Historical Performance Practice in Organ Playing - Sheet music | Carus-Verlag

Historical Performance Practice in Organ Playing

Part 1. The Baroque and Classical Periods

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Laukvik’s organ method Historical Performance Practice in Organ Playing has become established as a standard work. It is aimed at organists who want to incorporate the latest thinking on historical performance practice into their interpretations of works. The three volumes provide a practical introduction in a detailed, rigorously scholarly and comprehensible form, by giving organists as precise a picture of the interpretative traditions and aims of previous eras as possible. The editions are aimed not only at organists, but also at organ teachers who are looking for a manual to use in their teaching.

Part 1. Baroque and Classical Era is divided into two main sections: in Section A general technical and musical principles are discussed; Section B discusses the stylistic differentiation in interpretation between the music of the early and high Baroque, J. S. Bach and the German late Baroque, and organ music of the Classical period. The accompanying music edition contains a selection of the works discussed in the book.

book, with music book Carus 60.003/00, ISBN 978-3-923053-49-0, ISMN 979-0-007-10748-2 320 pages, paperback
85,00 € / copy
  • 1 x collection (40.511/00)
    each: 26,95 €
    1 x book (60.003/01)
    each: 65,00 €
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