Debussy: Soupir. Vocal transcription by Clytus Gottwald - Sheet music | Carus-Verlag

Claude Debussy Soupir. Vocal transcription by Clytus Gottwald


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Bearbeitung von Clytus Gottwald Dédié à mon admirable Pierre Boulez
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  • Soupir. Vocal transcription by Clytus Gottwald
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  • Unbenanntes Dokument Soupir

    Mon âme vers ton front où rêve, o calme sœur,
    un automne jonché de taches de rousseur,
    et vers le ciel errant de ton oeil angélique monte

    comme dans un jardin mélancolique,
    fidèle un blanc jet d'eau soupire vers l’Azur !

    Vers l’Azur attendri d’Octobre pâle et pur,
    qui mire aux grands bassins sa langueur infinie.

    Sur l’eau morte où la fauve agonie des feuilles
    erre au vent et creuse un froid sillon,


  • Unbenanntes Dokument

    Meine Seele zu deinem Antlitz steigt, wo, o Schwester still,
    ein Herbst träumt, bedeckt mit Sommersprossen
    und zum ruhelosen Himmel deine engelgleichen Augen,

    wie in einem schwermütigen Garten
    getreulich eine weiße Wasserfontäne zum Himmelsblau seufzt!

    Dem milde gestimmten Himmelsblau des fahlen und klaren Oktobers
    das in den großen Wasserbecken seine unendliche Mattigkeit

    Im regungslosen Wasser, wo die welke Agonie der Blätter
    im Wind umher irrt und eine kalte Furche zieht,
    mühsam die gelbe Sonne an einem langen Strahl hinter sich her


  • Unbenanntes Dokument

    My soul rises towards your face, oh calm sister,
    where an autumn lies dreaming, covered with freckles,
    and towards the restless sky of your angelic eye,

    as in a melancholy garden,
    a white fountain sighs faithfully towards the azure!

    Towards the softened azure of an October pale and clear,
    which regards its endless languor in the great pools.

    On the stagnant water, where the faded agony of leaves
    stirs in the wind and draws a cold furrow,
    the yellow sun drags itself out in a long ray.

    Stéphane Mallarmé (1842–1898)
    Translation: Earl Rosenbaum


full score Carus 9.119/00, ISMN 979-0-007-10994-3 12 pages, DIN A4, without cover Minimum order quantity: 20 copies
from 20 copies 5,95 € / copy
from 40 copies 5,36 € / copy
from 60 copies 4,76 € / copy
full score digital (download), pdf file Carus 9.119/00-010-000, ISMN 979-0-007-26276-1 12 pages, DIN A4 Minimum order quantity: 20 copies
from 20 copies 5,40 € / copy
from 30 copies 4,32 € / copy
from 50 copies 3,51 € / copy
from 100 copies 2,97 € / copy
text (without music) for download, html file, Singing text, German translation Carus 9.119/00-350-000
1,00 € / copy
text (without music) for download, html file, Singing text, english translation Carus 9.119/00-360-000
1,00 € / copy
text (without music) for download, html file, Singing text, original Carus 9.119/00-380-000
1,00 € / copy
Additional product information
  • The choral conductor, composer and musicologist Clytus Gottwald (1925 - 2023) made significant contributions to contemporary choral music. As editor for New Music at Südfunk Stuttgart and founder and director of the Schola Cantorum Stuttgart, he was in productive exchange with his contemporaries, Pierre Boulez, Mauricio Kagel, György Ligeti, Luigi Nono, Karlheinz Stockhausen and many others. With his Schola Cantorum, a 16-voice chamber vocal ensemble, Gottwald decisively shaped the a cappella choral culture of the highest technical level that is taken for granted today. Clytus Gottwald's transcriptions of piano songs and instrumental pieces for unaccompanied choir are appreciated by choirs all over the world. Modelled on the style of Ligeti, his works set the highest of musical standards. Clytus Gottwald has received several awards for his services, including the Cultural Prize of Baden-Württemberg in 2009, the European Church Music Prize in 2012, and the Cross of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany in 2014. His importance for the development of contemporary choral music cannot be overestimated. Personal details

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