Gottwald: Hymn to life. Transcriptions for a cappella choir - CD, Choir Coach, multimedia | Carus-Verlag

Clytus Gottwald Hymn to life. Transcriptions for a cappella choir

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Around the turn of the 20th century composers seemed to show little interest in a capella choral music. In the 1960s, however, György Ligeti’s Lux aeterna opened up entirely new perspectives for choral music, which provided the starting point for the transcriptions by Clytus Gottwald (b. 1925). By applying this new technique of writing for voices to works from the Romantic and Impressionist eras these transcriptions ultimately also make contemporary choral music more accessible to us. On this CD, the KammerChor Saarbrücken, under the direction of Prof. Georg Grün, presents transcriptions of works by Schumann, Brahms, Liszt, Cornelius, Ravel and Debussy, among others.
Listen (26)
  • The Shepherds
  • The Kings
  • Simeon
  • Guten Abend, gut Nacht
  • Im wunderschönen Monat Mai
  • Die Rose, die Lilie
  • Dein Angesicht
  • Aus alten Märchen winkt
  • Auf dem Meere
  • Es treibt mich hin, es treibt mich her!
  • Im Rhein, im heiligen Strome
  • Kommt Feinsliebchen heut?
  • Sterne mit den goldnen Füßchen
  • Feldeinsamkeit
  • Der Tod, das ist die kühle Nacht
  • Der Schmied
  • Wir wandelten
  • Blume und Duft
  • Richard Wagner - Venezia
  • Mignons Lied
  • König und Floh
  • Nachtlied
  • Ungewitter
  • Hymnus an das Leben
  • Toi, le cœur de la rose. Vocal transcription by Clytus Gottwald
  • Il pleure dans mon coeur. Vocal transcription by Clytus Gottwald
Additional material
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  • Unbenanntes Dokument

    II pleure dans mon cœur
    comme il pleut sur la ville
    quelle est cette langueur
    qui pénètre mon cœur.

    0 bruit doux de la pluie
    par terre et sur les toits !
    Pour un cœur qui s’ennuie
    0 le bruit [chant] de la pluie !

    II pleure sans raison
    dans ce cœur qui s’écœure.
    Quoi ! nulle trahison ?
    Ce dueil est sans raison.

    C’est bien la pire peine


  • Unbenanntes Dokument

    Es weint in meinem Herzen,
    wie es auf die Stadt regnet;
    woher diese Traurigkeit,
    die mein Herz durchdringt?

    0 süßes Geräusch des Regens
    auf Erde und auf Dächer!
    Für ein Herz in Bedrängnis,
    o Gesang des Regens!

    Es weint ohne Grund
    in diesem Herzen, das sich quält.
    Was! kein Treubruch?
    Diese Trauer hat keine Ursache.

    Dies ist gewiss das größte Leid,


  • Unbenanntes Dokument

    There is weeping in my heart,
    like rain falling on the city.
    Whence comes the sadness
    that penetrates my heart?

    Oh sweet patter of rain
    on earth and on roofs!
    For a heart that is weary,
    oh the song of the rain.

    It weeps without reason,
    in this tormented heart.
    What! no betrayal?
    This grief has no reason.

    ’Tis the more sorrowful,


Compact Disc Carus 83.458/00, EAN 4009350834583 CD in jewel case
19,90 € / copy
Digital audio album (download), zip file, mp3 file Carus 83.458/00-110-000
8,99 € / copy
  • The choral conductor, composer and musicologist Clytus Gottwald (1925 - 2023) made significant contributions to contemporary choral music. As editor for New Music at Südfunk Stuttgart and founder and director of the Schola Cantorum Stuttgart, he was in productive exchange with his contemporaries, Pierre Boulez, Mauricio Kagel, György Ligeti, Luigi Nono, Karlheinz Stockhausen and many others. With his Schola Cantorum, a 16-voice chamber vocal ensemble, Gottwald decisively shaped the a cappella choral culture of the highest technical level that is taken for granted today. Clytus Gottwald's transcriptions of piano songs and instrumental pieces for unaccompanied choir are appreciated by choirs all over the world. Modelled on the style of Ligeti, his works set the highest of musical standards. Clytus Gottwald has received several awards for his services, including the Cultural Prize of Baden-Württemberg in 2009, the European Church Music Prize in 2012, and the Cross of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany in 2014. His importance for the development of contemporary choral music cannot be overestimated. Personal details
  • The choral conductor, composer and musicologist Clytus Gottwald (1925 - 2023) made significant contributions to contemporary choral music. As editor for New Music at Südfunk Stuttgart and founder and director of the Schola Cantorum Stuttgart, he was in productive exchange with his contemporaries, Pierre Boulez, Mauricio Kagel, György Ligeti, Luigi Nono, Karlheinz Stockhausen and many others. With his Schola Cantorum, a 16-voice chamber vocal ensemble, Gottwald decisively shaped the a cappella choral culture of the highest technical level that is taken for granted today. Clytus Gottwald's transcriptions of piano songs and instrumental pieces for unaccompanied choir are appreciated by choirs all over the world. Modelled on the style of Ligeti, his works set the highest of musical standards. Clytus Gottwald has received several awards for his services, including the Cultural Prize of Baden-Württemberg in 2009, the European Church Music Prize in 2012, and the Cross of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany in 2014. His importance for the development of contemporary choral music cannot be overestimated. Personal details
  • The choral conductor, composer and musicologist Clytus Gottwald (1925 - 2023) made significant contributions to contemporary choral music. As editor for New Music at Südfunk Stuttgart and founder and director of the Schola Cantorum Stuttgart, he was in productive exchange with his contemporaries, Pierre Boulez, Mauricio Kagel, György Ligeti, Luigi Nono, Karlheinz Stockhausen and many others. With his Schola Cantorum, a 16-voice chamber vocal ensemble, Gottwald decisively shaped the a cappella choral culture of the highest technical level that is taken for granted today. Clytus Gottwald's transcriptions of piano songs and instrumental pieces for unaccompanied choir are appreciated by choirs all over the world. Modelled on the style of Ligeti, his works set the highest of musical standards. Clytus Gottwald has received several awards for his services, including the Cultural Prize of Baden-Württemberg in 2009, the European Church Music Prize in 2012, and the Cross of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany in 2014. His importance for the development of contemporary choral music cannot be overestimated. Personal details
  • The KammerChor Saarbrücken, founded in 1990 by its conductor Georg Grün, quickly developed into one of the best choirs in Germany and likewise enjoys an outstanding international reputation. This has been confirmed through countless appear ances in Germany, in many European countries, the USA and Russia, CDs which have received critical acclaim, numerous radio record ings, and last, but not least, by the many prizes which the choir has won at international choral competitions and at the German choral competition in Regensburg in 1998. The choir performs works from all historical eras. In the field of early music it collaborates with professional ensembles and soloists who are dedicated to historical performance practice. Additional themes in its repertoire include the performance of romantic choral music, as well as an increasing number of world premiere performances of works written by composers exclusively for the ensemble. Personal details
  • Georg Grün studied church music, school music, Catholic theology, musicology, and conducting, and he taught music and courses on the Catholic religion for several years at a lycée for the arts. In 2000 he was appointed Professor of choral conducting at the Staatliche Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Mannheim. He has also been very success ful as a conductor of the chamber choir at this school (it has won prizes at the choral competitions of Cork and Maribor). Grün is active both at home and abroad as a guest conductor, juror and lecturer. In October 2012 Georg Grün was appointed Professor for Choral Conducting at the Hochschule für Musik Saar. Personal details


Clytus Gottwald: Hymnus an das Leben. Transkriptionen für gemischten Chor a cappella

[…] ein wunderbar ausgewogener, nie aufdringlicher Chorklang […]
Württembergische Blätter für Kirchenmusik 6/2014

[…] ein tolles Album […]
Mannheimer Morgen, 29.5.2013

Gottwalds Werke sind demnach einerseits eine schöne Gabe für die Chorliteratur, andererseits eine Herausforderung für die Sänger. Die Mitglieder des Saarbrücker Kammerchores meistern ihre Darbietungen mit einem runden ,homogenen Chorklang, der die Stimmungen der jeweiligen Texte stets adäquat wiedergibt […].
pizzicato, 5/2013

Erneut ist Georg Grün und seinem KammerChor ein großer Wurf gelungen. Nicht nur die Auswahl der Stücke, auch die Qualität der Transkriptionen und der musikalischen Darbietung müssen hoch gelobt werden und verdienen nähere Beachtung. […] Alles in allem ist diese CD nicht nur hörenswert, sondern vor allem bereichernd – in jeder Hinsicht!
Peter Büssers,, 26. März 2013

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