Rheinberger: Ave Maria (Musica Sacra X) - CD, Choir Coach, multimedia | Carus-Verlag

Josef Gabriel Rheinberger Ave Maria (Musica Sacra X)

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Today Rheinberger is known primarily as a composer of motets for several voices and for masses for mixed choir. On the other hand, the fact that he also composed a whole series of solo works or choral works for women's voices is today much less well known, although he wrote such works throughout his entire creative life and a good number of these are among his most popular and commercially successful compositions. Volume 10 of the Rheinberger CD series is dedicated to this interesting, long neglected genre in Rheinberger's sacred oeuvre.
Listen (22)
  • Prope est Dominus
  • Salve Regina (Sei uns gegrüßet, o Königin)
  • Memorare
  • Quam admirabile
  • Inclina Domine (Neige, o Ewiger)
  • Ave maris stella
  • Puer natus in Bethlehem (Ein Kind geborn zu Bethlehem)
  • Die Seelen der Gerechten
  • Heil'ge Nacht
  • Osterlied
  • Sperent in te
  • Nocte surgentes
  • Ave Maria
  • Salve Regina
  • Ave Maria in B flat major
  • Ave Maria
  • Alma redemptoris mater
  • Salve Regina
  • Ave maris stella
  • Regina coeli
  • Ave Regina
  • Herr, du mein Gott
Compact Disc Carus 83.431/00, EAN 4009350834316 CD in jewel case
19,90 € / copy
  • During the second half of the 19th century Rheinberger, who was born in 1839 in Vaduz (Liechtenstein), was a major figure of European stature. In demand as a teacher of composition and esteemed as a composer, this professor at the Munich Conservatoire and Bavarian Court Kapellmeister made his mark on a whole generation of musicians. The fact that many of his compositions were no longer performed after his death in 1901, despite their high musical qualities, was largely a result of external circumstances. The change of aesthetic orientation which began about the turn of the century led to a radical move away from the conservative-classical ideals to which Rheinberger – like Brahms – had felt himself committed. It was also a fact that Rheinberger never publicized his own works vigorously. The Josef-Rheinberger-Archiv and Carus published a complete edition of works by Josef Gabriel Rheinberger for the first time. The edition, concluded in 2009, has contributed significantly to the fact that the music of this composition teacher and Bavarian Court Kapellmeister from Munich can once again be heard around the world today. Personal details
  • Annette Markert, born in Thuringia, studied at the Musikhochschule “Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy” in Leipzig, was engaged by the opera companies in Halle and Leipzig, and since 1996 has been a free-lance opera and concert singer. This mezzo-soprano has sung with the New York Philharmonic and the Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra under Kurt Masur, with the Vienna Philharmonic under Philippe Herreweghe and the International Bachakademie Stuttgart under Helmuth Rilling. She has also sung regularly with the Dresden Kreuzchor and the Leipzig Thomanerchor. For her participation in Handel operas she was awarded the Händel-Preis of the city of Halle. A wide range of CD productions, some with Ton Koopman and Ludwig Güttler, round off her activities. Personal details
  • Christine Müller, mezzo-soprano, studied in Trossingen and Vienna . She is a sought-after concert and lied singer with a broad repertoire who concertizes both at home and abroad. Numerous radio, television and CD productions document her achievements as a singer. She has earned special merit through her discoveries and publications of forgotten musical works, especially in the field of the lied. Personal details


[...] Die Interpretation der Werke auf der Aufnahme von 2009 kann der weiteren Verbreitung des Schaffens von Rheinberger nur entgegenkommen - nicht zuletzt durch die herausragenden Qualitäten der Begleiter Götz Payer (Klavier) und Kay Johannsen (Orgel).
(Birger Petersen, Forum Kirchenmusik, November/Dezember 2011)

[...] this CD will come as a breath of fresh air. [...It] takes you on a journey through Rheinberger’s sacred vocal music career. One comes out of the experience enriched and moved. This is also due to the gracious and ideal performances of the three vocalists whose tone quality, although mature and full, is always literally perfectly in tune but also in accord with the style of the music. In addition the use of piano and/or organ is apt and the accompaniments are sensitive and beautifully balanced. [...]
(Gary Higginson, MusicWeb International, January 2011)

[...] Lydia Teuscher, Christine Müller und Annette Markert kommen dankenswerter Weise ganz ohne Vibrato und romantisches Pathos aus. Ihr Gesang ist schlicht, anmutig, geprägt durch klare Linien. Er schöpft aus einer inneren Kraft, die das Gesungene sehr glaubwürdig vermittelt.
Man darf sich mit Fug und Recht schon auf die nächste Rheinberger-CD aus dem Hause Carus freuen.
(pizzicato, 09/2010)

[...] Die Solistinnen Lydia Teuscher (Sopran), Christine Müller (Mezzosopran) und Annette Marken (Alt) interpretieren hier die Stücke mit religiöser Inbrunst und romantischer Empfindung. Josef Gabriel Rheinbergers Vokalwerke sind eine echte Entdeckung!
(Mannheimer Morgen, 14.10.2010)

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