
Submitting a manuscript


Do you wish to submit one of your own compositions for consideration by Carus? Or to submit a work by a third party? Then please observe the following suggestions:


1. Please consider whether your composition would fit in with the Carus music program.


2. Take into consideration that, with regard to the level of difficulty, the demands of the piece and it scoring should be performable by and reach a large group of  musicians.


3. Please take into account whether the scope and length of the composition if practicable for a separate edition – for example, one single song (lied) setting is not easily marketable and would receive little notice in our extensive music program.


4. The text, translations, and, if applicable, the model on which the song is based should be free of claims by third parties, that these should not be under copyright, or, to put it another way, the person(s) who created these text or music should be deceased for more than 70 years. Please also not that Bible translations can also be copyrighted and this is often the case.


5. Please do not send us handwritten manuscripts, rather send only works in which the music has been engraved with a computer (e.g., Sibelius, Dorico, Finale or MusicXML); it would be best to send both the music files containing the engraving as well as a PDF-file of the work. If you send only a PDF-file, we request that you identify the program you used to engrave the music.


6. It is difficult to get a good impression of a composition just by viewing isolated, individual pages. Therefore, please send us the complete composition.


7. Please also keep in mind that good, easily readable music engraving will enhance the chances for your work to be accepted for our music program, since this will reduce the labor and production costs on behalf of Carus.


8. Please do not send us a recording of your work. If a recording exists, then please let us know. If necessary, then we will obtain a copy.

9. Also include brief biographical information and, if warranted, also include a few sentences about your composition; if the work is one composed by a third party, please also include a short biography of that person.

10. Please send us your engraved composition via E-mail to manuskripte[at] . The size of your E-mail should not exceed 10 MB. Due to the time involved, unsolicited copies of manuscripts printed on paper will not be returned to you. Please do not send any original manuscripts which you need to have returned.



Especially for the publication of works by third parties, the follow stipulations apply:

1. The text, translations, and, if applicable, the model on which the song is based should be free of claims by third parties, that these should not be under copyright, or, to put it another way, the person(s) who created these text or music should be deceased for more than 70 years. Please also not that Bible translations can also be copyrighted and this is often the case.

2. Please keep in mind that works elaborate scoring or very difficult works from unknown composers would have little chance of thriving in the concert scene.


Finally, it should be noted that we receive a great number of works to be considered for publication. Processing and evaluating your requests and inquiries may involve a considerable amount of time but regardless of time considerations, we will inform you of our decision. Please refrain from any inquires with regard to your submitted compositions. Thank you for your interest and understanding.