Fischer: Musica Sacra - CD, Choir Coach, multimedia | Carus-Verlag

Johann Caspar Ferdinand Fischer Musica Sacra

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Johann Caspar Ferdinand Fischer was Hofkapellmeister at the Court of the Margrave of Baden in Rastatt from 1715 until his death in 1746. He was the most important musician of the Hofkapelle in Rastatt. With the present recording by the Rastatter Hofkapelle, conducted by Jürgen Ochs, a broad document of Fischer’s church music is now available. Most of the works are world-premiere recordings. A real discovery!
Listen (17)
  • Symphonia
  • Properate festinate
  • O! beatissima
  • Alleluja
  • Kyrie
  • Gloria
  • Credo
  • Sanctus - Benedictus
  • Agnus Dei
  • Lytaniae Lauretanae VI
  • Ingressus: Deus in adjutorium
  • Dixit Dominus
  • Beatus vir
  • Laudate pueri
  • Laudate Dominum
  • Magnificat
  • IV Antiphonae pro toto Anno
Compact Disc Carus 83.172/00, EAN 4009350831728 CD in jewel case
19,90 € / copy
  • Erste musikalische Ausbildung am Jesuitengymnasium in Augsburg; Jurastudium an der Benediktiner-Universität in Salzburg; mit 22 Jahren Wechsel zur Musik; Unterricht beim Salzburger Domorganisten Matthäus Gugl; 1729 dessen Nachfolger als Hof- und Domorganist; ab 1749 fürsterzbischöflicher Hof- und Domkapellmeister. Personal details
  • Jürgen Ochs studied church music at the Staatliche Hochschule für Musik in Karlsruhe, concentrating on the organ and conducting. He studied singing at the Musikhochschule in Dortmund, concluding with the concert examination. His favorite works include the Bach Passions (singing the evangelist roles), cantatas, oratorios of the classical and romantic periods, Lieder, and song cycles. Since 1991 Jürgen Ochs has been the district choirmaster of the Freiburg Archdiocese, first at Breisach Minster, and in the meantime at the Catholic municipal church of St. Alexander in Rastatt. He is the conductor of the chamber choir Capella Crucis, and of the Rastatter Hofkapelle. He is also professor of singing at the Hochschule für Kirchenmusik in Rottenburg/Neckar. Personal details
  • The Rastatter Hofkapelle was formed along the lines of the original court orchestra and is made up of eight solo singers plus instrumentalists. The aim of the ensemble is to perform the sacred music of the former court music directors in Rastatt and the works of other Baroque composers, observing historical performance practice. More exact information concerning the makeup of the court orchestra is to be found in a court calendar of 1764. According to this source, it consisted of the music director, the concert master, an organist, seven singers and 19 instrumentalists, as well as four trumpeters and a timpanist. All of the members of the Rastatter Hofkapelle are active both as soloists and as members of distinguished professional ensembles concerned with the interpretation of early music. Personal details
  • Jürgen Ochs studied church music at the Staatliche Hochschule für Musik in Karlsruhe, concentrating on the organ and conducting. He studied singing at the Musikhochschule in Dortmund, concluding with the concert examination. His favorite works include the Bach Passions (singing the evangelist roles), cantatas, oratorios of the classical and romantic periods, Lieder, and song cycles. Since 1991 Jürgen Ochs has been the district choirmaster of the Freiburg Archdiocese, first at Breisach Minster, and in the meantime at the Catholic municipal church of St. Alexander in Rastatt. He is the conductor of the chamber choir Capella Crucis, and of the Rastatter Hofkapelle. He is also professor of singing at the Hochschule für Kirchenmusik in Rottenburg/Neckar. Personal details
  • Jürgen Ochs studied church music at the Staatliche Hochschule für Musik in Karlsruhe, concentrating on the organ and conducting. He studied singing at the Musikhochschule in Dortmund, concluding with the concert examination. His favorite works include the Bach Passions (singing the evangelist roles), cantatas, oratorios of the classical and romantic periods, Lieder, and song cycles. Since 1991 Jürgen Ochs has been the district choirmaster of the Freiburg Archdiocese, first at Breisach Minster, and in the meantime at the Catholic municipal church of St. Alexander in Rastatt. He is the conductor of the chamber choir Capella Crucis, and of the Rastatter Hofkapelle. He is also professor of singing at the Hochschule für Kirchenmusik in Rottenburg/Neckar. Personal details

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