Kinderlieder. Deluxe-Box - CD, Choir Coach, multimedia | Carus-Verlag

Kinderlieder. Deluxe-Box

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Over 90 of the most beautiful German Kinderlieder (children's songs): With a colorful combination of child soloists, children's choirs, concert singers and instrumental ensembles, this CDs will make not only children want to sing. For the first time, all the Kinderlieder of the "Liederprojekt" are being issued in a box set of 3 CDs. This limited special edition is part of the prize-winning “Liederprojekt”, a charity project produced by Carus and Southwest German Radio. For every box set sold, 2 EUR will be donated to projects which promote singing with children.
Listen (85)
  • Sankt Martin
  • A B C, die Katze lief im Schnee
  • Jetzt steigt Hampelmann
  • Backe, backe Kuchen
  • Alle Vögel sind schon da
  • Summ, summ, summ
  • Der Kuckuck und der Esel
  • Ein Schneider fing ne Maus
  • O wie ist es kalt geworden
  • Trarira, der Sommer, der ist da
  • Bruder Jakob
  • Kommt ein Vogel geflogen
  • Es tönen die Lieder
  • Alle meine Entchen
  • Auf einem Baum ein Kuckuck saß
  • Schneeflöckchen, Weißröckchen
  • Der kleine Reiter
  • Du, komm zu mir
  • Heut ist ein Fest bei den Fröschen am See
  • Wer will fleißige Handwerker sehn
  • Hopp, hopp, hopp
  • In meinem kleinen Apfel
  • Jimba, jimba
  • Hänschen klein
  • Ein Mann, der sich Kolumbus nannt
  • Wenn die wilden Winde stürmen
  • Spannenlanger Hansel
  • Wenn ich glücklich bin
  • In Mutters Stübele
  • Bei meiner Tante Josefine
  • Auf der Mauer, auf der Lauer
  • Häschen in der Grube
  • Wenn einer sagt: Ich mag dich, du
  • Der Cowboy Jim aus Texas
  • Hoppe, hoppe Reiter
  • Laterne, Laterne
  • Auf de schwäbsche Eisebahne
  • Meine Oma fährt im Hühnerstall Motorrad
  • Ich schenk dir einen Regenbogen
  • Ein Vogel wollte Hochzeit machen
  • Grün, grün, grün sind alle meine Kleider
  • Alles Gute zum Geburtstag
  • Das Auto von Lucio
  • Es war eine Mutter
  • Ringel, Ringel, Reihe
  • Ich bin der Stimmakrobat
  • Ein Jäger längs dem Weiher ging
  • Eia popeia, was raschelt im Stroh
  • Ich bin ein Musikante
  • Heute kam ein Sommerbote / Zarter Mohn
  • Dornröschen war ein schönes Kind
  • Hab ne Tante aus Marokko
  • Fuchs, du hast die Gans gestohlen
  • Wir werden immer größer
  • Kuckuck, Kuckuck, ruft’s aus dem Wald
  • Brüderlein, komm, tanz mit mir
  • Heißa Kathreinerle
  • Guten Morgen / Good morning
  • Taler, Taler, du musst wandern
  • Machet auf das Tor
  • Frau Schwalbe ist ne Schwätzerin
  • Mein Hut, der hat drei Ecken
  • Auf unsrer Wiese gehet was
  • I like the flowers
  • Es tanzt ein Bi-Ba-Butzemann
  • Ich brauche kein Orchester
  • Winter, ade
  • Laurentia
  • Im Land der Blaukarierten
  • Drei Chinesen mit dem Kontrabass
  • Eine kleine Geige möcht ich haben
  • Ein Mensch, der saß auf seinem Po
  • Suse, liebe Suse
  • Meine Biber haben Fieber
  • Widewidewenne
  • Finster, finster
  • Ich geh mit meiner Laterne
  • In dem Wald, da steht ein Haus
  • Ein Männlein steht im Walde
  • Ach bittrer Winter
  • Und wer im Januar geboren ist
  • Hänsel und Gretel
  • Die Geige beginnet
  • Zwischen Berg und tiefem, tiefem Tal
  • Jetzt fahrn wir über'n See
    • Der kleine Reiter (practice aids)
    • Du, komm zu mir (practice aids)
    • Heut ist ein Fest bei den Fröschen am See (practice aids)
Compact Disc, CD-BOX Carus 83.030/00, EAN 4009350830301 CD box Art (E)
29,90 € / copy


  • The children’s choir SingsalaSing is an ensemble of the "Landesakademie für die musizierende Jugend in Baden-Württemberg". For children between 6 and 10 it is intended that the joy of vocal expression be aroused through the singing together of lieder from the varied repertoire for children’s choir and through voice training. Moreover, SingsalaSing supports the continuing education programs of the Landesakademie. A number of works have already been dedicated to the choir, including “Großer Stern, was nun?” (Peter Schindler), “Magnificat” (Bobby Fischer) and several pieces by Uli Führe. Likewise, several CDs have already been recorded, including “Großer Stern, was nun? “ and “Kinderleicht.” Personal details
  • The Ulmer Spatzen Choir was founded in 1958 and has been conducted by Hans de Gilde since 1998. At present there a 225 children and youths divided into two semi-choirs: the children’s choir and the special projects choir, “Les Passerelles.” Numerous prizes and awards attest to the high level of the choir, as in the solo and group categories of the regional, state, and nationwide choral competition “Jugend musiziert.” In 2002 the choir was the winner of the 6th German choral competition in Osnabrück. It earned a second prize at the 8th choral competition in Dortmund in the girls’ choir category, as well as a third prize in the children’s choir category at the same competition. Personal details
  • The Tübinger Neckarschwa(l)ben were founded in 2001 at the Hochschule für Kirchenmusik Tübingen in cooperation with the Tübingen Stiftskirche and the Jakobuskirche. In 2010 Friedhilde Trüün assumed the position as director of the choir. In the meantime over 60 children, divided into two groups according to age, sing in church services, at public singing events, and in their own concerts, as well as on CD recordings. The repertoire ranges from chorales and new sacred songs to spirituals or psalm settings. During the academic year the students at the Hochschule für Kirchenmusik rehearse with the choir under the direction of Friedhilde Trüün. Personal details
  • The Mädchenkantorei an der Domkirche St. Eberhard was founded in January 1994 by Martin Dücker, Music Director of St. Eberhard Cathedral. 140 girls, ranging in age from 5 to 18, sing in four different age groups. They are coached by four experienced voice teachers. The repertoire spans music from all historical periods, including world premiere performances such as Minas Borboudakis’s “Psalm 23”, Frank Gerhardt’s “enthüllt/ohne erde,” and Jürgen Essl’s “Missa alta.” To commemorate the 100th birthday of Olivier Messiaen the Mädchenkantorei sang the “Trois petites liturgies de la présence divine” in three concerts sponsored by the “Foundation of the State of Baden-Württemberg.” Personal details
  • The youth choir “Cross over” and its offshoot, the “Crossies” from the District Music School Beckum-Warendorf were founded around 30 years ago by its director, Veronika te Reh. The ca. 200 singers from both choirs who participated in the recording of the children’s songs included a total of 26 children between the ages of 6 and 15 years. Veronika te Reh collaborated with her husband Wolfgang König, director of the Beckum-Warendorf Music School, who has made a name for himself as a composer and arranger of many musicals and songs. Not only did he arrange all of the recorded children’s song, but also performed most of the instrumental accompaniments himself. Personal details
  • The children of the MDR (Middle German Radio) children’s choir in Leipzig are no strangers to studio atmosphere. In addition to concerts, there are always radio, television and CD productions on the agenda for the choir. The musical support for the choir is comprised of rehearsing, voice training and music theory. The entire process begins at the age of four with acting, dance and song during the early years of musical education and ends with graduation. Founded in 1948 by Hans Sandig, in 60 years the choir has helped to write radio history and has won several international prizes. Until the summer of 2011, Gunter Berger provided the impulse and gave the beat. The choir has toured in concerts, school productions and workshops in Australia, Switzerland, the USA, and Poland. Personal details
  • The 7- or 8-year-old boys of the first and second preparatory classes of the Thomanerchor Leipzig are trained by staff members of the Thomanerchor during so-called daily “singing hours”. In addition to this training, which includes the learning of lieder and an introduction to music theory, every one of the 30 boys receives individual voice training and instrumental instruction once a week. The boys visit the same elementary school where, in conjunction with after-school care, they are given special musical training. After successfully passing the entry examinations a boy becomes a member of the Thomanerchor at beginning of the fourth school year. Personal details
  • The Stuttgarter Hymnus-Chorknaben can look back on a 111-year tradition. The choir is supported by the Protestant Church District Stuttgart and is open to boys of all faiths. Trained voice teachers further the (ca. 200) singers with individual instruction. The repertoire is orientated towards sacred vocal music and includes a cappella works from the early baroque to the present, as well as oratorios, passions, and cantatas. In addition to the multi-faceted concert activities of the choir, the musical-liturgical presentation of worship services occupies a permanent place during the course of the year. Since April 2010 the choir has been conducted by Rainer Johannes Homburg. Personal details
  • A total of 280 children sing in the Vaihinger Kantorei (Vaihingen Children’s and Youth Choir). It is divided into eight groups, including 80 children who sing in three pre-school children’s choirs. Except for the very small children (about 3 ½ years old), all of the groups frequently sing together with the Vaihinger Kantorei. The Kindergarten choirs are conducted by members of the Jugendkantorei – thus individual choral singing moves seamlessly to the conducting of a choral group. From Kinderchor II, 45 singers aged 9–13 sang on the present CD. The Vaihingen choirs are all conducted by Gabriele Timm-Bohm, assisted by Rainer Bohm as répétiteur, as well as by a church music apprentice. Personal details
  • Peter Schindler, born in 1960, is a composer, pianist, organist, author and producer. He studied school music, composition and organ, as well as jazz and popular music at the Musikhochschule Stuttgart. Part of his compositional output includes lieder, sing-spiele, and musicals for children and youths. His special motto for this: “For all children under 100!” But also to present old children’s songs in new arrangements is of special interest for him. Why shouldn’t the cuckoo and the donkey dance the cha cha, or grandmother rock in the henhouse? Personal details
  • The musical “friends” who Klaus Wagenleiter, the pianist, composer, and arranger, has invited to participate in the Kinderlieder CD, are all from either the SWR Big Band or the Radio Symphony Orchestra Stuttgart and they are well known far beyond the borders of the state of Baden Württemberg. Personal details
  • Andreas Ritzinger (Violine), Dirk Altmann (Klarinette), Jörge Becker (Trompete), Bertrand Chertenet (Horn), Norbert Schmitt-Lauxmann (Pauke) Personal details
  • Wolfgang König (geb. 1947 in Eslohe/Sauerland) studierte an der Musikhochschule in Köln zunächst Schulmusik und danach sein Hauptfach Posaune, anschließend folgte noch ein Magisterstudium mit den Fächern Musikwissenschaft, Germanistik und Soziologie. Seine weitere musikalische Laufbahn wurde von verschiedenen stilistischen Richtungen geprägt: er machte sowohl Alte als auch Neue Musik, spielte Jazz in einer Big Band und übernahm außerdem schon als Jugendlicher oft die Messen seines Vaters, der Organist war. All diese Stilrichtungen beeinflussten auch die Art seiner eigenen Musik und erscheinen immer wieder in den Kindermusicals. Seit 1979 ist er Leiter der Musikschule Beckum-Warendorf und auch seit dieser Zeit Dirigent eines gemischten Chores und des Großen Sinfonieorchesters der Musikschule. Personal details
  • As one of the outstanding lyric tenors of today, Christoph Pregardien is highly regarded as a lieder singer. He specializes in lieder and oratorio and his repertoire encompasses all periods. Christoph Pregardien and his accompanist Michael Gees received the MIDEM Classical Award 2009 for their recording of Schubert’s “Die schone Mullerin”. Personal details
  • The soprano Monika Mauch studied singing initially with Richard Wistreich at the Institute of Early Music at the Musikhochschule Trossingen. She continued her training by studying for a year with Jill Feldman in Paris. Since the beginning of her singing career she has focused primarily on projects in the field of early music. She has worked with such leading ensembles as the Ricercar Ensemble, Taverner Consort, Red Byrd, the Hilliard Ensemble, L’arpa festante (Munich), the Ensemble Daedalus (Geneva), CordArte Ensemble (Cologne), and Montreal Baroque. Monika Mauch’s vocal achievements are documented on numerous radio and CD recordings. Her recordings for the Altbachische Archiv and the B minor Mass with Cantus Coelln and her “Morimur” CD with the Hilliard Ensemble have attracted especial attention. As a concert singer Monika Mauch works on a regular basis with conductors such as Roland Wilson, Manfred Cordes, René Jacobs and Philippe Herreweghe. Personal details
  • Barbara Pfeifer performs in the gamba consort “Les Escapades,” as well as being their organizational manager. She is also an enthusiastic music pedagogue focusing on musical grassroots work. Personal details
  • Michael Freimuth is one of the most sought-after soloists and continuo players on the lute, theorbo and guitar, performing with many leading conductors and early music ensembles. He has recently arranged the whole of Schubert's Winterreise cycle for voice and guitar. In this recording he plays a nine-string guitar (anonymous, c. 1850). Personal details
  • Composer, pianist and organist Peter Schindler writes and performs music for ballets and theatrical performances, films and dramatic recordings, instrumental and choral arrangements, chansons and sacred works. He is particularly passionate about his compositions for children and young adults, which has come to comprise hundreds of humourous children’s songs (Kinderhits mit Witz). His full-length musicals include Geisterstunde auf Schloss Eulenstein (Witching Hour at Eulenstein Castle), Max und die Käsebande (Max and the Cheese Gang), König Keks (Cookie King), Zirkus Furioso (Circus Allegro), and SCHOCKORANGE. These musicals are some of the most frequently played pieces of their kind by children’s and youth choirs in German-speaking theaters and schools. With his first English musical Circus Allegro, Peter’s hugely sucessful work for all kids under 100 is now also accessible to audiences around the world. Personal details
  • Juliane Ruf studied in Mannheim and Saarbrucken with, among others, Irwin Gage. Early in her career she began specializing in lied presentation. She has won many competitions, including the “Wettbewerb für Liedkunst Stuttgart,” and in the meantime she concertizes regularly at festivals such as the “Klavierfestival Ruhr” or the “Heidelberger Frühling.” Personal details
  • The harpsichordist/pianist and conductor Ludger Rémy († June 2017) felt an obligation to meet the challenge set by the theorist Mattheson to combine theory and practice. He studied school music and harpsichord in Freiburg, followed by private studies with Kenneth Gilbert in Paris. In 1998 he was appointed to a professorship for early music in Dresden. Around 70 CD productions – several have been awarded prestigious prizes – both as instrumentalist and conductor, as well as numerous concerts at home and abroad (at festivals incl. Utrecht, Brügge, Paris, Saintes, Bachfest Leipzig, Händel­festspiele Göttingen, Musikfestspiele Dres­den) made him one of the leading musicians active in the rediscovery and revival of early German music. Personal details
  • Hugh Sandilands was born in Scotland in 1952. He studied guitar at the University of Vancouver, then lute with R. Nurse (Vancouver) and H. Smith (Basel). He has performed in concerts and recorded with G. Garrido, the Ensemble Fitzwilliam, Le Concert Lorrain, Real Compania de Opera da Camera, Ensemble Baroque de Perpignan, Capella Nova Graz, La Sestina, Ensemble Daedalus and Private Musicke. Personal details


Was diese Box mit den drei CDs auszeichnet und so wertvoll macht, ist natürlich auch die Perfektion der wohl einstudierten Chöre. Aber mir als musikalischem Familienvater gefällt etwas anderes - und das ist selten geworden. Man hat nämlich die Kinderlieder Kinderlieder sein lassen.
Alf Haubitz, Hessischer Rundfunk / HR2, 08.08.2016

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