European Folksongs for equal voices - Sheet music | Carus-Verlag

European Folksongs for equal voices

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This collection of folk songs - "Laula kultani" (Finnish for "Sing, my sweetheart") - offers choirs attractive literature to expand their repertoires and to perform concerts for many different occasions. The creative choral director has many possibilities for performing this music: thus instruments can be added, or - if there are difficulties due to pronouncing a foreign language - a small ensemble can sing the song, while the remainder of the choir hums the music in the background. The selected songs about themes of love and love's sorrow, dance, festival and celebration, are traditional folksongs which are well-known and popular in the countries of their origin. In putting together this collection special emphasis has been placed on the musical quality of the settings. In addition to traditional settings, many songs in new arrangments by contemporary composers have been included. The settings range in difficulty from easy to moderately difficult.
Listen (34)
  • Wéi meng Mamm nach huet gesponnen
  • Du fragsch mi, wär i bi
  • Gildebroeders maakt plezieren
  • Daar was laatst een meisje loos
  • Early one morning
  • The Star of the County Down
  • Vísur Vatnsenda-Rósu
  • Jeg gik mig du en sommerdag
  • Scedryk
  • Góralu czy ci nie zal
  • S' one strane Dunava
  • Polegnala e Todora
  • Lu guarracino
  • Scià, scià, Peppina
  • El Vito
  • La Tarara
  • Shkoj e vij flutrim si zogu
  • Syrtos Rhodou
  • Psintri Vasilitzia mou
  • A jó lovas katonának
  • Agur jaunak
  • Laula kultani
  • Ich weiß nicht was soll es bedeuten
  • Feinsliebchen
  • Schnitter Tod
  • Du und i sind Brüederli
  • Dui, dui, dui
  • In Klausn isch Kirchtig
  • Vo pole bereza stojala
  • Okolo Hradisca
  • Aj, zèlena je vsa gorá
  • Vehni, vehni fijolica
  • Saren kowga jowxtm goc
  • Kungla rahvas
choral collection Carus 2.501/00, ISMN 979-0-007-09048-7 64 pages, paperback
from 1 copies 19,00 € / copy
from 20 copies 14,95 € / copy
from 40 copies 13,46 € / copy
from 60 copies 11,96 € / copy
package, package for choral conductors + CD Carus 2.501/97, ISMN 979-0-007-18122-2 DIN A4, without cover
27,00 € / copy
  • 1 x choral collection (2.501/00)
    each: 19,00 €
    1 x Compact Disc (2.501/99)
    each: 15,20 €
Additional product information



[...] Alle Lieder erscheinen in den Originalsprachen und sind mit Übersetzungen ins Deutsche, Englische und Französische versehen. [...] Die Schwierigkeitsgrade sind zwar unterschiedlich (meist mittlere Stufe), nicht aber die Qualität der Bearbeitungen, die allesamt für ein europäisches Festkonzert geeignet sind. Dieses Heft ist eine Anschaffung für Jahrzehnte und stellt einen guten Anlass dar, im historischen Notenschrank mal auszumisten. Bei den Komponisten der einzelnen Chorsätze handelt es sich um die besten der einzelnen Länder.

Wolfgang Layer
Quelle: Schwäbische Sängerzeitung 08-09/2006


The volume of Music Sacra Hungarica draws together almost 50 short a cappella pieces from 11 Hungarian composers active in the last century. Kodaly is, inevitably, represented, though modestly; his pupils, all of whom contributed to the growth of what we now think of as the new Hungarian vocal style spearheaded by Kodály, Bartók and Bárdos, fare better. Taking their lead from Kodály's ideological principal that the foundation of music-making is singing, these Hungarian composers provided a rich repertoire of unaccompanied material loosely emulating Palestrina's vocal style, if not his language. The volume's pieces are all brief in duration and most require relatively modest skills to bring off in performance. All liturgical seasons are covered, and the mainly Latin texts will bring them within the linguistic range of even the most modest choral group. The very few items that were originally sung in Hungarian are here translated into German only, thus betraying the publishers' origins. But any half-decent church choir that invested in this collection would be rewarded - and the good news is that publishers will supply multiple copies of individual items. [...]

Quelle: Choir&Organ, Nov./Dez. 2007


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