Haydn: The Seven Last Words of Our Savior on the Cross - App / practice aid | Carus-Verlag

Joseph Haydn The Seven Last Words of Our Savior on the Cross

Hob. XX:2, 1796

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Listeners to this masterpiece are subject to a dramatic and all-encompassing emotional pull that simply cannot be escaped. Originally conceived as a purely instrumental work, Haydn was spurred to rearrange it for voice after hearing a similar reworking with a German text in 1794 in the city of Passau. A well-rehearsed choir is essential to convey the dramaturgical subtleties and maintain the work’s musical tension up to the bitter and explosive end Il Terremoto – Er ist nicht mehr (He is no more).

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In this edition, the relevant part is highlighted by the sung voice instead of piano.

Performers: Anna-Lena Elbert (Soprano), Sophie Harmsen (Alto), Florian Sievers (Tenore), Sebastian Noack (Basso) – Kammerchor Stuttgart, Hofkapelle Stuttgart – Frieder Bernius

Listen (10)
  • Introduzione
  • Pater, dimite illis
  • Hodie mecum eris in paradiso
  • Mulier, ecce Filius tuus
  • Deus meus, ut qui dereliquisti me
  • Introduzione
  • Sitio
  • Consummatum est
  • In manus tuas, Domine, commende spiritum meum
  • Il Terremoto
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  • Unbenanntes Dokument 1. Pater, dimitte illis

    Vater, vergib ihnen, denn sie wissen nicht, was sie tun.

    Vater im Himmel, o sieh hernieder vom ewigen Thron!
    Vater der Liebe, dein Eingeborner, er fleht für Sünder,
    für deine Kinder, erhöre den Sohn!
    Ach, wir sind tief gefallen, wir sündigten schwer;
    doch allen zum Heil, uns allen, floss deines Sohnes Blut.
    Das Blut des Lamms schreit nicht um Rach’; es tilgt die Sünden.
    Vater der Liebe, lass uns Gnade finden, erhöre den Sohn!
    O Vater, o Vater, erhöre den Sohn!

    2. Hodie mecum eris in paradiso

    Fürwahr, ich sag es dir: Heute wirst du bei mir im Paradiese sein.

    Ganz Erbarmen, Gnad’ und Liebe, bist du Mittler, Gotteslamm.


  • Unbenanntes Dokument 1. Pater, dimitte illis

    Father of heaven, look down in mercy, in mercy from thy throne!
    Father, all gracious, thine only Son implores for sinners,
    for us thy children, thine only Son.
    Ah! Wither are we fallen, how dire’s our offence;
    and yet for our salvation thy Jesus sheds his precious blood.
    Thy justice claimes this sacrifice, his precious blood for sin it flows.
    Father allgracious, look down in mercy and hear thou thy son.
    O Father, hear thy Son!
    Father of heaven, look down in mercy from thy throne!
    Thine only Son implores for sinners. O Father, hear thy Son!

    2. Hodie mecum eris in paradiso

    Lord of mercy, grace and love, Lord of love and grace and mercy,


App, Browser based application Carus 73.412/02
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App, voice part soprano Carus 73.412/02-001-000
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App, voice part alto Carus 73.412/02-002-000
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App, voice part tenore Carus 73.412/02-003-000
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App, voice part basso Carus 73.412/02-004-000
17,00 € / copy
  • As Kapellmeister to Prince Esterházy, Haydn composed numerous instrumental works and various operas, as well as making important contributions to the genre of church music, including fourteen Latin masses, of which only twelve are authentic or complete; these are complemented by motets and offertories, two important Te Deum settings, two Salve Reginas, a Stabat Mater, and the different versions of the Sieben Worte des Erlösers am Kreuze. The masses were composed continually between 1749 and 1802, except for the years 1783–1795, and therefore constitute the genre with which Haydn was occupied over the longest period of time. The six (authentic or complete) masses composed before 1782 are stylistically very different, and as well as short Missae breves there are more extended masses with rich orchestral scoring; by contrast the six so-called late masses, written from 1796 onwards, form a comparatively homogeneous group of more extensive works scored for large forces. With his two great oratorios Die Schöpfung (The Creation) (1798) and Die Jahreszeiten (The Seasons) (1801) Haydn established the tradition of the German oratorio for middle-class music making. Personal details

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