Schütz: Motets for Passion - Sheet music | Carus-Verlag

Heinrich Schütz Motets for Passion

aus: Cantiones sacrae, Op. 4 SWV 56-60, 1625

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Five Latin motets for Passion from the Schütz Cantionaes sacrae's edition, op. 4, from 1625. In the proven tradition of the Stuttgart Schütz Edition. “The edition is clear and superbly printed. An absolute must for choirs who already have experience with the music of Schütz.”
Listen (5)
  • Quid commisisti
  • Ego sum tui plaga doloris
  • Ego enim inique egi
  • Quo nate Dei
  • Calicem salutaris accipiam
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  • Unbenanntes Dokument Quid commisisti, o dulcissime puer SWV 56

    What evil have you done, most beloved child,
    that you were so harshly condemned?
    What evil have you done, most beloved youth,
    that you were so ill-treated?
    What is your offence, what is your transgression,
    what is the reason for your death,
    what is the cause of your damnation?

    Ego sum tui plaga doloris SWV 57

    I am the reason for you pain,
    the one responsible for your murder.
    I deserve your death,
    the shame for your punishment.


  • Unbenanntes Dokument Quid commisisti, o dulcissime puer SWV 56

    Was hast du verbrochen, o allerliebstes Kind,
    dass du so schwer verurteilt wurdest?
    Was hast du verbrochen, o allerliebster Jüngling,
    dass du so misshandelt worden bist?
    Was ist dein Verbrechen, was dein Vergehen,
    was die Ursache deines Todes,
    was der Anlass deiner Verdammung?

    Ego sum tui plaga doloris SWV 57

    Ich bin der Anstoß für deine Schmerzen,
    der Schuldige für deine Ermordung.
    Ich verdiene deinen Tod,
    die Schande für deine Bestrafung.


full score Carus 20.056/00, ISMN 979-0-007-10048-3 24 pages, DIN A4, without cover Minimum order quantity: 20 copies
from 20 copies 9,50 € / copy
from 40 copies 8,55 € / copy
from 60 copies 7,60 € / copy
full score digital (download), pdf file Carus 20.056/00-010-000, ISMN 979-0-007-29572-1 24 pages, DIN A4 Minimum order quantity: 20 copies
from 20 copies 8,60 € / copy
from 30 copies 6,88 € / copy
from 50 copies 5,59 € / copy
from 100 copies 4,73 € / copy
text (without music) for download, html file, Singing text, German translation Carus 20.056/00-350-000
5,00 € / copy
text (without music) for download, html file, Singing text, english translation Carus 20.056/00-360-000
5,00 € / copy
  • Heinrich Schütz is regarded as the first German musician of European stature. As a choirboy from 1599 at the court of Landgrave Moritz of Hessen-Kassel, he received a thorough education. In 1608 he began a law degree in Marburg, but broke this off in 1609 in order, with the support of the Landgrave, to study composition with Giovanni Gabrieli, organist at St Mark’s in Venice. In 1613 Schütz returned to Kassel, but two years later was enticed away by Elector Johann Georg I of Saxony to the Dresden court as “Organist und Director der Musica”, where he held the position of Hofkapellmeister (court Kapellmeister) from 1617 until his death. Schütz’s great cycles of vocal works marked the high point of his reputation in Germany and northern Europe. But these represent only part of Schütz’s output; individual works are represented in printed collections with works by other composers, others only survive in manuscript, and much has been lost. The Stuttgart Schütz Edition makes available Schütz’s complete oeuvre, and all works are also published in practical Urtext editions. Personal details
  • Uwe Wolf studied musicology, history, and historical ancillary science at Tübingen and Göttingen. After receiving his doctorate in 1991 he was a research assistant at the Johann-Sebastian-Bach-Institut in Göttingen. From 2004 he worked at the Bach-Archiv Leipzig. There he directed a both research departments, was substantially responsible for the redisigning of the Bach Museum, and he developed the digital Online-Projekt Bach. Since October 2011 he has been the Chief Editor at Carus-Verlag, Stuttgart. He has taught at various universities and also belongs to the editorial boards of several complete editions. Personal details


Heinrich Schütz: Aus den Cantiones sacrae Op

Heinrich Schütz: Aus den Cantiones sacrae Op.4, Nr. 4-8

In einer hervorragenden Neuausgabe liegen hier vier „Cantiones sacrae” von Heinrich Schütz vor („Quid commisisti”, „Ego sum tui plaga doloris”, „Ego enim inique egi”, „Quo, nate Die”, „Calicem salutaris accipiam”). Über die Qualität dieser einzigartigen Musik brauche ich hier nichts zu schreiben. Die Edition ist mit einer Generalbassaussetzung von Paul Horn versehen. Die Ausgabe ist sehr übersichtlich und hervorragend gedruckt. Für Chöre, die bereits Erfahrung mit Musik von Schütz haben, ein unbedingtes Muss!

Quelle: Musica Sacra November/Dezember 2000, S. 36

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