Beethoven: Mass in C major - App / practice aid | Carus-Verlag

Ludwig van Beethoven Mass in C major

op. 86

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The first of Beethoven’s two Mass settings is distinctly modern and innovative in its musical language, which is both subjective and fervent. With its dramatic alternation of vocal and instrumental passages, and great contrasts in tension and expression, the Mass constantly demands the highest concentration and accuracy from the choral singers.


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Performers: Maria Keohane (soprano), Margot Oitzinger (alto), Thomas Hobbs (tenore), Sebastian Noack (basso) – Kammerchor Stuttgart, Hofkapelle Stuttgart – Frieder Bernius

Listen (6)
  • Kyrie
  • Gloria
  • Credo
  • Sanctus
  • Benedictus
  • Agnus Dei
  • carus music, the Choir Coach Üben mit carus music
    • Kyrie (Choir Coach)
    • Kyrie (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Gloria (Choir Coach)
    • Gloria (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Credo (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Benedictus (Choir Coach)
    • Benedictus (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Agnus Dei (Choir Coach)
    • Agnus Dei (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Credo (Choir Coach)
    • Sanctus (Choir Coach)
    • Sanctus (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Kyrie (Choir Coach)
    • Kyrie (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Gloria (Choir Coach)
    • Gloria (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Credo (Choir Coach)
    • Credo (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Sanctus (Choir Coach)
    • Sanctus (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Benedictus (Choir Coach)
    • Benedictus (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Agnus Dei (Choir Coach)
    • Agnus Dei (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Kyrie (Choir Coach)
    • Kyrie (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Gloria (Choir Coach)
    • Gloria (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Credo (Choir Coach)
    • Credo (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Sanctus (Choir Coach)
    • Sanctus (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Benedictus (Choir Coach)
    • Benedictus (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Agnus Dei (Choir Coach)
    • Agnus Dei (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Kyrie (Choir Coach)
    • Kyrie (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Gloria (Choir Coach)
    • Gloria (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Credo (Choir Coach)
    • Credo (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Sanctus (Choir Coach)
    • Sanctus (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Benedictus (Choir Coach)
    • Benedictus (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
    • Agnus Dei (Choir Coach)
    • Agnus Dei (Choir Coach, Slow mode)
Additional material
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  • Kyrie Lord, have mercy on us.
    Christ, have mercy on us.
    Lord, have mercy on us.

    Gloria Glory be to God on high
    and on earth peace to men of good will.
    We praise Thee; we bless Thee; we adore Thee; we glorify Thee.
    We give Thee thanks for Thy great glory.
    Lord God, heavenly King,
    God the almighty Father.
    O Lord, the only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ,
    O Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father.
    Thou who takest away the sins of the world,
    have mercy upon us.

    Thou who takest away the sins of the world,
    receive our prayer.
    Thou that sittest at the right hand of God the Father,
    have mercy upon us.


  • Kyrie Herr, erbarme dich unser.
    Christus, erbarme dich unser.
    Herr, erbarme dich unser.

    Gloria Ehre sei Gott in der Höhe
    und Friede auf Erden den Menschen,
    die guten Willens sind.
    Wir loben Dich, wir preisen Dich, wir beten Dich an, wir rühmen Dich.
    Wir danken Dir, denn groß ist Deine Herrlichkeit.
    Herr und Gott, König des Himmels,
    Gott, allmächtiger Vater.
    Herr Jesus Christus, eingeborener Sohn,
    Herr und Gott, Lamm Gottes, Sohn des Vaters.

    Du nimmst hinweg die Sünden der Welt,
    erbarme Dich unser;
    Du nimmst hinweg die Sünden der Welt,
    nimm an unser Gebet.
    Du sitzest zur Rechten des Vaters:


  • Kyrie Kyrie eleison.
    Christe eleison.
    Kyrie eleison.

    Gloria Gloria in excelsis Deo.
    Et in terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatis.
    Laudamus te, benedicimus te, adoramus te, glorificamus te.
    Gratias agimus tibi propter magnam gloriam tuam.
    Domine Deus, Rex coelestis,
    Deus Pater omnipotens.
    Domine Fili unigenite, Jesu Christe.
    Domine Deus, Agnus Dei, Filius Patris.

    Qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis.
    Qui tollis peccata mundi, suscipe deprecationem nostram.
    Qui sedes ad dexteram Patris, miserere nobis.

    Quoniam tu solus Sanctus,
    tu solus Dominus, tu solus Altissimus, Jesu Christe.
    Cum Sancto Spiritu, in gloria Dei Patris.


  • Text from the CD Carus 83.295

    Ernst Herttrich
    Translation (abridged): Elizabeth Robinson

    In the picture of Beethoven we have today, the composer’s religiosity does not necessarily come to the fore. Compared with his predecessors Haydn and Mozart, he wrote only very few sacred works. However, we should not forget that a whole series of Beethoven’s instrumental works – such as the String Quartet Op. 132 with its Dankgesang eines Genesenen an die Gottheit (Song of thanksgiving of a convalescent to God) and the 9th Symphony with its choral finale – also display religious dimensions. Beethoven was a deeply religious person who addressed religious themes intellectually as well as seeking and finding an emotional compensation in religion for what fate had dealt him.

    Although the two masses he composed were both commissions, for Beethoven they represented at the same time a personal matter and an artistic


  • Booklet-Text der CD Carus 83.295

    Ernst Herttrich

    Beethovens Religiosität ist im Bild, das man sich heute von diesem Komponisten macht, nicht unbedingt einer der Hauptaspekte. Verglichen mit seinen Vorgängern Haydn und Mozart hinterließ er nur recht wenige geistliche Werke – neben den beiden Messen nur noch das Oratorium Christus am Ölberge und die Gellert-Lieder. Man darf jedoch nicht vergessen, dass auch eine ganze Reihe von Beethovens Instrumentalwerken – etwa das Streichquartett Op. 132 mit seinem Dankgesang eines Genesenen an die Gottheit oder die 9. Symphonie mit ihrem Chorfinale – religiöse Dimensionen aufweist. Beethoven war ein religiös durchdrungener Mensch, der sich sowohl intellektuell mit religiösen Themen auseinandersetzte als auch emotional in der Religion einen Ausgleich für sein schweres Schicksal suchte und fand.

    Die beiden Messen sind zwar als Auftragswerke entstanden, waren jedoch für Beethoven gleich zeitig


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  • Ludwig van Beethoven was without doubt one of the most influential composers in the history of music. His works formed the culmination of many genres – particularly instrumental – of Viennese classicism, and laid the foundation for the following decades. But Beethoven’s vocal works set standards too: the late Missa Solemnis is one of the most impressive choral works of its time; but his earlier Mass in C also opens up new worlds of expression for the liturgical text, and set the benchmark for the further development in the composition of the mass. And with the final chorus of the Ninth Symphony, the setting of Schiller’s Ode to Joy, Beethoven created one of the most frequently-performed and best known choral pieces of all, writing a timeless musical memorial to himself. Personal details

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