Matsushita: Consolatio. Contemporary Choral Music - CD, Choir Coach, multimedia | Carus-Verlag

Ko Matsushita Consolatio. Contemporary Choral Music

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Ko Matsushita, born in 1962, approaches choral music in many ways. He himself composes and arranges for choir and his works are performed worldwide. At the same time, he is active as a conductor and artistic director of numerous choirs, which have always gained recognition foroutstanding performances at international competitions. Matsushita has received several awards, including the “Robert Edler Prize for Choral Music” in 2005 – the first Asian conductor to do so. Under the direction of Georg Grün, the KammerChor Saarbrücken, one of Germany's leading chamber choirs, dedicates this recording to Matsushita's sacred works for a cappella choir. In addition, the Lieder cycle op. 6 by Max Reger and the famous choral transcription Im Abendrot by Clytus Gottwald after the Adagietto from the 5th Symphony by Gustav Mahler can be heard.
Listen (11)
  • Im Abendrot. Adagietto from the 5th Symphony. Vocal transcription by Clytus Gottwald
  • Ubi caritas
  • O salutaris hostia
  • Tenebrae factae sunt
  • Deus, Deus meus
  • De profundis clamavi
  • How long wilt thou forget me, O Lord?
  • Domine, fac me servum pacis tuae
  • Trost
  • Zur Nacht
  • Abendlied
Additional material
  • Unbenanntes Dokument Im Abendrot

    Wir sind durch Not und Freude
    gegangen Hand in Hand,
    vom Wandern ruhen wir beide
    nun überm stillen Land.

    Rings sich die Täler neigen,
    es dunkelt schon die Luft,
    zwei Lerchen nur noch steigen
    nachträumend in den Duft.

    Tritt her, und lass sie schwirren,
    bald ist es Schlafenszeit,
    dass wir uns nicht verirren
    in dieser Einsamkeit.


  • Unbenanntes Dokument At Sunset

    Through trouble and joy we have
    walked hand in hand,
    now we both rest from wandering
    over the peaceful land.

    The valleys around us fade away,
    already the sky grows dark,
    only two larks still soar
    dreamily into the fragrant air.

    Come here, and let them fly around,
    soon it will be time to sleep,
    we must not lose our way
    in this solitude.


  • Unbenanntes Dokument Sous les feux du soleil couchant

    Main dans la main nous avons cheminé
    traversant joie et détresse,
    las de marcher, nous reposons maintenant,
    entourés de la nature silencieuse.

    Autour de nous les vals s’inclinent,
    l’air déjà s’assombrit,
    seules deux alouettes prennent leur envol
    énivrées du parfum de la nuit.

    Approche et laisse-les voleter,
    il faut bientôt dormir,
    que nous nous n’égarions pas
    dans cette solitude.


Compact Disc Carus 83.505/00, EAN 4009350835054 CD in jewel case
19,90 € / copy
  • The KammerChor Saarbrücken, founded in 1990 by its conductor Georg Grün, quickly developed into one of the best choirs in Germany and likewise enjoys an outstanding international reputation. This has been confirmed through countless appear ances in Germany, in many European countries, the USA and Russia, CDs which have received critical acclaim, numerous radio record ings, and last, but not least, by the many prizes which the choir has won at international choral competitions and at the German choral competition in Regensburg in 1998. The choir performs works from all historical eras. In the field of early music it collaborates with professional ensembles and soloists who are dedicated to historical performance practice. Additional themes in its repertoire include the performance of romantic choral music, as well as an increasing number of world premiere performances of works written by composers exclusively for the ensemble. Personal details
  • Georg Grün studied church music, school music, Catholic theology, musicology, and conducting, and he taught music and courses on the Catholic religion for several years at a lycée for the arts. In 2000 he was appointed Professor of choral conducting at the Staatliche Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Mannheim. He has also been very success ful as a conductor of the chamber choir at this school (it has won prizes at the choral competitions of Cork and Maribor). Grün is active both at home and abroad as a guest conductor, juror and lecturer. In October 2012 Georg Grün was appointed Professor for Choral Conducting at the Hochschule für Musik Saar. Personal details


... Dargeboten werden Matsushitas Werke vom weithin bekannten Kammerchor Saarbrücken in bewährter Qualität und souveräner Gestaltungskraft.
Gustav Danzinger, CHOR aktuell, 1/2020

… Besonders beeindruckend ist hierbei die Dynamik des Chores, der vom dreifachen Pianissimo bis zum dreifachen Forte die gesamte Palette an Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten bietet. Ein gelungenes Album, von mir empfohlen für einen nachdenklichen Winterabend mit schwerem Rotwein im Glas.
Haino Rindler, Chorzeit, 12/2019

... Den komplizierten Harmonien, den teils extremen Lagen, der Kleingliedrigkeit und dem Abwechslungsreichtum im musikalischen Ausdruck ist der Chor zu jeder Zeit gewachsen und erschließt dem Hörer diese Musik scheinbar mühelos. - grandios!
Württembergische Blätter für Kirchenmusik, 04/2021

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