Choral collection Mozart / Haydn I (sacred works SSA/TTB) - Sheet music | Carus-Verlag

Choral collection Mozart / Haydn I (sacred works SSA/TTB)

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The choral collection Mozart · Haydn contains sacred music of two famous pairs of composers from the Viennese classical school: father and son Leopold and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and the brothers Joseph and Johann Michael Haydn. Works selected for this collection include Latin and German settings, canons, motets and movements from the Ordinary of the Mass for a cappella choir or with keyboard accompaniment. The choice of works has been made not only with a view to the broadest possible practical use, but also to providing a selection ranging in difficulty from easy to moderately difficult. This compilation of both famous and little-known works offers a broad insight into the repertoire of church music from the Viennese classical school.
Listen (4)
  • Ave verum corpus
  • O Gotteslamm
  • Stella coeli
  • Deinem Heiland
Additional material

    Ave verum corpus
    natum de Maria Virgine,
    vere passum, immolatum
    in cruce pro homine:
    Cuius latus perforatum
    unda fluxit et sanguine,
    esto nobis praegustatum
    in mortis examine.

    Liturgie, 14. Jahrhundert


  • Hail, true body,
    born of the Virgin Mary,
    truly tormented, sacrificed
    on the cross for mankind,
    from whose pierced side
    flowed blood and water:
    be our strength in the trial of death.

    Liturgy, 14th century


  • Sei gegrüßt, wahrer Leib,
    geboren aus Maria, der Jungfrau,
    wahrhaft gelitten, geopfert
    am Kreuz für die Menschen.
    Aus deiner durchstoßenen Seite
    floss Blut und Wasser:
    sei uns Stärkung für die Prüfung des Todes.

    Liturgie, 14. Jahrhundert


  • Texte du livret du CD Carus 83.353

    Armin Kircher
    Traduction (abrégé) : Sylvie Coquillat

    « La musique sacrée était le genre favori de Mozart », écrit Franz Xaver Niemetschek dans sa biographie de Mozart parue en 1798 à Prague. En dehors des multiples impressions musicales au cours de ses voyages, il se confronta sciemment à la tradition salzbourgeoise. Il tenait notamment en grande estime les œuvres de musique sacrée de Johann Michael Haydn, dont il se fit envoyer des copies à Vienne.

    Mozart écrit en 1765 à l’âge de neuf ans sa première composition d’un texte religieux à Londres, au cours d’un voyage de presque trois ans et demie à travers l’Europe de l’Ouest. La brève pièce chorale de 23 mesures God is our Refuge KV 20 est écrite sur le deuxième verset du Psaume 46 et s’inspire du style de la musique d’église traditionnelle anglaise d’alors. Wolfgang écrivit son unique composition d’un texte anglais sous la houlette paternelle


  • Text from the CD Carus 83.353

    Armin Kircher
    Translation (abridged): John Coombs

    „Church music was Mozart’s favorite genre of composition” wrote Franz Xaver Niemetschek in his biography of Mozart published in Prague in 1798. Along with the many musical impressions gained during his journeys he studied closely the Salzburg tradition. He valued especially the church works of Michael Haydn, copies of which he asked to be sent to him in Vienna.

    When he was nine years old Mozart composed his first setting of a sacred text in London in 1765 during the tour of western Europe which lasted for almost three and a half years. The short, 23-measure choral piece God is our Refuge, K. 20, is a setting of text from Psalm 46, and it is modelled on traditional English church music of the period. Wolfgang wrote this little choral work, his only setting of English words, under his father’s supervision, and as can


  • Gekürzter Booklet-Text der CD Carus 83.353

    Armin Kircher

    „Kirchenmusik war das Lieblingsfach Mozarts“ schrieb Franz Xaver Niemetschek in seiner im Jahr 1798 in Prag erschienenen Biographie Mozarts. Zeitlebens beschäftigte sich Mozart mit der geistlichen Musik. Neben den vielfältigen musikalischen Eindrücken auf seinen Reisen setzte er sich auch bewusst mit der Salzburger Tradition auseinander. Besonders schätzte er die kirchenmusikalischen Werke Johann Michael Haydns, von denen er sich Abschriften nach Wien schicken ließ.

    Die erste Vertonung eines geistlichen Textes schuf Mozart 1765 im Alter von neun Jahren, auf der fast dreieinhalb Jahre dauernden Reise durch Westeuropa in London. Das kurze, 23-taktige Chorstück God is our Refuge KV 20 ist über den zweiten Vers aus Psalm 46 gearbeitet und nimmt den Stil der traditionellen englischen Kirchenmusik der Zeit zum Vorbild. Unklar ist, welcher Gattung das Werk zuzurechnen


choral collection Carus 2.111/00, ISMN 979-0-007-07463-0 128 pages, paperback
from 1 copies 21,50 € / copy
from 20 copies 15,95 € / copy
from 40 copies 14,36 € / copy
from 60 copies 12,76 € / copy


  • Armin Kircher studied church music at the Mozarteum in Salzburg. Until his death he was Director of the Church Music Department of the Archdiocese of Salzburg, and since 1992 he had been administrative director of the Österreichische Werkwoche für Kirchenmusik (Austrian Week for Church Music). He was also Director of Music at St Peter's Abbey, Salzburg and organist at the Cajetan Church in Salzburg. The collections he edited for the Catholic liturgy have become established standard works, in particular the choral collections Chorbuch Mozart • Haydn, the Chorbuch Kirchenjahr (Choirbook for the Church Year) and publications for organ and choir for the new Catholic hymnbook Gotteslob. Armin Kircher also made a name as an arranger of beautiful settings for choir and organ. Personal details

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