Bach: Heart and mouth and thought and action - Sheet music | Carus-Verlag

Johann Sebastian Bach Heart and mouth and thought and action

Cantata for the Feast of the Visitation of the Virgin Mary BWV 147, 1723

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The cantata Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben (Heart and mouth and thought and action), BWV 147, for the Feast of the Visitation (2 July) in 1723, belongs to a group of three Weimar Advent cantatas, namely BWV 70, 147, and 186, which Bach reinterpreted textually by adding recitatives not included in the original works while simultaneously expanding them into two parts (performed before and after the sermon). Both parts have a concluding chorale, of which the one from BWV 147 has become a hit in its own right: “Jesus bleibet meine Freude” (Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring). The cantata has a complicated history, for it seems that Bach twice ran out of time: The Weimar fair copy score contains only the first movement (which was integrated into the Leipzig score), while the Leipzig fair copy of 1723 also breaks off abruptly, and was only completed later (the parts were based on composing scores, which have not survived). Thus the version of 1723, on which our edition is for the first time based, differs in a number of details from the later fair copy. However, Bach did not transfer the fair copy version into individual parts and probably never heard it performed.
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  • Parte Prima 1 Chorus Heart and mouth and thought and action
    must bear witness without falt’ring,
    doubting not and without fear,
    own him God and Saviour dear. 2 Recitativo accompagnato (Tenore) Ah, tidings heav’nly sent!
    Now Mary will make known her inmost feelings,
    with thanks and praise to God,
    her story to reveal,
    the wonder of the Saviour’s coming
    that he be born to her, a lowly maid.
    O wretched race of man,
    the slaves of Satan and of sin,
    you were set free,
    through Christ’s transcending power released
    from all your former servitude!
    Yet still, your lips and your too stubborn spirits suppress,
    deny such a great blessing;


  • Parte prima 1 Chorus Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben
    muss von Christo Zeugnis geben
    ohne Furcht und Heuchelei,
    dass er Gott und Heiland sei. 2 Recitativo accompagnato (Tenore) Gebenedeiter Mund!
    Maria macht ihr Innerstes der Seelen
    durch Dank und Rühmen kund;
    sie fänget bei sich an,
    des Heilands Wunder zu erzählen,
    was er an ihr als seiner Magd getan.
    O! menschliches Geschlecht,
    des Satans und der Sünden Knecht,
    du bist befreit
    durch Christi tröstendes Erscheinen
    von dieser Last und Dienstbarkeit!
    Jedoch dein Mund und dein verstockt Gemüte


full score Carus 31.147/50, ISMN 979-0-007-09601-4 60 pages, DIN A4, paperback
21,00 € / copy
vocal score Carus 31.147/53, ISMN 979-0-007-09706-6 36 pages, paperback
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choral score Carus 31.147/55, ISMN 979-0-007-16194-1 8 pages, DIN A4, without cover Minimum order quantity: 20 copies
from 20 copies 4,20 € / copy
from 40 copies 3,78 € / copy
from 60 copies 3,36 € / copy
study score Carus 31.147/57, ISMN 979-0-007-13573-7 60 pages, DIN A5, paperback
8,20 € / copy
set of parts, complete orchestral parts Carus 31.147/69, ISMN 979-0-007-13306-1 23 x 32 cm, without cover
94,00 € / copy
  • 1 x set of parts, harmony parts, oboe 1, oboe 2, bassoon, trumpet (31.147/59)
    each: 16,00 €
    4 x individual part, violin 1 (31.147/61)
    each: 5,40 €
    4 x individual part, violin 2 (31.147/62)
    each: 5,40 €
    3 x individual part, viola (31.147/63)
    each: 5,40 €
    4 x individual part, violoncello/double bass (31.147/64)
    each: 5,40 €
    1 x individual part, organ (31.147/99)
    each: 11,80 €
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11,80 € / copy
full score digital (download), pdf file Carus 31.147/50-010-000, ISMN 979-0-007-25806-1 60 pages, DIN A4
18,90 € / copy
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5,00 € / copy
text (without music) for download, html file, Singing text, original Carus 31.147/50-380-000
3,00 € / copy
set of parts (digital), zip file, pdf file, complete orchestral parts Carus 31.147/59-010-000, ISMN 979-0-007-32916-7 20 pages, 23 x 32 cm
16,00 € / copy
  • 1 x individual part, pdf file, oboe 1 (31.147/71-010-000)
    each: 5,00 €
    1 x individual part, pdf file, oboe 2 (31.147/72-010-000)
    each: 5,00 €
    1 x individual part, pdf file, bassoon (31.147/73-010-000)
    each: 5,30 €
    1 x individual part, pdf file, trumpet (31.147/81-010-000)
    each: 3,90 €
individual part, pdf file, violin 1 Carus 31.147/61-010-000, ISMN 979-0-007-32260-1 12 pages, 23 x 32 cm Minimum order quantity: 2 copies
8,10 € / copy
individual part, pdf file, violin 2 Carus 31.147/62-010-000, ISMN 979-0-007-32261-8 8 pages, 23 x 32 cm
8,10 € / copy
individual part, pdf file, viola Carus 31.147/63-010-000, ISMN 979-0-007-32262-5 8 pages, 23 x 32 cm
8,10 € / copy
individual part, pdf file, violoncello/double bass Carus 31.147/64-010-000, ISMN 979-0-007-32263-2 16 pages, 23 x 32 cm
8,10 € / copy
set of parts (digital), zip file, pdf file, harmony parts Carus 31.147/69-010-000, ISMN 979-0-007-32925-9
94,00 € / copy
  • 1 x set of parts (digital), zip file, pdf file, complete orchestral parts (31.147/59-010-000)
    each: 16,00 €
    1 x individual part, pdf file, violin 1 (31.147/61-010-000)
    each: 8,10 €
    1 x individual part, pdf file, violin 2 (31.147/62-010-000)
    each: 8,10 €
    1 x individual part, pdf file, viola (31.147/63-010-000)
    each: 8,10 €
    1 x individual part, pdf file, violoncello/double bass (31.147/64-010-000)
    each: 8,10 €
    1 x individual part, pdf file, organ (31.147/99-010-000)
    each: 11,80 €
individual part, pdf file, oboe 1 Carus 31.147/71-010-000, ISMN 979-0-007-33413-0 8 pages, 23 x 32 cm
5,00 € / copy
individual part, pdf file, oboe 2 Carus 31.147/72-010-000, ISMN 979-0-007-33526-7 8 pages, 23 x 32 cm
5,00 € / copy
individual part, pdf file, bassoon Carus 31.147/73-010-000, ISMN 979-0-007-33138-2 16 pages, 23 x 32 cm
5,30 € / copy
individual part, pdf file, trumpet Carus 31.147/81-010-000, ISMN 979-0-007-33728-5 4 pages, 23 x 32 cm
3,90 € / copy
individual part, pdf file, organ Carus 31.147/99-010-000, ISMN 979-0-007-32264-9 20 pages, 23 x 32 cm
11,80 € / copy
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Additional product information
  • Johann Sebastian Bach is one of the most important composers of Western music history. He came from a widely ramified musical dynasty, which produced numerous musicians and organists in the Thuringian-Saxon area.

    Bach vocal

    Ever since Carus-Verlag was founded in 1972, publishing the music of Johann Sebastian Bach has been a special focus for us. In the 2017 Reformation anniversary year we completed the Bach vocal project. Bach's complete sacred vocal works are now available in modern Urtext editions, together with performance material. A complete edition of all the full scores is also available in a high quality box set. Personal details
  • Paul Horn war ein deutscher Kirchenmusiker, Organist, Komponist und Musikwissenschaftler. Er studierte Kirchenmusik und Orgel an der Evangelischen Kirchenmusikschule Esslingen am Neckar bei Hans-Arnold Metzger und Musikwissenschaft, Theologie und Geschichte an der Universität Tübingen. Seine berufliche Laufbahn begann als Kantor an der Evangelischen Michaelskirche in Stuttgart-Degerloch. 1954 wurde er Kantor an der Evangelischen Stadtkirche Ravensburg, eine Position, die er bis zu seiner Pensionierung innehatte. Als Musikwissenschaftler arbeitete Horn bis ins hohe Alter eng mit Carus zusammen. So stammen zahlreiche Carus-Klavierauszüge aus seiner Feder. Personal details
  • Paul Horn war ein deutscher Kirchenmusiker, Organist, Komponist und Musikwissenschaftler. Er studierte Kirchenmusik und Orgel an der Evangelischen Kirchenmusikschule Esslingen am Neckar bei Hans-Arnold Metzger und Musikwissenschaft, Theologie und Geschichte an der Universität Tübingen. Seine berufliche Laufbahn begann als Kantor an der Evangelischen Michaelskirche in Stuttgart-Degerloch. 1954 wurde er Kantor an der Evangelischen Stadtkirche Ravensburg, eine Position, die er bis zu seiner Pensionierung innehatte. Als Musikwissenschaftler arbeitete Horn bis ins hohe Alter eng mit Carus zusammen. So stammen zahlreiche Carus-Klavierauszüge aus seiner Feder. Personal details

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