the Musikhochschule Stuttgart since 1997. Personal details

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