Händel: Alexander's Feast - Sheet music | Carus-Verlag

Georg Friedrich Händel Alexander's Feast

Ode. Version of the first performance and version of 1751 HWV 75, 1736/1751

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For the magnificent opening of the oratorio season at the beginning of 1736 Handel presented a composition which, like hardly any of his other oratorios, gave him the opportunity to display his musical artistry: John Dryden’s ode “Alexander’s Feast or the Power of Music”, published in 1696, demonstrates the power of music by the example of the ancient hero, Alexander the Great. From the impressive lament on the death of Darius, the King of Persia, to the boisterous “Praise of Bacchus” Handel avails himself of the entire breadth of the musical representation of the emotions and the possibilities for expression. In the text by Newburg Hamilton added at the end of work St. Cecilia elevates the events of the ancient heathen story, which Handel expressed in plastic, skillful polyphony. Later, this homage to the patron saint of church music, Handel also present the opportunity to perform the work on St. Cecilia's Day (22 November).

For the first time the present new edition is based consistently on Handel’s conducting score, which he used for his own performances of the oratorio, thus not only eliminating timeworn errors, but also offering clarity concerning the choruses, the arias and recitatives, actually performed in Handel’s concerts, as well as their sequence of performance. The new Carus edition offers two performance versions: the version of the premiere in 1736, as well as a revised version from 1751. Furthermore, the inclusion of the Concerto for Harp HWV 294 (CV 55.294) is also possible; Handel composed this work especially for Alexander's Feast (as an illustration of Timotheus, the ancient poet who played the lyre). For this purpose the edition contains the appropriate alternatives for the sequence of the movements.



Listen (28)
  • Recitative (Tenore): The praise of Bacchus
  • Arioso (Soprano): Softly sweet, in Lydian measures
  • Chorus: The many rend the skies
  • Ouverture
  • Recitative (Tenore): ‘Twas at the royal feast
  • Air (Tenore) and Chorus: Happy, happy, happy pair!
  • Recitative (Tenore): Timotheus plac’d on high
  • Accompagnato (Soprano): The song began from Jove
  • Chorus: The list’ning crowd admire the lofty sound
  • Air (Soprano): With ravish’d ears
  • Air (Basso): Bacchus, ever fair – Chorus: Bacchus’ blessings are a treasure
  • Recitative (Tenore): Sooth’d with the sound
  • Accompagnato (Soprano): He chose a mournful muse
  • Air (Soprano): He sung Darius great and good
  • Accompagnato (Soprano): With downcast looks the joyless victor sate
  • Chorus: Behold Darius, great and good
  • Recitative (Tenore): The mighty master smil’d to see
  • Air (Soprano): War, he sung, is toil and trouble
  • Chorus: The many rend the skies
  • Air (Soprano): The Prince, unable to conceal his pain
  • Accompagnato (Tenore): Now strike the golden lyre; Chorus: Break his bands of sleep; Accompagnato (Tenore): Hark! hark! – the horrid sound
  • Air (Basso): Revenge, Timotheus cries
  • Accompagnato (Tenore): Give the vengeance due
  • Air (Tenore): The princes applaud with a furious joy
  • Air (Soprano): Thais led the way; Chorus: The princes applaud with a furious joy
  • Accompagnato (Tenore): Thus long ago; Chorus: At last divine Cecilia came
  • Recitative (Tenore, Basso): Let old Timotheus yield the prize
  • Chorus: Let old Timotheus yield the prize
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  • Erster Teil

    1. Ouvertüre

    2. Rezitativ (Tenore) Es war beim Königsfest, als Persien gewonnen war
    durch Philipps kriegerischen Sohn.
    In erhabener Pracht
    saß der göttergleiche Held
    auf seinem Herrscherthron,
    umringt von seiner tapfern Feldherrn Schar,
    die Ros’ und Myrten froh bekränzt,
    wie sie durch ihren Sieg verdient.
    Zur Seite ihm die liebliche Thais saß
    geschmückt wie eine Braut des Morgenlandes,
    in jugendlichem Glanz und stolzer Freude.

    3. Arie (Tenore) und Chor Glücklich, glücklich, glücklich Paar!
    Allein der Tapfere verdient die Schöne.

    4. Rezitativ (Tenore) Timotheus, der erhöht
    unter den Sängern sitzt


  • First Part

    1. Ouverture

    2. Recitative (Tenore) ’Twas at the royal feast, for Persia won
    by Philip’s warlike son.
    Aloft in awful state
    the god-like hero sate
    on his imperial throne;
    his valiant peers were plac’d around,
    their brows with roses and with myrtles bound.
    So should desert in arms be crown’d.
    The lovely Thais by his side
    sate like a blooming Eastern bride,
    in flow’r of youth, and beauty’s pride.

    3. Air (Tenore) and Chorus Happy, happy, happy pair!
    None but the brave deserves the fair.

    4. Recitative (Tenore) Timotheus plac’d on high,
    amid the tuneful quire,


full score Carus 55.075/00, ISMN 979-0-007-16776-9 184 pages, paperback
108,00 € / copy
vocal score Carus 55.075/03, ISMN 979-0-007-17064-6 128 pages, paperback
19,95 € / copy
choral score Carus 55.075/05, ISMN 979-0-007-17123-0 40 pages, DIN A4, without cover Minimum order quantity: 20 copies
from 20 copies 11,60 € / copy
from 40 copies 10,44 € / copy
from 60 copies 9,28 € / copy
set of parts, complete orchestral parts Carus 55.075/19, ISMN 979-0-007-17143-8 23 x 32 cm, without cover
454,00 € / copy
  • 1 x set of parts, harmony parts, 2 flutes, oboe 1, oboe 2, 3 bassoons, 2 horns, 2 trumpets (55.075/09)
    each: 120,00 €
    5 x individual part, violin 1 (55.075/11)
    each: 20,00 €
    5 x individual part, violin 2 (55.075/12)
    each: 20,00 €
    4 x individual part, 2 violas (55.075/13)
    each: 20,00 €
    4 x individual part, basso continuo (55.075/14)
    each: 20,00 €
    1 x individual part, organ (55.075/49)
    each: 60,30 €
individual part, organ Carus 55.075/49, ISMN 979-0-007-17131-5 60 pages, 23 x 32 cm, paperback
60,30 € / copy
full score digital (download), pdf file Carus 55.075/00-010-000, ISMN 979-0-007-26167-2 184 pages
97,20 € / copy
text (without music) for download, html file, Singing text, German translation Carus 55.075/00-350-000
5,00 € / copy
text (without music) for download, html file, Singing text, original Carus 55.075/00-380-000
5,00 € / copy
  • George Frideric Handel put his exceptionally versatile compositional abilities to the test at an early age. After moving to London in 1712, where he was appointed Composer of Musick for His Majesty’s Chapel Royal in 1723, he wrote numerous masterpieces for the royal court as well as his major opere serie. For many years he enjoyed triumphant successes with his operas, which were sung by outstanding performers, with serenades, and later also with oratorios such as Saul and Israel in Egypt. Over the years Handel’s reputation grew far beyond the city where he worked; some of his choral works, particularly Messiah, have enjoyed a performance tradition which remains unbroken to this day, and are sung by choirs throughout the world. Personal details


Eine beeindruckende Veröffentlichung ... !
Reinhard Krämer, Württembergische Blätter für Kirchenmusik, 2/2017

Die vorliegende Neuausgabe basiert erstmals konsequent auf der Dirigierpartitur, die Händel für seine eigenen Aufführungen verwendete, und beseitigt dadurch nicht nur einige tradierte Fehler, sondern bietet auch Klarheit über die tatsächlich aufgeführten Chöre, Arien und Rezitative und deren Reihenfolge. Die Ausgabe bietet alternativ zwei aufführbare Fassungen...
Kirchenmusikalische Mitteilungen der Diözese Rottenburg-Stuttgart, Juli 2016

Das Oratorium wurde im Laufe der Zeit mehrfach adaptiert und ist in verschiedenen Fassungen überliefert. Im Vorwort der von Felix Loy im Carus-Verlag verantworteten Neuausgabe sind die verschiedenen Varianten ausführlich dokumentiert. Des Weiteren finden sich wertvolle Hinweise, auch zur Praxis der bei den Händelschen Aufführungen üblichen Instrumentalkonzerte zwischen den beiden Oratoriumsteilen.
Andreas Peterl, Singende Kirche, 3/2016


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