Bach: The heavens laugh, the earth exults in gladness - Sheet music | Carus-Verlag

Johann Sebastian Bach The heavens laugh, the earth exults in gladness

Cantata for Easter Sunday BWV 31 (BWV3 31.2), 1715

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The words are based on the Easter Gospel, the account of the Resurrection of Jesus, which is first joyfully celebrated. Then follows a call to the faithful: every Christian must make the Resurrection a reason to renew himself spiritually, so as to complete a kind of inner Resurrection himself. For his scoring – which changed slightly from performance to performance – Bach called upon a five-part choir, three trumpets and timpani, three oboes, taille and bassoon, strings and basso continuo.
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  • 1 Sonata 2 Chorus

    The heavens laugh, the earth exults in gladness
    rejoicing in the child she bore;
    the Saviour lives,
    the Highest is triumphant,
    and loosened from the bonds of death.
    No longer is the grave his prison,
    our blessed Lord is now arisen.

    3 Recitativo (Basso)

    A longed for day!
    Come, soul, again rejoice,
    thou, soul, rejoice.
    The first and last,
    the Alpha and Omega,
    he who to purge our guilt
    once lay be death imprisoned,
    is now arisen from the grave.
    The Lord was dead,
    and see! again he liveth!


  • 1 Sonata 2 Chorus

    Der Himmel lacht! Die Erde jubilieret
    und was sie trägt in ihrem Schoß.
    Der Schöpfer lebt! Der Höchste triumphieret
    und ist von Todesbanden los.
    Der sich das Grab zur Ruh erlesen,
    der Heiligste kann nicht verwesen.

    3 Recitativo (Basso)

    Erwünschter Tag!
    Sei, Seele, wieder froh!
    Das A und O,
    der erst und auch der letzte,
    den unsre schwere Schuld
    in Todeskerker setzte,
    ist nun gerissen aus der Not!
    Der Herr war tot,
    und sieh, er lebet wieder!
    Lebt unser Haupt,
    so leben auch die Glieder.


  • Foreword of the Edition Carus 31.031

    Michael Märker
    Translation: John Coombs

    For Easter Sunday in 1715, which fell on the 21 April, Johann Sebastian Bach composed at Weimar the cantata Der Himmel lacht! Die Erde jubilieret (The heavens laugh, the earth exults) BWV 31. He took the text from Salomon Franck’s annual cycle Evangelisches Andachts-Opffer (Weimar 1715). We know from printed copies of the texts that two performances later took place in Leipzig on 9 April 1724 and 25 March 1731, and a further performance may have occurred in 1735.

    The words are based on the Easter Gospel, the account of the Resurrection of Jesus, which is first joyfully celebrated. Then follows a call to the faithful: every Christian must make the Resurrection a reason to renew himself spiritually, so as to complete a kind of inner Resurrection himself. Thus it is necessary that we must suffer with Christ. Longing for death, the Christian is led by Jesus to eternal life.

    For his scoring – which changed slightly from performance to performance – Bach called upon a five-part choir, three trumpets and timpani, three oboes, taille and bassoon, strings (with violas divisi) and basso continuo. The work opens with what is perhaps the


  • Vorwort der Ausgabe Carus 31.031

    Michael Märker

    Zum ersten Ostertag des Jahres 1715, der auf den 21. April fiel, komponierte Johann Sebastian Bach in Weimar die Kantate Der Himmel lacht! Die Erde jubilieret BWV 31. Den Text entnahm er Salomon Francks Jahrgang Evangelisches Andachts-Opffer (Weimar 1715). Zwei spätere Leipziger Aufführungen am 9. April 1724 und am 25. März 1731 lassen sich durch Textdrucke belegen, eine weitere Aufführung fand möglicherweise 1735 statt.

    Ausgangspunkt des Textes ist das Osterevangelium mit der Auferstehung Jesu, die zunächst ausgiebig gefeiert wird. Daran anknüpfend folgt ein Aufruf an die Gläubigen: Jeder einzelne Christ müsse Jesu Auferstehung zum Anlass nehmen, sich selbst geistlich zu erneuern und damit auch eine Art von innerer Auferstehung nachzuvollziehen. Dazu bedürfe es des Mitleidens mit Christus. Indem der Tod herbeigesehnt werde, könne der Christ durch Jesus zum ewigen Leben geführt werden.

    Für die Besetzung – sie unterlag von Aufführung zu Aufführung leichten Veränderungen – sieht Bach nicht nur einen zur Fünfstimmigkeit erweiterten Chor vor, sondern auch drei Trompeten und Pauken, drei Oboen, Taille und Fagott sowie Streicher (mit geteilten


full score Carus 31.031/00, ISMN 979-0-007-08466-0 68 pages, DIN A4, paperback
29,00 € / copy
vocal score Carus 31.031/03, ISMN 979-0-007-09037-1 32 pages, paperback
9,50 € / copy
choral score Carus 31.031/05, ISMN 979-0-007-11523-4 8 pages, DIN A4, without cover Minimum order quantity: 20 copies
from 20 copies 3,80 € / copy
from 40 copies 3,42 € / copy
from 60 copies 3,04 € / copy
study score Carus 31.031/07, ISMN 979-0-007-09418-8 68 pages, DIN A5, paperback
10,50 € / copy
set of parts, complete orchestral parts Carus 31.031/19, ISMN 979-0-007-13606-2 23 x 32 cm, without cover
94,00 € / copy
  • 1 x set of parts, harmony parts, oboe 1, oboe 2, oboe 3, English horn, bassoon, 3 trumpets (31.031/09)
    each: 24,00 €
    4 x individual part, violin 1 (31.031/11)
    each: 4,30 €
    4 x individual part, violin 2 (31.031/12)
    each: 4,30 €
    2 x individual part, viola 1 (31.031/13)
    each: 4,30 €
    2 x individual part, viola 2 (31.031/14)
    each: 4,30 €
    4 x individual part, violoncello/double bass (31.031/15)
    each: 4,30 €
    1 x individual part, organ (31.031/49)
    each: 15,40 €
individual part, organ Carus 31.031/49, ISMN 979-0-007-20551-5 16 pages, 23 x 32 cm, without cover
15,40 € / copy
full score digital (download), pdf file Carus 31.031/00-010-000, ISMN 979-0-007-25690-6 68 pages, DIN A4
26,10 € / copy
text (without music) for download, html file, Introductory text, German Carus 31.031/00-310-000
25,00 € / copy
text (without music) for download, html file, Introductory text, English Carus 31.031/00-320-000
25,00 € / copy
text (without music) for download, html file, Singing text, english translation Carus 31.031/00-360-000
5,00 € / copy
text (without music) for download, html file, Singing text, original Carus 31.031/00-380-000
3,00 € / copy
set of parts (digital), zip file, pdf file, harmony parts Carus 31.031/09-010-000, ISMN 979-0-007-32766-8 76 pages, 23 x 32 cm
24,00 € / copy
  • 1 x individual part, pdf file, oboe 1 (31.031/21-010-000)
    each: 5,50 €
    1 x individual part, pdf file, oboe 2 (31.031/22-010-000)
    each: 5,50 €
    1 x individual part, pdf file, oboe 3 (31.031/23-010-000)
    each: 4,30 €
    1 x individual part, pdf file, English horn (31.031/24-010-000)
    each: 4,30 €
    1 x individual part, pdf file, bassoon (31.031/25-010-000)
    each: 4,30 €
    1 x individual part, pdf file, 3 trumpets (31.031/31-010-000)
    each: 5,50 €
individual part, pdf file, violin 1 Carus 31.031/11-010-000, ISMN 979-0-007-31659-4 8 pages, 23 x 32 cm Minimum order quantity: 2 copies
6,45 € / copy
individual part, pdf file, violin 2 Carus 31.031/12-010-000, ISMN 979-0-007-31660-0 8 pages, 23 x 32 cm
6,45 € / copy
individual part, pdf file, viola 1 Carus 31.031/13-010-000, ISMN 979-0-007-31661-7 8 pages, 23 x 32 cm
6,45 € / copy
individual part, pdf file, viola 2 Carus 31.031/14-010-000, ISMN 979-0-007-31662-4 8 pages, 23 x 32 cm
6,45 € / copy
individual part, pdf file, violoncello/double bass Carus 31.031/15-010-000, ISMN 979-0-007-31663-1 12 pages, 23 x 32 cm
6,45 € / copy
set of parts (digital), zip file, pdf file, complete orchestral parts Carus 31.031/19-010-000, ISMN 979-0-007-32572-5
94,00 € / copy
  • 1 x individual part, pdf file, violin 1 (31.031/11-010-000)
    each: 6,45 €
    1 x individual part, pdf file, violin 2 (31.031/12-010-000)
    each: 6,45 €
    1 x individual part, pdf file, viola 1 (31.031/13-010-000)
    each: 6,45 €
    1 x individual part, pdf file, viola 2 (31.031/14-010-000)
    each: 6,45 €
    1 x individual part, pdf file, violoncello/double bass (31.031/15-010-000)
    each: 6,45 €
    1 x individual part, pdf file, oboe 1 (31.031/21-010-000)
    each: 5,50 €
    1 x individual part, pdf file, oboe 2 (31.031/22-010-000)
    each: 5,50 €
    1 x individual part, pdf file, oboe 3 (31.031/23-010-000)
    each: 4,30 €
    1 x individual part, pdf file, English horn (31.031/24-010-000)
    each: 4,30 €
    1 x individual part, pdf file, bassoon (31.031/25-010-000)
    each: 4,30 €
    1 x individual part, pdf file, 3 trumpets (31.031/31-010-000)
    each: 5,50 €
    1 x individual part, pdf file, organ (31.031/49-010-000)
    each: 15,40 €
individual part, pdf file, oboe 1 Carus 31.031/21-010-000, ISMN 979-0-007-33343-0 12 pages, 23 x 32 cm
5,50 € / copy
individual part, pdf file, oboe 2 Carus 31.031/22-010-000, ISMN 979-0-007-33455-0 12 pages, 23 x 32 cm
5,50 € / copy
individual part, pdf file, oboe 3 Carus 31.031/23-010-000, ISMN 979-0-007-33551-9 8 pages, 23 x 32 cm
4,30 € / copy
individual part, pdf file, English horn Carus 31.031/24-010-000, ISMN 979-0-007-33109-2 8 pages, 23 x 32 cm
4,30 € / copy
individual part, pdf file, bassoon Carus 31.031/25-010-000, ISMN 979-0-007-33123-8 4 pages, 23 x 32 cm
4,30 € / copy
individual part, pdf file, 3 trumpets Carus 31.031/31-010-000, ISMN 979-0-007-33070-5 8 pages, 23 x 32 cm
5,50 € / copy
individual part, pdf file, organ Carus 31.031/49-010-000, ISMN 979-0-007-31664-8 16 pages, 23 x 32 cm
15,40 € / copy
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Additional product information
  • Johann Sebastian Bach is one of the most important composers of Western music history. He came from a widely ramified musical dynasty, which produced numerous musicians and organists in the Thuringian-Saxon area.

    Bach vocal

    Ever since Carus-Verlag was founded in 1972, publishing the music of Johann Sebastian Bach has been a special focus for us. In the 2017 Reformation anniversary year we completed the Bach vocal project. Bach's complete sacred vocal works are now available in modern Urtext editions, together with performance material. A complete edition of all the full scores is also available in a high quality box set. Personal details

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