Bach: Christmas Oratorio - App / practice aid | Carus-Verlag

Johann Sebastian Bach Christmas Oratorio

Part I–VI BWV 248 (BWV3 248.2), 1734

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Bach's Christmas Oratorio is undeniably the number ONE in the Christmas repertoire of choirs as well as in popularity with audiences. The Christmas story, according to the Gospels of St. Luke and St. Matthew, combined with free poetry and individual chorale stanzas attains, together with the clearly structured, festive Baroque music, an eloquent radiance of timeless beauty. To confidently keep up with the frequent, sometimes very rapid sixteenth-coloraturas – for example in the "herrliche Chöre" (no. 1), the "Wohlgefallen" (no. 21, Vivace!), and the "Schnauben der stolzen Feinde" (no. 54) – practicing with the Slow Mode of the app is particularly recommended.

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Performers: Dorothea Röschmann (soprano), Andreas Scholl (alto), Werner Güra (tenore), Klaus Häger (basso) – RIAS Kammerchor, Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin – René Jacobs

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  • Part I: The first day of Christmas 1. Coro

    Shout ye exultant this Day of Salvation,
    glory to God in the highest today!
    Fear ye no longer, forsake lamentation,
    sing ye with gladness, exultant and gay!
    Worship the Master and bow ye before him.
    Come all ye faithful with song to adore him.

    2. Evangelista (Tenore)

    And in those same days it came to pass, that there went out a decree from Augustus Caesar, that all the world enroll for taxes, and ev’ryone went, that he might be reborded, each going into his own city. And also there went up Joseph from Galilee up out of Nazareth, to the city of David, in Judea, which is called Bethlehem, for Joseph was of the house and of the lineage of David; that there might be enrolled for tax with Mary, Mary, his wedded wife, being great with child. And while they yet were there it came the time that she should be delivered.

    3. Recitativo (Alto)

    At last, beloved Saviour mine,
    at last, thou Child of David’s line
    art come, our consolation,
    to compass man’s salvation.
    At last is Jacob’s star fair shining,
    behold its glorious ray.
    Up Zion, put away from thee repining,
    for all is well today.

    4. Aria


  • Teil I: Am 1. Weihnachtstage 1. Coro

    Jauchzet, frohlocket! auf, preiset die Tage,
    rühmet, was heute der Höchste getan!
    Lasset das Zagen, verbannet die Klage,
    stimmet voll Jauchzen und Fröhlichkeit an!
    Dienet dem Höchsten mit herrlichen Chören,
    lasst uns den Namen des Herrschers verehren!

    2. Evangelista (Tenore)

    Es begab sich aber zu der Zeit, dass ein Gebot von dem Kaiser Augusto ausging, dass alle Welt geschätzet würde. Und jedermann ging, dass er sich schätzen ließe, ein jeglicher in seine Stadt. Da machte sich auch auf Joseph aus Galiläa, aus der Stadt Nazareth, in das jüdische Land zur Stadt David, die da heißet Bethlehem; darum, dass er von dem Hause und Geschlechte David war, auf dass er sich schätzen ließe mit Maria, seinem vertrauten Weibe, die war schwanger. Und als sie daselbst waren, kam die Zeit, dass sie gebären sollte.

    3. Recitativo (Alto)

    Nun wird mein liebster Bräutigam,
    nun wird der Held aus Davids Stamm
    zum Trost, zum Heil der Erden,
    einmal geboren werden.
    Nun wird der Stern aus Jakob scheinen,
    sein Strahl bricht schon hervor.
    Auf, Zion, und verlasse nun das


  • Text from the CD Carus 83.312

    Meinrad Walter
    Translation: Erik Dorset

    What would Christmas be without music? The angles in the Bible do not merely speak the divine message of peace; they sing “Gloria in Excelsis Deo.” Songs such as O du fröhliche (O, how joyful) or Vom Himmel hoch, da komm ich her (From Heaven above to Earth I come) are simply part of the Christmas holiday season. But the epitome of Christmas music is Bach’s Christmas Oratorio, which opens with a drum roll. Tönet, ihr Pauken! (Sound, you drums!) was the title of the cantata that paid homage to the Saxon Electress and Polish Queen Maria Josepha, the music of which Bach reworked to make one of the most successful pieces of Christmas music of all time. And maybe even the composer suspected that although that very Queen would disappear silently and wordlessly, Christmas, as a multifaceted subject for which the Bach invented great music, was to stay.

    Let us now move over to the Advent season in 1734 in Leipzig. On the first Sunday of Advent, the Thomaskantor performed Telemann’s cantata Machet die Tore weit (Lift up your heads, you gates) in the main worship service. From the second to the


  • Booklet-Text der CD Carus 83.312

    Meinrad Walter

    Was wäre Weihnachten ohne Musik? Bereits die biblischen Engel sprechen die himmlische Friedensbotschaft nicht, sondern sie singen das Gloria in excelsis Deo. Lieder wie O du fröhliche oder Vom Himmel hoch, da komm ich her gehören einfach dazu, wenn es Weihnachten werden soll. Die konzertante Weihnachtsmusik schlechthin aber ist Bachs Weihnachtsoratorium. Mit Paukenschlägen geht es los. Tönet, ihr Pauken!, so hieß die Huldigungskantate für die sächsische Kurfürstin und polnische Königin Maria Josepha, die Bach zur erfolgreichsten Weihnachtsmusik aller Zeiten umgearbeitet hat. Und vielleicht ahnte der Komponist ja sogar, dass jene Königin sang- und klanglos verschwinden wird, Weihnachten hingegen bleibt: als vielgestaltiges Thema, zu dem Bach großartige Musik erfunden hat.

    Versetzen wir uns in die Adventszeit 1734 in Leipzig. Am ersten Adventssonntag hat der Thomaskantor Telemanns Kantate Machet die Tore weit im Hauptgottesdienst musiziert. Vom zweiten bis vierten Advent schwieg dann die festliche Musik, um dem Charakter der Bußzeit Rechnung zu tragen; ein Freiraum, den Bach


  • Part I: The first day of Christmas 1. Coro Shout ye exultant this Day of Salvation,
    glory to God in the highest today!
    Fear ye no longer, forsake lamentation,
    sing ye with gladness, exultant and gay!
    Worship the Master and bow ye before him.
    Come all ye faithful with song to adore him.

    2. Evangelista (Tenore) And in those same days it came to pass, that there went out a decree from Augustus Caesar, that all the world enroll for taxes, and ev’ryone went, that he might be reborded, each going into his own city. And also there went up Joseph from Galilee up out of Nazareth, to the city of David, in Judea, which is called Bethlehem, for Joseph was of the house and of the lineage of David; that there might be enrolled for tax with Mary, Mary, his wedded wife, being great with child. And while they yet were there it came the time


  • Teil I: Am 1. Weihnachtstage 1. Coro Jauchzet, frohlocket! auf, preiset die Tage,
    rühmet, was heute der Höchste getan!
    Lasset das Zagen, verbannet die Klage,
    stimmet voll Jauchzen und Fröhlichkeit an!
    Dienet dem Höchsten mit herrlichen Chören,
    lasst uns den Namen des Herrschers verehren!

    2. Evangelista (Tenore) Es begab sich aber zu der Zeit, dass ein Gebot von dem Kaiser Augusto ausging, dass alle Welt geschätzet würde. Und jedermann ging, dass er sich schätzen ließe, ein jeglicher in seine Stadt. Da machte sich auch auf Joseph aus Galiläa, aus der Stadt Nazareth, in das jüdische Land zur Stadt David, die da heißet Bethlehem; darum, dass er von dem Hause und Geschlechte David war, auf dass er sich schätzen ließe mit Maria, seinem vertrauten Weibe, die war schwanger. Und als sie daselbst waren, kam die Zeit, dass sie


  • Text from the CD Carus 83.312

    Meinrad Walter
    Translation: Erik Dorset

    What would Christmas be without music? The angles in the Bible do not merely speak the divine message of peace; they sing “Gloria in Excelsis Deo.” Songs such as O du fröhliche (O, how joyful) or Vom Himmel hoch, da komm ich her (From Heaven above to Earth I come) are simply part of the Christmas holiday season. But the epitome of Christmas music is Bach’s Christmas Oratorio, which opens with a drum roll. Tönet, ihr Pauken! (Sound, you drums!) was the title of the cantata that paid homage to the Saxon Electress and Polish Queen Maria Josepha, the music of which Bach reworked to make one of the most successful pieces of Christmas music of all time. And maybe even the composer suspected that although that very Queen would disappear silently and wordlessly, Christmas, as a multifaceted


  • Booklet-Text der CD Carus 83.312

    Meinrad Walter

    Was wäre Weihnachten ohne Musik? Bereits die biblischen Engel sprechen die himmlische Friedensbotschaft nicht, sondern sie singen das Gloria in excelsis Deo. Lieder wie O du fröhliche oder Vom Himmel hoch, da komm ich her gehören einfach dazu, wenn es Weihnachten werden soll. Die konzertante Weihnachtsmusik schlechthin aber ist Bachs Weihnachtsoratorium. Mit Paukenschlägen geht es los. Tönet, ihr Pauken!, so hieß die Huldigungskantate für die sächsische Kurfürstin und polnische Königin Maria Josepha, die Bach zur erfolgreichsten Weihnachtsmusik aller Zeiten umgearbeitet hat. Und vielleicht ahnte der Komponist ja sogar, dass jene Königin sang- und klanglos verschwinden wird, Weihnachten hingegen bleibt: als vielgestaltiges Thema, zu dem Bach großartige Musik


  • Part IV: The Circumcision of Christ (New Year’s Day) 36. Coro Bow ye, thankful, kneel and praise ye,
    kneel before the Father’s throne.
    Christ the lord came to save you,
    God for Him your sins forgave you,
    Christ the Lord from pit of Hell will raise you.

    37. Evangelista (Tenore) And when eight days were accomplished for the circumcising of the child, then was the name of the child called Jesus, which was the name the Angel had given, given ere He had been conceived in His mothers womb.

    38. Recitativo con Choral (Soprano e Basso) Immanuel, o word so sweet!
    My Jesus, safe retreat,
    my life my Jesus gave me.
    My Jesus died that He might save me.
    My Jesus’ image dear I prize,


  • Teil IV: Am Fest der Beschneidung Christi (Neujahr) 36. Coro Fallt mit Danken, fallt mit Loben
    vor des Höchsten Gnadenthron!
    Gottes Sohn will der Erden
    Heiland und Erlöser werden,
    Gottes Sohn dämpft der Feinde Wut und Toben.

    37. Evangelista (Tenore) Und da acht Tage um waren, dass das Kind beschnitten würde, da ward sein Name genennet Jesus, welcher genennet war von dem Engel, ehe denn er im Mutterleibe empfangen ward.

    38. Recitativo con Choral (Soprano e Basso) Immanuel, o süßes Wort!
    Mein Jesus heißt mein Hort,
    mein Jesus heißt mein Leben.
    Mein Jesus hat sich mir ergeben,
    mein Jesus soll mir immerfort
    vor meinen Augen schweben.


  • Text from the CD Carus 83.312

    Meinrad Walter
    Translation: Erik Dorset

    What would Christmas be without music? The angles in the Bible do not merely speak the divine message of peace; they sing “Gloria in Excelsis Deo.” Songs such as O du fröhliche (O, how joyful) or Vom Himmel hoch, da komm ich her (From Heaven above to Earth I come) are simply part of the Christmas holiday season. But the epitome of Christmas music is Bach’s Christmas Oratorio, which opens with a drum roll. Tönet, ihr Pauken! (Sound, you drums!) was the title of the cantata that paid homage to the Saxon Electress and Polish Queen Maria Josepha, the music of which Bach reworked to make one of the most successful pieces of Christmas music of all time. And maybe even the composer suspected that although that very Queen would disappear silently and wordlessly, Christmas, as a multifaceted


  • Booklet-Text der CD Carus 83.312

    Meinrad Walter

    Was wäre Weihnachten ohne Musik? Bereits die biblischen Engel sprechen die himmlische Friedensbotschaft nicht, sondern sie singen das Gloria in excelsis Deo. Lieder wie O du fröhliche oder Vom Himmel hoch, da komm ich her gehören einfach dazu, wenn es Weihnachten werden soll. Die konzertante Weihnachtsmusik schlechthin aber ist Bachs Weihnachtsoratorium. Mit Paukenschlägen geht es los. Tönet, ihr Pauken!, so hieß die Huldigungskantate für die sächsische Kurfürstin und polnische Königin Maria Josepha, die Bach zur erfolgreichsten Weihnachtsmusik aller Zeiten umgearbeitet hat. Und vielleicht ahnte der Komponist ja sogar, dass jene Königin sang- und klanglos verschwinden wird, Weihnachten hingegen bleibt: als vielgestaltiges Thema, zu dem Bach großartige Musik


App, Browser based application Carus 73.248/02
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App, voice part soprano Carus 73.248/02-001-000
16,50 € / copy
App, voice part alto Carus 73.248/02-002-000
16,50 € / copy
App, voice part tenore Carus 73.248/02-003-000
16,50 € / copy
App, voice part basso Carus 73.248/02-004-000
16,50 € / copy
  • Johann Sebastian Bach is one of the most important composers of Western music history. He came from a widely ramified musical dynasty, which produced numerous musicians and organists in the Thuringian-Saxon area.

    Bach vocal

    Ever since Carus-Verlag was founded in 1972, publishing the music of Johann Sebastian Bach has been a special focus for us. In the 2017 Reformation anniversary year we completed the Bach vocal project. Bach's complete sacred vocal works are now available in modern Urtext editions, together with performance material. A complete edition of all the full scores is also available in a high quality box set. Personal details
  • Werner Güra studied at the Salzburg Mozarteum. He continued his vocal training with Kurt Widmer in Basle and Margreet Honig in Amsterdam. He has appeared as a guest singer in operas in Frankfurt, Basle, Dresden, Paris and Brussels, and has sung regularly at the Staatsoper in Berlin since 1999. As a concert and oratorio singer he frequently appears with leading orchestras and renowned conductors. He has made a number of tours to Japan. Werner Güra also has a reputation as a Lied interpreter, which is reflected in concerts for international promoters and in his numerous recordings, which have won prestigious awards like the “Diapason d’Or.” Personal details
  • Klaus Häger was born in Wuppertal. After completing his Abitur, he studied music education and later singing with Franz Müller-Heuser, Inge­borg Most and Jürgen Glauß (lied interpretation) in Cologne and Freiburg. He took part in master classes with Sena Jurinac, Ernst Haefliger and ­Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau. As a student, he gave lieder recitals and performed in orchestral concerts and numerous oratorios, both in Germany and abroad. Klaus Häger’s artistic activities include radio, television and CD recordings. He is a prizewinner of numerous international competitions, including the “Bundeswettbewerb Gesang” in 1990 in Berlin (1st prize in the category “concert” and two special prizes.) Klaus Häger has participated in several festivals, e.?g., the Salzburg Festival, the Schwetzingen Festival and the Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival, and has collaborated with renowned conductors. From 1991–1997, Klaus Häger was a member of the ensemble of the Hamburg State Opera, and from 1998–2003, he was a member of the ensemble of the Berlin State Opera. In 2002, he made his debut at the Bayreuth Festival in Die Meister­singer von Nürnberg under Christian Thielemann. In 2004, Klaus Häger was appointed professor at the Rostock University of Music and Drama. Personal details

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