Bach: The Chamberlain is now our Squire - Sheet music | Carus-Verlag

Johann Sebastian Bach The Chamberlain is now our Squire

Peasant Cantata BWV 212, 1742

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The Peasant Cantata BWV 212 is unique in Bach’s cantata output both in content and musically. Although it belongs to Bach's homage cantatas, the text deals only indirectly with praise for a new chamberlain. Rather, the eloquent characters portray situations from rural life, which are also reflected in the music: Bach often drew on well-known dance movements and folk tunes. Because of this the cantata as a whole seems less "academic" than his (surviving) sacred vocal music. Just two arias were composed in the typical da capo structure in which the musicians’ abilities are put to the test. But because of the shortness of the other movements, the cantata is extremely varied. Picander’s humorous text makes the cantata extremely versatile, far beyond its original purpose.
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  • Abridgede foreword of the Edition Carus 31.212

    Solvej Donadel
    Translation: Gudrun and David Kosviner

    Johann Sebastian Bach composed the so-called Bauernkantate (Peasant Cantata) BWV 212 on the occasion of the transfer of an estate in Kleinzschocher, today a district of Leipzig located in the southwest. The chamberlain Carl Heinrich von Dieskau (1706–1782) inherited the estate after the death of his mother, and since it was customary in Bach’s time to receive the new lord festively, the Bauernkantate was performed on 30 August 1742, the day of the transfer, which was also von Dieskau’s birthday. Von Dieskau was district governor of Leipzig and served as “Director of the Royal Orchestra and Chamber Music” in the service of August III, King of Poland. Through his work at the Dresden court he was familiar with the customs there and probably also knew the “Bauerndivertissements” (peasant entertainments), in which musicians performed in peasant costumes. As Bach had borne the title “Compositeur bey Dero Hof Capelle” – Royal Court Composer – in Dresden since 1736, a musical contribution from his side would certainly have been appropriate. The libretto was written by Christian Friedrich Henrici, alias Picander,


  • Gekürztes Vorwort der Ausgabe Carus 31.212

    Solvej Donadel

    Johann Sebastian Bach komponierte die sogenannte Bauernkantate BWV 212 anlässlich einer Gutsübernahme in Kleinzschocher, heute ein im Südwesten gelegener Stadtteil Leipzigs. Der Kammerherr Carl Heinrich von Dieskau (1706–1782) erbte das Gut nach dem Tod seiner Mutter, und da es zu Bachs Zeit üblich war, den neuen Herrn feierlich zu empfangen, erklang die Bauernkantate am 30. August 1742, dem Tag der Übernahme, der zugleich der Geburtstag von Dieskaus war. Von Dieskau war Kreishauptmann von Leipzig und stand als „Director der Königl. Capell- und Kammermusik“ im Dienst von August III., König von Polen. Durch seine Tätigkeit am Dresdner Hof war er mit den dortigen Gepflogenheiten vertraut und kannte vermutlich auch die „Bauerndivertissements“, bei denen die Musiker in Bauernverkleidung auftraten. Da Bach seit 1736 den Titel des „Compositeur[s] bey Dero Hof Capelle“, also des königlichen Hofkomponisten in Dresden tragen durfte, dürfte ein musikalischer Beitrag von seiner Seite angebracht gewesen sein. Das Libretto wurde von Christian Friedrich Henrici, alias Picander, gedichtet, der hauptberuflich als Land- und Trank-Steuereinnehmer tätig war. Damit


full score Carus 31.212/00, ISMN 979-0-007-18753-8 48 pages, DIN A4, paperback
18,95 € / copy
vocal score Carus 31.212/03, ISMN 979-0-007-18754-5 40 pages, paperback
9,20 € / copy
set of parts, complete orchestral parts Carus 31.212/19, ISMN 979-0-007-23961-9 23 x 32 cm, without cover
76,00 € / copy
  • 1 x set of parts, harmony parts, flute, horn (31.212/09)
    each: 6,00 €
    5 x individual part, violins 1 and 2 (31.212/11)
    each: 6,60 €
    2 x individual part, viola (31.212/12)
    each: 6,60 €
    3 x individual part, violoncello/double bass (31.212/13)
    each: 6,60 €
    1 x individual part, harpsichord (31.212/48)
    each: 17,50 €
individual part, harpsichord Carus 31.212/48, ISMN 979-0-007-23959-6 28 pages, 23 x 32 cm, without cover
17,50 € / copy
text (without music) for download, html file, Introductory text, German Carus 31.212/00-310-000
25,00 € / copy
text (without music) for download, html file, Introductory text, English Carus 31.212/00-320-000
25,00 € / copy
set of parts (digital), zip file, pdf file, harmony parts Carus 31.212/09-010-000, ISMN 979-0-007-32911-2
6,00 € / copy
  • 1 x individual part, pdf file, flute (31.212/21-010-000)
    each: 3,50 €
    1 x individual part, pdf file, horn (31.212/31-010-000)
    each: 3,50 €
individual part, pdf file, violins 1 and 2 Carus 31.212/11-010-000, ISMN 979-0-007-32540-4 16 pages, 23 x 32 cm
9,90 € / copy
individual part, pdf file, viola Carus 31.212/12-010-000, ISMN 979-0-007-32541-1 12 pages, 23 x 32 cm
9,90 € / copy
individual part, pdf file, violoncello/double bass Carus 31.212/13-010-000, ISMN 979-0-007-32542-8 16 pages, 23 x 32 cm
9,90 € / copy
set of parts (digital), zip file, pdf file, complete orchestral parts Carus 31.212/19-010-000, ISMN 979-0-007-32737-8
76,00 € / copy
  • 1 x individual part, pdf file, violins 1 and 2 (31.212/11-010-000)
    each: 9,90 €
    1 x individual part, pdf file, viola (31.212/12-010-000)
    each: 9,90 €
    1 x individual part, pdf file, violoncello/double bass (31.212/13-010-000)
    each: 9,90 €
    1 x individual part, pdf file, flute (31.212/21-010-000)
    each: 3,50 €
    1 x individual part, pdf file, horn (31.212/31-010-000)
    each: 3,50 €
    1 x individual part, pdf file, harpsichord (31.212/48-010-000)
    each: 17,50 €
individual part, pdf file, flute Carus 31.212/21-010-000, ISMN 979-0-007-33184-9 4 pages, 23 x 32 cm
3,50 € / copy
individual part, pdf file, horn Carus 31.212/31-010-000, ISMN 979-0-007-33261-7 4 pages, 23 x 32 cm
3,50 € / copy
individual part, pdf file, harpsichord Carus 31.212/48-010-000, ISMN 979-0-007-33096-5 28 pages, 23 x 32 cm
17,50 € / copy
Additional product information
  • Johann Sebastian Bach is one of the most important composers of Western music history. He came from a widely ramified musical dynasty, which produced numerous musicians and organists in the Thuringian-Saxon area.

    Bach vocal

    Ever since Carus-Verlag was founded in 1972, publishing the music of Johann Sebastian Bach has been a special focus for us. In the 2017 Reformation anniversary year we completed the Bach vocal project. Bach's complete sacred vocal works are now available in modern Urtext editions, together with performance material. A complete edition of all the full scores is also available in a high quality box set. Personal details

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