Rheinberger: Missa et Motetti (Musica Sacra IX) - CD, Choir Coach, multimedia | Carus-Verlag

Josef Gabriel Rheinberger Missa et Motetti (Musica Sacra IX)

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Highly regarded as a composer, and a much sought after teacher of composition, Joseph Gabriel Rheinberger (1839–1901) was of great importance, with European stature. His more than 200 sacred works represent a significant contribution to church music of the 19th century. For many years Carus has made a name for itself through the rediscovery of this musical treasure. The basis for the CD series “Musica Sacra” is the Complete Edition of Rheinberger’s works, which has also been published by Carus. In addition to three motets, the present CD in this series also contains Rheinberger’s final, unfinished setting of the Mass composed in the year of his death; it includes the Credo, which was reconstructed using his sketches. The works on this CD, performed by Georg Grün with his KammerChor Saarbrücken, are primarily world premiere recordings.
Listen (20)
  • Christus factus est (Christus ward für uns gehorsam)
  • Meditabor (Denken will ich)
  • Laudate Dominum (Lobpreiset Gott, den Herrn)
  • Pater noster (Gott und Vater)
  • Kyrie
  • Gloria
  • Credo
  • Sanctus
  • Benedictus
  • Agnus Dei
  • Anima nostra
  • Angelus Domini (Siehe, vom Himmel hoch)
  • Jam sol recedit (Schon weicht der Sonne Flammenstrahl)
  • Salvete flores martyrum (Euch Martyrblüten, Gruß und Heil)
  • Salve Regina (Gruß, Himmelskönigin)
  • Benedictus Dominus (Hochgebenedeit der Herr)
  • In Deo speravit cor meum (Auf Gott stand des Herzens Vertrauen)
  • Sederunt principes (Fürsten beraten sich)
  • Confitebor tibi Domine (Dich bekenn' ich)
  • Benedicta es tu (Auserkoren bist du)
Compact Disc Carus 83.410/00, EAN 4009350834101 CD in jewel case
9,90 € / copy
  • During the second half of the 19th century Rheinberger, who was born in 1839 in Vaduz (Liechtenstein), was a major figure of European stature. In demand as a teacher of composition and esteemed as a composer, this professor at the Munich Conservatoire and Bavarian Court Kapellmeister made his mark on a whole generation of musicians. The fact that many of his compositions were no longer performed after his death in 1901, despite their high musical qualities, was largely a result of external circumstances. The change of aesthetic orientation which began about the turn of the century led to a radical move away from the conservative-classical ideals to which Rheinberger – like Brahms – had felt himself committed. It was also a fact that Rheinberger never publicized his own works vigorously. The Josef-Rheinberger-Archiv and Carus published a complete edition of works by Josef Gabriel Rheinberger for the first time. The edition, concluded in 2009, has contributed significantly to the fact that the music of this composition teacher and Bavarian Court Kapellmeister from Munich can once again be heard around the world today. Personal details
  • The KammerChor Saarbrücken, founded in 1990 by its conductor Georg Grün, quickly developed into one of the best choirs in Germany and likewise enjoys an outstanding international reputation. This has been confirmed through countless appear ances in Germany, in many European countries, the USA and Russia, CDs which have received critical acclaim, numerous radio record ings, and last, but not least, by the many prizes which the choir has won at international choral competitions and at the German choral competition in Regensburg in 1998. The choir performs works from all historical eras. In the field of early music it collaborates with professional ensembles and soloists who are dedicated to historical performance practice. Additional themes in its repertoire include the performance of romantic choral music, as well as an increasing number of world premiere performances of works written by composers exclusively for the ensemble. Personal details
  • Georg Grün studied church music, school music, Catholic theology, musicology, and conducting, and he taught music and courses on the Catholic religion for several years at a lycée for the arts. In 2000 he was appointed Professor of choral conducting at the Staatliche Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Mannheim. He has also been very success ful as a conductor of the chamber choir at this school (it has won prizes at the choral competitions of Cork and Maribor). Grün is active both at home and abroad as a guest conductor, juror and lecturer. In October 2012 Georg Grün was appointed Professor for Choral Conducting at the Hochschule für Musik Saar. Personal details
  • Rainer Oster (b. 1966) studied organ at the conservatories in Saarbrücken (with Paul Schneider and Andreas Rothkopf) and Stuttgart (in the soloist class of Jon Laukvik.) In 1992 he was awarded first prize in the Internationaler Johann-Pachelbel-Wettbewerb of the Orgelwoche Nürnberg and in 1993 he was honored with the Bachpreis awarded by the city of Wiesbaden. He is internationally active as a music pedagogue, lecturer and freelance concert organist, as well as performing on the harpsichord and fortepiano. Numerous radio (studio) and live recordings, concerts with various affiliates of the ARD (German public radio) and Radio France as well as CD recordings document his extensive musical activities. Since 2000 Rainer Oster has worked freelance in various capacities for the music department of the Saarländischer Rundfunk, including as a journalist and sound editor. In 1999 and 2007 he substituted for Jon Laukvik at the Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst in Stuttgart. He is currently working on a fundamental organ method. He has recorded, together with the Ensemble Parlando which he founded in 2002, the organ concertos, and sonatas of Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach as well as a series of harpsichord concertos by Johann Sebastian Bach. Personal details


[...] Georg Grüns hervorragender Kammerchor Saarbrücken bietet eine sehr gelungene Einspielung. Mit seiner feinen Singkultur bringt der Chor die Musik des 1901 verstorbenen Wahl-Münchners zum Blühen. [...]
(Johannes Adam, Badische Zeitung, 08.03.2011)

[...] Der Kammerchor Saarbrücken kostet die Klangschönheit der Stücke mit anrührender Wirkung aus. Rhythmische Präzision, deutliche Artikulation und eine fein abgestufte Dynamik machen das kunstvolle Gewebe von Rheinbergers Stücken hörbar. Eine rundum gelungene Aufnahme mit lohnenswerten Neuentdeckungen!
(Hilde Daniel, Neue Chorzeit, November 2010)

[...] Die Interpretation der eingespielten Werke lässt kaum Wünsche offen. Bei den bis zu sechsstimmigen Motetten überzeugt der Chor in allen Registern durch eine sehr gute Intonation und einer zu jeder Zeit gegebenen, vorbildlichen Textverständlichkeit. [...]
(Peter Büssers, klassik.com, 26.07.2010)

[...] Recorded at two locations the Carus engineers are to be praised for providing a clear and well balanced sound quality. The Mass in A has the benefit of being recorded in a resonant ecclesiastical setting with the organ sounding just superb. In the remaining scores the firmer acoustic of the Großer Sendesaal, Saarbrücken provides an impressive balance. The booklet contains an informative essay. It is good to see that full texts are provided with English translations. [...]
(Michael Cookson, MusicWeb International, July 2010)

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