Mendelssohn Bartholdy: Hebe deine Augen auf. Kirchenwerke VII (Bernius) - CD, Choir Coach, multimedia | Carus-Verlag

Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy Hebe deine Augen auf. Kirchenwerke VII (Bernius)

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The CD series featuring the sacred choral music of Felix Mendelssohn in interpretations by the Kammerchor Stuttgart under Frieder Bernius makes the entire breadth and variety of Mendelssohn’s church works accessible. The works presented on the new CD „Hebe deine Augen auf“ for a cappella choir or with organ accompaniment range from pieces by the young Felix Mendelssohn for Catholic and Anglican worship to pieces by the mature composer, such as Psalm 100, Jauchzet dem Herrn op. 69,2 (1847). In the motets for women’s choir op. 39, such as O beata et benedicta for three female voices and organ, Mendelssohn’s sense for the cantabile musical idiom and differentiated harmony is already evident. Later, these aspects were displayed in such works as the trio for three women’s voices, the unmistakable  Hebe deine Augen auf, composed in 1846 for Elijah. For his other great oratorio, Paulus, Mendelssohn had originally planned to include the two Sologesänge op. 112, but in the course of completing that work he changed his mind.

The Kammerchor Stuttgart and Frieder Bernius present this selection of Mendelssohn’s works with their accustomed brilliance and clarity.

Awarded the Preis der deutschen Schallplattenkritik

Awarded the Fono Forum Stern des Monats
Listen (13)
  • Now the Lord, he guides ev'ry sinner a right
  • Thou who dost cause all men to perish
  • Beati mortui in Domino morientes
  • Periti autem
  • Lord, have mercy
  • Have you seen him hov'ring near
  • O most blessed, most praised and holy
  • Te Deum a 4
  • Come, O Lord our God
  • from: Three motets
  • The shepherd blest is risen
  • Shout to the Lord (Psalm 100)
  • Lift thine eyes to the mountains
Compact Disc Carus 83.206/00, EAN 4009350832060 CD, digipac
19,90 € / copy
  • The Kammerchor Stuttgart is regarded as one of the best ensembles of its kind. Over its fifty-year existence, Frieder Bernius has developed the choir into an exceptional ensemble acclaimed by audiences and press alike. This has led to invitations for the choir to perform at all the important European festivals. In Germany the chamber choir performs at festivals and in concert halls in repertoire ranging from the 17th to the 21st century. Frieder Bernius and his ensemble have received numerous accolades for their contribution to new music. The Kammerchor Stuttgart has made over 80 CDs and LPs, numerous of which have been awarded international recording prizes (including the Edison award, Diapason d’or, Gramophone Choice, Classical Internet Award, International Classical Music Award, and German Record Critics’ Award prizes). The International Federation for Choral Music has invited the ensemble to sing at the 1st, 4th and 10th World Symposia on Choral Music in Vienna, Sydney and Seoul. Regular tours of North America and Asia since 1988 and a South America tour reflect the Kammerchor Stuttgart’s international reputation. Since 1984 the top ensemble has also been invited to Israel biennially. Personal details
  • Frieder Bernius’s work has earned great worldwide recognition. He is in demand internationally as a conductor and as a teacher. His principal artistic collaborators are the ensembles he founded himself, the Kammerchor Stuttgart, the Barockorchester Stuttgart, the Hofkapelle Stuttgart and the Klassische Philharmonie Stuttgart. As a guest conductor, he has collaborated repeatedly with, for example, the SWR Vokalensemble Stuttgart, the Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen, the Stuttgarter Kammerorchester and the Streicherakademie Bozen. Great stylistic versatility is Frieder Bernius’s hallmark. Whether he conducts vocal works by Monteverdi, Bach, Händel, Mozart, Beethoven, Fauré and Ligeti, stage music by Mendelssohn or symphonies by Haydn, Burgmüller and Schubert, his work always aims for a sound that is at once unmistakably personal and at the same time oriented towards the original period sound ideal. He devotes himself equally to the rediscovery of 18th century operas and to first performances of contemporary compositions. He is particularly interested in the musical history of southwestern Germany. Carus-Verlag has awarded Frieder Bernius a Golden CD for his complete recording of the sacred music of Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy. The award was presented to him during the German Choir Festival in Stuttgart 2016. The sale of over 250,000 recordings, which has been acclaimed with a number of awards, has made a not insignificant contribution to what today is the obvious presence of Mendelssohn's complete œuvre in the concert repertoire. Personal details
  • The soprano Iris-Anna Deckert studied in Augsburg, Berlin and London with, among others, Dorothea Chryst, Edith Urbanzcyk and Jessica Cash. She is an internationally sought after freelance concert singer with a wide-ranging repertoire of both oratorios and Lieder. In 1994 she was awarded the scholarship of the Deutscher Bühnenverein. She has frequently appeared at major European festivals. Her artistic versatility is documented on numerous radio and CD recordings. Personal details
  • Adolph Seidel studied singing with Peter Wetzler and Paul Lohmann. He specializes in music of the early and high Baroque. As well as bass roles in concert repertoire, he particularly enjoys ensemble singing. Reflecting this, since 1977 he has been a member of the Kammerchor Stuttgart, the sixteen soloists of the Kammerchor Stuttgart under Frieder Bernius and the KammerChor Saarbrücken, and has been the bass in the Orlando di Lasso-Ensemble for several years. As well as his work as a singer, he is director of the vocal ensemble VocArt, specializing in the performance of Baroque vocal music ranging from small-scale works for soloists to oratorio works. Personal details


Mendelssohn - Hebe deine Augen auf. Kirchenwerke VII

Kaum einer arbeitet an Aufnahmen so gründlich wie Bernius - erst in der Kirche im schwäbischen Gönningen, auf deren Akustik er schwört, nachher im Schneideraum. Doch die Nacharbeit erklärt nicht die Brillanz. Wer den Chor live gehört hat, weiß, wie atemberaubend er sein kann, und die selige Musik Mendelssohns liegt ihm besonders. Diese siebte Folge der Kirchenwerke beweist es zum siebten Mal. ....
NDR Kultur, Ulrich Kühn, 16. Juni 2006

Es stimmt einfach alles an dieser CD (das meinte auch jüngst die Jury des deutschen Schallplattenpreises). Die Reihenfolge der Stücke folgt einer stimmigen Dramaturgie, die historische Orgel der akustisch herausragenden Gönninger Kirche passt perfekt zum erlesenen Klang des Kammerchors, und interpretatorisch nähert sich Bernius hier jenem Ideal, das der Perfektionist unter den Chorleitern schon immer angestrebt hat.
Stuttgarter Zeitung

Wiederholt erweist sich der von Frieder Bernius geleitete Kammerchor Stuttgart als ideales Ensemble für diese charakteristischen Werke. Zu den Qualitäten zählen dabei die klare Artikulation und ein angenehm schlanker, natürlicher und ausgeglichener Chorklang, ohne Schärfen in der Höhe und doch mit einem gesunden Fundament.
Michael Kube, Fono Forum 10/06

Die beispielgebende Einspielung der Mendelssohn’schen Kirchenwerke durch den Kammerchor Stuttgart unter seinem Leiter Frieder Bernius wird mit kleineren Werken fortgesetzt, die teils auch im Repertoire unserer Kirchenchöre zu finden sind - eine wirklich schöne, rundum bestens geglückte Einspielung!
Walter Sengstschmid, Singende Kirche Heft 3, 53.Jg. 2006



Beachtenswert ist, dass zudem alle Stücke von den Musikern äußerst spannungsvoll und schlüssig interpretiert werden. Die Tempi sind so gewählt, dass die Sänger scheinbar mühelos auch lange Phrasen spannungsvoll gestalten, ohne gehetzt zu klingen. Jeder Musiker scheint genau zu wissen was er singt, was sich unmittelbar in der Ausdruckskraft der Musik wiederspiegelt. Pausen lassen nicht an Spannung nach, musikalische Höhepunkte werden durch differenzierte Dynamik herausgearbeitet .
Markus Cella,, 20.10.2006



Es gibt es noch, das sorgsam und mit Weitblick gepflegte editorische Katalogrepertoire, das auf verlässliche Künstlerpartnerschaft setzt und unbeirrt seinen Weg geht. Das gilt für die Carus-Reihe mit Mendelssohns Kirchenwerken in der Realisierung mit Bernius' Kammerchor in hohem Maße. Mittlerweile ist man hier bei Volume VII angelangt, und auch die aktuelle Produktion greift auf vokale Tugenden zurück, die jenseits aller stilistischen Grabenkämpfe einen zeitlosen Stil pflegt: Ausgeglichen in allen Stimmregistern, klangstark, homogen, ohne Liedertafel-Tremolo, aber auch ohne die aseptische Ödnis mancher historisch-authentischer Ensembles.
Norbert Rüdell,, 09.06.2006



Ce disque documente le miracle choral réussi par un chef sans compétition aucune sur ce terrain. Il est servi par une prise de son parfaite tant dans le dosage de l'orgue que de la captation des voix.
Christophe Huss,, 11/06




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