John Høybye Hope. Easter music & Psalm 151

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The Easter piece Hope (2019/20) by John Høybye for mixed choir, alto saxophone, piano, bass and percussion has been recorded by the acclaimed vocal ensemble Ars Nova Copenhagen, accompanied by Mads Haaber’s quartet, under the baton of the composer himself.

Høybye is a highly regarded (choral) conductor, arranger and composer, both in his native Scandinavia and around the world. This work is a fantastic example of his work: Rhythmically intense, jazz-inspired phrases combined with a beautiful choral sound, that’s “trademark Høybye”. And the instrumental quartet is given ample space for improvisation.

The CD also features Høybye’s setting of Psalm 151 for choir and solo violin.

Listen (3)
  • Psalm 151 (Hoybye) - What a Great Blast
  • Psalm 151 (Hoybye) - Wave Upon Wave
  • Psalm 151 (Hoybye) - Psalm Upon Psalm
Compact Disc, music Carus 83.531/00, EAN 4009350835313
19,90 € / copy
Additional product information
  • Der dänische Komponist und Chorleiter John Høybye genießt weit über Skandina­vien hinaus hohe Anerkennung als Dirigent, Arrangeur und Komponist insbesondere auch für Chormusik. Im Carus-Programm ist Høybye mit einer Auswahl seiner Werke vertreten.

    Als Dirigent hat er zahlreiche internationale Ensembles in Meisterkursen, auf Festivals und auf Konzertreisen geleitet, u.a. den von ihm gegründeten Chor Tritonus, den dänischen und den ungarischen Rundfunkchor, die Sinfonieorchester aus Århus, Ålborg oder Seeland oder die Danish Radio Big Band.

    An der Erneuerung skandinavischer Chormusik hatte er als Komponist wesentlichen Anteil, nicht zuletzt durch die gelungene Verbindung des klassischen Chorklangs mit Elementen aus Gospel- und Jazzmusik. 1993 würdigte ihn die Danish Choral Society daher als „Komponist des Jahres“. Sechs Jahre später ehrte ihn die Danish Composer‘s Society mit dem Jahrespreis.

    Jazzelemente zeichnen auch die bei Carus erschienenen Werke aus, u.a. This Human Life! für Solostimme und gemischten Chor. Personal details
  • The Orpheus Vokalensemble was founded in 2005 as the professional chamber choir of the Landesmusikakademie Baden-Württemberg. This is an international ensemble which places the highest vocal demands on its members. Internationally recognized choral conductors are engaged for each assignment, and they exercise lasting influence on the artistic quality of the ensemble. Its model is the legendary Orpheus Chamber Orchestra (New York), whose name it shares. Its artistic aims, in the preparation and performance of works, are to bring the fundamentals of chamber music – personal commitment and mutual respect – to bear on the work of a vocal ensemble. Its members have the right to participate in the choice of repertoire, soloists, conductors and concert programs. Several composers have already written works for the Orpheus Vokalensemble, including Bo Hansson, Knut Nystedt, Gregor Hübner and Jürgen Essl. In 2006 the ensemble was invited to the International Lake Constance Festival. Other invitations to important festivals have followed. Personal details

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