Händel: Utrecht Te Deum - App / practice aid | Carus-Verlag

Georg Friedrich Händel Utrecht Te Deum

HWV 278

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Handel’s Utrecht Te Deum HWV 278 enthralled London audiences right from its first performance, and it continues to do so today in concert halls and churches all over the world. It was performed for the first time to celebrate the Peace marking the end of the twelve year-long War of the Spanish Succession in 1713. The Te Deum was the first commission by the English royal house and was an important milestone at the beginning of his London career. The composition brought him an annual pension from Queen Anne and helped him to establish himself as a composer of prestigious music for the English royal family.

Some movements are scored for soloists and choir alternately, so close attention needs to be paid to the entries. The doxology at the end is scored for double choir, unusually with SST as choir I and AATB as choir II.
Here you need to be secure in your own part in order not to be distracted by the “wrong” one!


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In this edition, the relevant part is highlighted by the sung voice instead of piano.

Performers: Christina Landshamer (soprano), Anja Scherg (soprano), Reginald Mobley (alto), Benedikt Kristjánsson (tenore), Andreas Wolf (basso) – Gaechinger Cantorey – Hans-Christoph Rademann 

Listen (10)
  • We praise thee, O God
  • To thee all angels cry aloud
  • To thee Cherubin and Seraphin
  • The glorious Company
  • When thou tookest upon thee
  • We believe that thou shalt come
  • Day by day we magnify thee
  • And we worship thy name
  • Vouchsafe, O Lord
  • O Lord, in thee have I trusted
Additional material
  • Purchase additional material as a download product.
  • 1. Soli SAT, Chorus

    We praise Thee, O God;
    we acknowledge Thee to be the Lord.
    All the earth doth worship Thee:
    the Father everlasting.

    2. Soli A I & II, Chorus

    To Thee all angels cry aloud,
    the heav’ns and all the pow’rs therein.

    3. Soli S I & II, Chorus

    To Thee Cherubin and Seraphin
    continually do cry.
    Holy, holy, holy: Lord God of Sabaoth!
    Heav’n and earth are full
    of the majesty of Thy glory.

    4. Soli SSATB, Chorus

    The glorious company of the Apostles:
    praise Thee.
    The goodly fellowship of the Prophets:
    praise Thee.
    The noble army of Martyrs: praise Thee.
    The holy church throughout all the world:
    doth acknowledge Thee.
    The Father of an infinite Majesty;
    Thine honourable, true and only Son;
    Also the Holy Ghost: the comforter.
    Thou art the King of Glory: O Christ.
    Thou art the everlasting Son: of the Father.

    5. Soli SATB, Chorus

    When Thou tookest upon Thee to deliver man,
    thou didst not abhor the Virgin’s womb.
    When Thou hadst overcome
    the sharpness of death:
    Thou did’st open the kingdom of heav’n
    to all believers.
    Thou sittest at the


  • Abridged foreword of the Edition Carus 55.278

    Felix Loy
    Translation: Gudrun and David Kosviner

    The signing of the peace treaty in Utrecht on 11 April 1713 marked the end of the “War of the Spanish Succession,” which had lasted since 1701. More than 1.25 million people in Europe lost their lives in the course of the hostilities in what is trivially referred to as a “cabinet war.” From an English point of view, the main success of this treaty was probably the prevention of an impending supremacy of the House of Habsburg. In addition, the island empire was one of the main beneficiaries in terms of territorial gains (Gibraltar became English, among other things). England thus had every reason to celebrate this event suitably. And none other than the most famous composer in London at the time, George Frideric Handel, provided the appropriate music.

    Handel had arrived in England for the first time in late fall 1710 for a stay of more than one year, although he was still (since June 1710 and with generous leave arrangements) Kapellmeister of the Elector Georg Ludwig of Hanover. He quickly made contact with patrons and influential circles and was able to achieve his first great success with the opera Rinaldo,


  • Gekürztes Vorwort der Ausgabe Carus 55.278 Felix Loy

    Mit der Unterzeichnung des Friedensvertrags in Utrecht am 11. April 1713 endete der „Spanische Erbfolgekrieg“, der seit 1701 angedauert hatte. Im Zuge der Kampfhandlungen dieses verharmlosend so bezeichneten „Kabinettskrieges“ verloren mehr als 1,25 Millionen Menschen in Europa ihr Leben. Aus englischer Sicht war wohl die Abwendung einer drohenden Vorherrschaft des Hauses Habsburg der Haupterfolg dieser Einigung. Zudem war das Inselreich einer der Hauptprofiteure, was Gebietsgewinne betrifft (unter anderem wurde Gibraltar englisch). England hatte also allen Grund, dieses Ereignis gebührend zu feiern. Und kein Geringerer als der bereits damals in London berühmteste Komponist, Georg Friedrich Händel, lieferte dazu die passende Musik.

    Händel war im Spätherbst des Jahres 1710 erstmals für einen mehr als einjährigen Aufenthalt in England angekommen, während er (seit Juni 1710 und mit großzügigen Urlaubsregelungen) Kapellmeister des Kurfürsten Georg Ludwig von Hannover war. Rasch fand er Kontakt zu Gönnern und einflussreichen Kreisen und konnte mit der im Februar 1711 uraufgeführten Oper Rinaldo einen ersten


  • 1. Soli SAT, Chorus

    Wir preisen dich, o Gott;
    wir bekennen dich als unsern Herrn.
    Alle Welt verehret dich,
    den Vater ewig mächtig.

    2. Soli A I & II, Chorus

    Dir singt der Engel lauter Chor,
    der Himmel und sein mächtig Heer.

    3. Soli S I & II, Chorus

    Vor dir, vor dir Cherubim und Seraphim
    in Ewigkeit lobsingen sie vor dir:
    Heilig, heilig, heilig, Herr Gott Zebaoth!
    Voll sind Erd und Himmel
    der Herrlichkeit deines Ruhmes.

    4. Soli SSATB, Chorus

    Der hochgelobte heilige Chor der Apostel
    preist dich.
    Die hochgepries’ne Schar der Propheten
    preist dich.
    Die große Heerschar der Märtyrer preist dich. Die heil’ge Kirche durch die ganze Welt,
    sie bekennet dich.
    Den Vater unermesslicher Herrlichkeit,
    und deinen hehren wahren einz’gen Sohn,
    wie auch den heil’gen Geist, den Tröster.
    Du bist der Herr der Ehren, o Christ.
    Du bist in Ewigkeit der Sohn des Allvaters.

    5. Soli SATB, Chorus

    Als auf dich du nahmest die Erlösung der Welt, hast du nicht verschmäht der Menschheit Los.
    Als du siegreich zerbrachst
    den Stachel des Todes,
    tatst du


App, Browser based application, sung in English Carus 73.408/02
Choose your voice part below!
Choose your voice part below!
App, voice part soprano, sung in English Carus 73.408/02-001-000
17,00 € / copy
App, voice part alto, sung in English Carus 73.408/02-002-000
17,00 € / copy
App, voice part tenore, sung in English Carus 73.408/02-003-000
17,00 € / copy
App, voice part basso, sung in English Carus 73.408/02-004-000
17,00 € / copy
App, Order for the whole choir on request, sung in English Carus 73.408/03
  • George Frideric Handel put his exceptionally versatile compositional abilities to the test at an early age. After moving to London in 1712, where he was appointed Composer of Musick for His Majesty’s Chapel Royal in 1723, he wrote numerous masterpieces for the royal court as well as his major opere serie. For many years he enjoyed triumphant successes with his operas, which were sung by outstanding performers, with serenades, and later also with oratorios such as Saul and Israel in Egypt. Over the years Handel’s reputation grew far beyond the city where he worked; some of his choral works, particularly Messiah, have enjoyed a performance tradition which remains unbroken to this day, and are sung by choirs throughout the world. Personal details

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