Buchenberg: Dum medium silentium. Choral works - CD, Choir Coach, multimedia | Carus-Verlag

Wolfram Buchenberg Dum medium silentium. Choral works

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In his sleeve note to the latest CD by the Cantabile Regensburg ensemble and its conductor Matthias Beckert, Wolfram Buchenberg writes that it is the “direct emotional access of people to each other through their voices” which fascinates him most and constantly inspires him to compose music for choir anew. The ensemble is particularly committed to exploring contemporary choral music – what a stroke of luck that this led to a collaboration with Wolfram Buchenberg whose compositions are now greatly in demand on the international choral scene. Buchenberg's compositional style, at the same time modern and yet tonal, is characterised by colorful harmonies, soloistic elements, the inclusion of spoken texts and breaking out of traditional rhythmic structures. Elements which are typically found in the choice of works – from folk song arrangements, through “Aber heidschi bumbeidschi”, to the Christmas carol “O Freude über Freude!”.
Listen (10)
  • Splendor paterne glorie
  • O Freude über Freude
  • Veni creator Spiritus
  • Dum medium silentium
  • The Emigrant (Joseph Campbell)
  • Tombeau de Josquin Desprez (O mors inevitabilis)
  • Liebes-Lied (Rilke)
  • Almáttigr Gud / Almighty God
  • Selig seid ihr
  • Aber heidschi bumbeidschi
Compact Disc Carus 83.504/00, EAN 4009350835047
19,90 € / copy
  • Cantabile Regensburg presents a cappella literature from the Renaissance to the contemporary era in a manner appropriate to each epoch and style. Numerous awards from renowned competitions at home and abroad verify the high quality of the ensemble. n 2009, the mixed choir was awarded the rating “outstanding” at the Bavarian Choir Competition as well as achieving an excellent ranking at the German Choir Competition 2010 in Dortmund. In 2011, Cantabile Regensburg was awarded a prize at the 12th International Chamber Choir Competition in Marktoberdorf, becoming one of the figureheads of the German choir scene with this achievement. In 2013, the ensemble again achieved an outstanding performance at the Bavarian Choir Competition in Munich; it was also a prize winner at the German Choir Competition in Weimar in 2014. In 2016, Cantabile Regensburg won first prize at the Budapest International Choir Competition. Cantabile Regensburg is a regular guest at regional and national concert series such as the Stuttgarter Stiftsmusik, the Max-Reger-Tage Weiden, the Passauer Konzertwinter, the Musiksommer Obermain, Ars Musica Aub, Musica Sacra Grafenrheinfeld, the Basilica Concerts Waldsassen and Vierzehnheiligen and the Münsterschwarzacher Klosterkonzerte. In 2002, Professor Matthias Beckert took over the direction of the choir. Since then, the cultivation of contemporary choral music has enjoyed a special place in the repertoire of the chamber choir. Numerous CD recordings, including first recordings of choral works by contemporary composers such as Heinz Werner Zimmermann and works by the Allgäu composer Wolfram Buchenberg in co-production with Bayerischer Rundfunk, document the choir’s high musical standard. Cantabile Regensburg with choirmaster Matthias Beckert was awarded the highest distinction of the Bayerischer Sängerbund, the Orlando di Lasso Medal, for outstanding musical achievements. Personal details
  • Matthias Beckert is a professor of choral conducting at the Karlsruhe University of Music. He was previously professor of orchestral conducting at the University of Music Detmold and professor of choral conducting at the University of Music Würzburg. He has also worked at the University of Music Hannover and as a guest professor at the Krakow University of Music. He is the conductor of Cantabile Regensburg and the Monteverdi Choir Würzburg. He has won several prizes with his choirs, among others at the Bavarian and German Choir Competitions. He is also a guest conductor of radio choirs and conducts renowned orchestras such as the Hofer Symphoniker, the Jenaer Philharmonie, the Nuremberg Symphony Orchestra, the Thüringen Philharmonie Gotha, the Thüringer Symphoniker Saalfeld-Rudolstadt, the Vogtland Philharmonic Orchestra, as well as early music ensembles such as the Concert Royal Cologne, the Würzburger Hofmusik and the Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin. Numerous radio, television and CD recordings with labels such as CPO, Helbling, Musicaphon, Spektral, TYXart and Carus document his work.
    Personal details
  • Matthias Beckert is a professor of choral conducting at the Karlsruhe University of Music. He was previously professor of orchestral conducting at the University of Music Detmold and professor of choral conducting at the University of Music Würzburg. He has also worked at the University of Music Hannover and as a guest professor at the Krakow University of Music. He is the conductor of Cantabile Regensburg and the Monteverdi Choir Würzburg. He has won several prizes with his choirs, among others at the Bavarian and German Choir Competitions. He is also a guest conductor of radio choirs and conducts renowned orchestras such as the Hofer Symphoniker, the Jenaer Philharmonie, the Nuremberg Symphony Orchestra, the Thüringen Philharmonie Gotha, the Thüringer Symphoniker Saalfeld-Rudolstadt, the Vogtland Philharmonic Orchestra, as well as early music ensembles such as the Concert Royal Cologne, the Würzburger Hofmusik and the Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin. Numerous radio, television and CD recordings with labels such as CPO, Helbling, Musicaphon, Spektral, TYXart and Carus document his work.
    Personal details


... Diese [Schwierigkeiten] werden von den Damen und Herren von Cantabile Regensburg ohne Probleme und noch dazu sehr klangschön gemeistert.
Gustav Danzinger, CHOR aktuell, September 2019

... Ein immenser Reichtum an Gedanken und Gefühlen steckt in den bisweilen elf Minuten dauernden Werken.
Klaus-Peter Mayr, Allgäuer Zeitung, 11.09.2019

... Highly recommended if you enjoy choral music and are looking for something new!
Jean-Yves Duperron, Classical Music Sentinel, July 2019

... Buchenberg weiß geradezu grenzenlos Antwort zu geben auf die Frage, wie ein Chorklang funktioniert ...
Markus Pfandler-Pöcksteiner, singende Kirche, 4/2019

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