Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy St. Paul. Oratorio

Arrangement for chamber orchestra (arr. J. Linckelmann) MWV A 14 (Op. 36), 1834-1836 / 2022

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Mendelssohn’s St. Paul with just seven instead of the usual 18 wind instruments? Thanks to this arrangement for chamber orchestra, a performance with smaller forces is now possible, and presents an attractive alternative for performing Mendelssohn’s first oratorio – not only in times of Corona. For it is often considerations of space, a limited budget, or the size of the chorus which call for flexibility in scoring. 
The arrangement is based on the Carus Urtext edition. By reducing the symphonic wind and brass in particular, the volume of sound is more restrained, but nevertheless the symphonic character and a wide dynamic range are retained. All the vocal parts (soloists and chorus) are identical with the original version, so that the vocal scores, choral scores, and practice aids of the existing Carus edition can still be used. 

  • Major oratorio can also be performed by smaller choirs
  • Wind and brass parts of the original version reduced to just seven single instruments 
  • vocal scores and choral scores from the original version can be used
  • carus plus: the work (original version) is available in carus music, the Choir Coach, and in the Carus Choir Coach (audio only) series.
Original version Arrangement for chamber orchestra

Soli SATB, Coro SATB, 2 Fl, 2 Ob, 2 Clt, 2 Fg, 4 Cor, 2 Tr, 3 Trb, Serpente, Timp, 2 Vl, Va, Vc, Cb, Org

Soli SATB, Coro SATB, Fl, Ob, Clt, Fg, Cor, Tr, Trb, Timp, 2 Vl, Va, Vc, Cb, Org

Additional material
  • Purchase additional material as a download product.
  • Part I 1. Overture 2. Chorus

    Lord, thou alone art God,
    and thine are the heavens, the earth, and mighty waters.
    The heathen furiously rage, Lord,
    against thee and thy Christ.
    Now behold, lest our foes prevail,
    and grant to thy servants
    all strength and joyfulness,
    that they may preach thy word.
    Ac 4:24,26,29

    3. Chorale

    To God on high be thanks and praise,
    who deigns our bonds to sever,
    His cares our drooping souls upraise,
    and harm shall reach us never:
    On him we rest, with faith assur’d,
    of all that live the mighty Lord,
    for ever and for ever.
    Nikolaus Decius 1525

    4. Recitative and Duet

    And the many that believed were of one heart and of one soul, and Stephen full of faith and full of power, did great wonders among the people; and they of the Synagogue were not able to resist the wisdom and the spirit with which he spake. Then they suborned men who were false witnesses, which said:
    Ac 4:32; 6,8-11

    False witnesses (Basso I/II)
    We verily have heard him blaspheme against these holy places and against the law.
    Ac 6:11


  • Erster Teil 1. Ouvertüre 2. Chor

    Herr, der du bist der Gott,
    der Himmel und Erde und das Meer gemacht hat.
    Die Heiden lehnen sich auf, Herr,
    wider dich und deinen Christ.
    Und nun, Herr, siehe an ihr Droh’n,
    und gib deinen Knechten
    mit aller Freudigkeit zu reden dein Wort.
    Apg 4,24.26.29

    3. Choral

    Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr
    und Dank für seine Gnade,
    darum, dass nun und nimmermehr
    uns rühren kann kein Schade.
    Ganz unermess’n ist seine Macht,
    nur das geschieht, was er bedacht,
    wohl uns, wohl uns des Herren.
    Nikolaus Decius 1525

    4. Rezitativ und Duett

    Die Menge der Gläubigen war ein Herz und eine Seele.
    Stephanus aber, voll Glauben und Kräfte, tat Wunder vor dem Volk,
    und die Schriftgelehrten vermochten nicht zu widerstehn der Weisheit und dem Geist, aus welchem er redete, da richteten sie zu etliche Männer,
    die da sprachen:
    Apg 4,32; 6,8–11

    Falsche Zeugen (Bass I/II)
    Wir haben ihn gehört Lästerworte reden wider diese heilige Stätte und das Gesetz.


  • Text from the CD Carus 83.021

    R. Larry Todd

    It is probably no exaggeration to claim that St. Paul, based largely upon the Acts of the Apostles and recounting the conversion of Saul of Tarsus to the early Christian missionary Paul, was Mendelssohn’s most popular work during his lifetime. Composed between 1834 and 1836 and premiered in Düsseldorf on May 22, 1836 (Pentecost), the oratorio initially received acclaim rarely rivaled in the annals of music history. When Mendelssohn conducted it in England at the Birmingham Musical Festival of 1837, the work was favorably compared to the immortal oratorios of Handel. Numerous performances quickly followed in Germany, Switzerland, Denmark, Holland, Poland, Russia, and even the United States. In 1839, when Mendelssohn conducted St. Paul in Brunswick, H. F. Chorley averred “there is little modern music which gains so much with every subsequent hearing as that of the ‘St Paul.’” But further on in the century, distinctly negative impressions accrued. If Wagner, after hearing Mendelssohn conduct the oratorio on Palm Sunday in 1843, praised it as a classical masterwork, he later introduced into his writings a virulent racist strain and attacked Mendelssohn, a member of a prominent Jewish


  • Booklet-Text der CD Carus 83.021

    R. Larry Todd Übersetzung: Helga Beste

    Die Behauptung, Paulus sei das zu Lebzeiten Mendelssohns beliebteste seiner Werke gewesen, ist sicher nicht übertrieben. Das Werk beruht im Wesentlichen auf der Apostelgeschichte und erzählt die Wandlung des Saulus von Tarsus zum frühchristlichen Missionar Paulus. Komponiert zwischen 1834 und 1836 und uraufgeführt am 22. Mai 1836 (Pfingsten) erfuhr dieses Oratorium eine Anerkennung, die in der Musikgeschichtsschreibung ihresgleichen sucht. Als Mendelssohn das Werk 1837 in England beim Birmingham Musical Festival dirigierte, zog man lobende Vergleiche zu den unsterblichen Oratorien Händels. Rasch folgten zahlreiche Aufführungen in Deutschland, der Schweiz, Dänemark, Holland, Polen, Russland und sogar den Vereinigten Staaten. Als Mendelssohn Paulus 1839 in Brunswick dirigierte, beteuerte H. F. Chorley: „there is little modern music which gains so much with every subsequent hearing as that of the ‘St. Paul’”. Im weiteren Verlauf des Jahrhunderts häufen sich jedoch ausgesprochen negative Urteile. Auch wenn Wagner das Werk nach einer von Mendelssohn am Palmsonntag 1843 dirigierten Aufführung zunächst als klassisches Meisterwerk pries, vertreten


full score, Foreword in German and English Carus 40.129/50, ISMN 979-0-007-25465-0 416 pages, paperback
139,00 € / copy
set of parts, complete orchestral parts, on loan, also available in digital form Carus 40.129/69
  • 1 x set of parts, harmony parts, on loan, flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, horn, trumpet, trombone, timpani (40.129/59)
    5 x individual part, violin 1, on loan (40.129/61)
    5 x individual part, violin 2, on loan (40.129/62)
    4 x individual part, viola, on loan (40.129/63)
    4 x individual part, violoncello, on loan (40.129/64)
    2 x individual part, double bass, on loan (40.129/65)
    1 x individual part, organ, on loan (40.129/99)
Mendelssohn Bartholdy: St. Paul, choral score Carus 40.129/05, ISMN 979-0-007-18652-4 80 pages, DIN A4, without cover Minimum order quantity: 20 copies
from 20 copies 11,60 € / copy
from 40 copies 10,44 € / copy
from 60 copies 9,28 € / copy
text (without music) for download, html file, Introductory text, German Carus 40.129/00-310-000
25,00 € / copy
text (without music) for download, html file, Introductory text, English Carus 40.129/00-320-000
25,00 € / copy
text (without music) for download, html file, Singing text, english translation Carus 40.129/00-360-000
8,00 € / copy
text (without music) for download, html file, Singing text, original Carus 40.129/00-380-000
5,00 € / copy
full score digital (download), pdf file Carus 40.129/50-010-000, ISMN 979-0-007-29945-3 416 pages
125,10 € / copy
set of parts (digital), zip file, pdf file, complete orchestral parts, on loan Carus 40.129/69-010-000
  • 1 x set of parts (digital), zip file, pdf file, harmony parts, on loan (40.129/59-010-000)
    1 x individual part, pdf file, violin 1, on loan (40.129/61-010-000)
    1 x individual part, pdf file, violin 2, on loan (40.129/62-010-000)
    1 x individual part, pdf file, viola, on loan (40.129/63-010-000)
    1 x individual part, pdf file, violoncello, on loan (40.129/64-010-000)
    1 x individual part, pdf file, double bass, on loan (40.129/65-010-000)
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Frequent questions about this work

Is it possible to perform this version with historical instruments?

Modern arrangements for smaller ensembles often require single instruments to take on multiple parts from the original version. This would be possible only to a very limited extent with historical instruments. This chamber music version should therefore be performed with modern wind instruments.
Yes, the string parts in the arrangement have been taken over almost unchanged from the original version. Detailed information about the few changes in the string parts can be found in the foreword of the full score. However, we also offer the slightly altered string parts on loan with article number Carus 40.129/69.
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