Donizetti: Messa di Requiem - Sheet music | Carus-Verlag

Gaetano Donizetti Messa di Requiem


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Through works such as Verdi’s Requiem or Puccini’s Messa di Gloria, we know that the great composers of Italian bel canto opera also wrote marvelous sacred music. Yet most of these pieces are rarely performed. This is also true of Gaetano Donizetti’s Messa di Requiem, which he composed as an expression of grief at the early death of Vincenzo Bellini in 1835. Neither performed nor printed during Donizetti’s lifetime, the Requiem is ripe for rediscovery. A rich and highly intense work, it features dramatic choruses with full orchestra, fugues, and a cappella passages that alternate with lengthy cantilenas for the soloists. The solo numbers are often scored for three male voices accompanied by low winds to create a dark timbre. The soprano and alto soloists do not themselves sing any solo arias, instead remaining part of the solo ensemble.

Carus is offering a critical edition of this editorially challenging work complete with vocal score, choral score, and all orchestral parts.

full score, Foreword in German and English Carus 27.322/00, ISMN 979-0-007-24840-6 304 pages, paperback
125,00 € / copy
vocal score Carus 27.322/03, ISMN 979-0-007-24841-3 124 pages, paperback
29,95 € / copy
choral score Carus 27.322/05, ISMN 979-0-007-24842-0 36 pages, DIN A4, without cover Minimum order quantity: 20 copies
from 20 copies 19,95 € / copy
from 40 copies 17,96 € / copy
from 60 copies 15,96 € / copy
set of parts, complete orchestral parts, on loan Carus 27.322/19, ISMN 979-0-007-24843-7 300 pages, 23 x 32 cm
  • 1 x set of parts, harmony parts, on loan, flute 1, flute 2, oboe 1, oboe 2, clarinet 1, clarinet 2, bassoon 1, bassoon 2, horn 1, horn 2, horn 3, horn 4, trumpet 1, trumpet 2, trombone 1, trombone 2, trombone 3, timpani (27.322/09)
    9 x individual part, violin 1, on loan (27.322/11)
    8 x individual part, violin 2, on loan (27.322/12)
    7 x individual part, viola, on loan (27.322/13)
    6 x individual part, violoncello, on loan (27.322/14)
    5 x individual part, double bass, on loan (27.322/15)
    1 x individual part, organ, on loan (27.322/49)
full score digital (download), pdf file Carus 27.322/00-010-000, ISMN 979-0-007-30182-8 248 pages
98,10 € / copy
set of parts (digital), zip file, pdf file, complete orchestral parts, on loan Carus 27.322/19-010-000 300 pages, 23 x 32 cm
  • 9 x individual part, pdf file, violin 1, on loan (27.322/11-010-000)
    8 x individual part, pdf file, violin 2, on loan (27.322/12-010-000)
    7 x individual part, pdf file, viola, on loan (27.322/13-010-000)
    6 x individual part, pdf file, violoncello, on loan (27.322/14-010-000)
    5 x individual part, pdf file, double bass, on loan (27.322/15-010-000)
    1 x individual part, pdf file, flute 1, on loan (27.322/21-010-000)
    1 x individual part, pdf file, flute 2, on loan (27.322/22-010-000)
    1 x individual part, pdf file, oboe 1, on loan (27.322/23-010-000)
    1 x individual part, pdf file, oboe 2, on loan (27.322/24-010-000)
    1 x individual part, pdf file, clarinet 1, on loan (27.322/25-010-000)
    1 x individual part, pdf file, clarinet 2, on loan (27.322/26-010-000)
    1 x individual part, pdf file, bassoon 1, on loan (27.322/27-010-000)
    1 x individual part, pdf file, bassoon 2, on loan (27.322/28-010-000)
    1 x individual part, pdf file, horn 1, on loan (27.322/31-010-000)
    1 x individual part, pdf file, horn 2, on loan (27.322/32-010-000)
    1 x individual part, pdf file, horn 3, on loan (27.322/33-010-000)
    1 x individual part, pdf file, horn 4, on loan (27.322/34-010-000)
    1 x individual part, pdf file, trumpet 1, on loan (27.322/35-010-000)
    1 x individual part, pdf file, trumpet 2, on loan (27.322/36-010-000)
    1 x individual part, pdf file, trombone 1, on loan (27.322/37-010-000)
    1 x individual part, pdf file, trombone 2, on loan (27.322/38-010-000)
    1 x individual part, pdf file, trombone 3, on loan (27.322/39-010-000)
    1 x individual part, pdf file, timpani, on loan (27.322/41-010-000)
    1 x individual part, pdf file, organ, on loan (27.322/49-010-000)


Nun hat der Carus-Verlag eine vorzügliche, ganz auf dem Urtext basierende Neuausgabe herausgebracht (es handelt sich um die erste professionell gesetzte Partitur), die mit Übersichtlichkeit, guter Lesbarkeit und einem sehr umfangreichen Vorwort und Kritischem Bericht ihresgleichen sucht.
Musik & Kirche, November/Dezember 2023

(...) eine vorzügliche, ganz auf dem Urtext basierende Neuausgabe (...) die mit Übersichtlichkeit, guter Lesbarkeit und einem sehr umfangreichen Vorwort und Kritischen Bericht ihresgleichen sucht.
Konrad Paul, Musik & Kirche, November 2023

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